
Shattered bonds

The neon lights of the Leaf Village flickered in the distance as I trudged through the night, the weight of my uniform dragging me down. The scent of ramen wafted from a distant food stand, a cruel reminder of a time when life felt simpler.

Kiba Inuzuka, a man haunted by the shadows of unrequited love. The streets were winding rivers of memories, each corner echoing with the laughter of those who'd found solace in the arms of someone they loved. But not me. Not Kiba.

I stumbled into the dimly lit bar, my haven for drowning my sorrows. The low hum of conversation melded with the soft clinking of glasses. I took a seat at the worn-out counter, signaling the bartender for the usual. The amber liquid burned as it slid down my throat, numbing the pain that lingered like a ghost.

Hinata Hyuga, the love I could never confess. Her radiant eyes haunted my dreams, a constant reminder of the love that slipped through my fingers. She had eyes only for Naruto, the hero of the village, the man with a destiny too grand to be obscured by the likes of me.

I pushed my empty glass forward, signaling for another round, when the familiar voice of my comrade, Shino Aburame, echoed through the bar.

"Kiba, something's happening in the Inuzuka town. Unusual barking, aggressive behavior. You might want to check it out," Shino said, his monotone voice cutting through the haze of my drunken stupor. "We've been trying to call you, why is your phone off?"

I realized the gravity of the situation, this was the first time I've seen Shino this anxious.

"What do you mean, what's happening?" I asked, worriedly.

"I don't know either, I too only heard of this from one of the police scouts of the village, he was looking for you, the Chief of the police. I've passed the message to the hokage, the inuzuka town is far and out skirted but he'll arrive there soon" He explained.

I frowned, my mind sharpening for the first time in days. Inuzuka town was my roots, my pack. The sudden disturbance was like a cruel twist of fate, pulling me back into a reality I'd tried to escape.

The journey to the outskirts was a blur, the alcohol in my veins mixing with a newfound sense of purpose. The familiar scent of dogs lingered in the air, but it was tainted, something darker beneath the surface.

As I approached, the chaotic sounds of barking and growling became deafening. Inuzuka members were running wild, their eyes glazed over with a feral madness. Panic gripped the air, and the once harmonious bond between human and canine now seemed severed.

Panic painted the faces of my fellow Inuzuka, their eyes wide with fear as their loyal companions turned against them.

I spotted Hana, my sister, desperately trying to calm a particularly aggressive dog. Its fur bristled, saliva dripping from its snarling jaws. I moved towards her, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

"Hana, what the hell is going on?" I shouted over the cacophony.

She shot me a frantic look. "Kiba, it's like they've gone rabid. We need to do something before this gets out of control."

I nodded, scanning the chaotic scene. The Inuzuka town, once a symbol of unity between man and beast, now resembled a battlefield.

As I attempted to calm the chaos, Naruto materialized beside me in a flash of orange and black.

"Kiba, what's happening here?" Naruto asked, his blue eyes reflecting concern.

I gritted my teeth, the weight of responsibility settling on my shoulders. "I don't know, Naruto. Something's not right. We need to get this under control before it spreads."

Naruto's expression hardened as he surveyed the scene. "Agreed. Let's round them up and figure out what's causing this."

With a shared nod, we dove into the chaos, herding the frenzied Inuzuka away from their bewildered owners. The snarls and growls surrounded us, creating a dissonant symphony of distress.

The situation escalated as more Inuzuka succumbed to the mysterious madness. Naruto and I moved in sync, a well-practiced team, our unspoken communication a testament to years of shared trials.

As we struggled to contain the chaos, Shino approached, his stoic presence cutting through the tumult.

"Kiba, Naruto. I've been monitoring the situation. There's something more at play here. The dogs may be under a genjutsu of some sort, or they have been infected with a disease that causes them to act violent" Shino explained, his analytical mind already at work.

"Genjutsu affecting so many dogs? it can't be it. The second option is more realistic" explained Naruto.

"Even if so, we should deal with this very quick before I lose more of my inuzuka people.We should work on subduing these wild canines fast."

As Naruto and Shino continued their efforts to subdue the frenzied Inuzuka, my attention wavered, a sudden realization gripping me like a vice. Akamaru—my faithful companion, my partner in every battle—was missing.

Frantic thoughts raced through my mind as I broke away from the chaos, leaving Naruto and Shino to manage the situation. I sprinted through the dimly lit streets, my heart pounding with a mixture of dread and determination.

The path to my home felt like an eternity, the shadows whispering secrets of impending doom. As I burst through the door, the air thickened with tension. The room, once filled with the comforting scent of home, now reeked of something ominous.

