
Fanfiction for Tales of Demons and Gods / Rage of the Demon God Hybrid

In the Tiny World, where Svetozar stands. There are two Demonic Beast Empires: the Empires of Light and Darkness. Crown Prince Zhu Xi Yu, who has three of the strongest bloodlines, was born at the Legendary Rank! But as he finds