"Akamaru!" I called out, my voice echoing through the empty house.

No response.

I rushed to Akamaru's favorite spot, the realization settling like a lead weight in my chest. The dog bed lay empty, the absence of my loyal companion chilling me to the bone.

Panic surged as I scoured the house, my calls growing more desperate with each passing second. Then, a sound reached my ears—a low growl emanating from the darkest corner of the room.

My breath caught as I turned, locking eyes with Akamaru. His fur, once a vibrant red, now stood on end, his eyes clouded with a feral madness. The playful companion I knew was replaced by a creature I couldn't recognize.

"Akamaru, it's me," I whispered, inching forward with caution.

He lunged; teeth bared in a snarl that sent shivers down my spine. This was not the Akamaru I knew, and my heart sank as I realized the depth of the crisis. The infection had taken hold of my closest friend, turning him into a savage version of himself.

I stumbled backward, torn between grief and the need for self-preservation. The room felt like a battleground, the walls closing in as Akamaru circled, a predator eyeing its prey.

Tears blurred my vision as I reached a painful decision. The bond between an Inuzuka and their canine companion was sacred, but I had to protect the village, even if it meant facing the reality that Akamaru was no longer the friend I once knew.

Summoning all the strength within me, I grabbed a length of cloth, fashioning a makeshift leash. With a heavy heart, I lunged forward, dodging Akamaru's frenzied attacks until I managed to secure the restraint around him.

The once joyful barks were replaced by mournful howls as I led Akamaru out of the house. The weight of the moment pressed down on me, the shattered bond between man and beast etched into my soul.

As I rejoined Naruto and Shino, Akamaru in tow, the weight of the makeshift leash felt like chains around my heart. The once-jovial companion now snarled and struggled against the restraint, a feral gleam in his eyes that mirrored the madness that had infected the other Inuzuka.

Naruto's gaze shifted from the chaos around us to the heart-wrenching scene unfolding between me and Akamaru. His eyes, filled with understanding, conveyed a silent promise: we'd find a way to fix this.

The moon hung heavy in the night sky, casting an eerie glow on the battleground that Inuzuka town had become. Akamaru's growls echoed through the air, a chilling reminder of the shattered bonds that had once defined us.

With a solemn nod to Naruto and Shino, I led Akamaru to a more secluded area, away from the chaos. The makeshift leash strained against his frenzied attempts to break free, the sound of his howls tearing at the fabric of my soul.

"Akamaru, please. It's me, Kiba. I won't let you go down like this," I pleaded, my voice choked with emotion.

He lunged, teeth snapping dangerously close to my face. The bond we once shared felt like a distant memory, replaced by a savage creature driven by instincts I couldn't comprehend.

Determination burned in my eyes as I dodged his attacks, my movements fueled by a mix of sorrow and resolve. The battleground became an arena of conflicting emotions, a tragic dance between a man and his best friend turned adversary.

I moved with a practiced agility, anticipating Akamaru's every move. Yet, each dodge, each parry, felt like a betrayal of the bond we'd forged over the years. The weight of the leash became heavier with every passing second, a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil within me.

In a moment of distraction, Akamaru lunged with a ferocity that caught me off guard. His jaws clamped down on my forearm, teeth sinking into flesh. Pain radiated through my body, but I gritted my teeth, refusing to let the agony cloud my purpose.

"Akamaru, I won't let this be the end for us," I whispered through clenched teeth.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I wrestled against the frenzied beast, my free hand reached up as my nails turned to sharp claws covered in mucus. I lunged the claws in Akamaru with a swift motion. This was an Inuzuka technique taught to us as kids since the dogs are usually not so trusting in the beginning of the relationship. This move is a way for us to tranquilize the dog if it ever attacks. Though many usually end up forgetting this technique since there are zero to none canine attacks that happen in this town.

The struggle continued, but the once-vicious attacks grew weaker. Akamaru's eyes, clouded with madness, slowly regained a glimmer of recognition. The battle between man and beast was a symphony of pain and despair, but I refused to let go.

Finally, as the tranquilizer took full effect, Akamaru collapsed in my arms. The battleground fell silent, the moonlight casting a somber glow on the broken bond that lay between us.

I cradled my companion, tears mingling with the fur I had come to know so well. The weight of the night pressed down on me, a heavy reminder of the sacrifices made to protect the village, even when it meant facing the anguish of a shattered bond.

Most of the infected Inuzuka were subdued, but the mystery of what unleashed this chaos loomed like a storm on the horizon. As the village slept, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning—a twisted prelude to a symphony of chaos that threatened to shatter the fragile bonds we held dear.

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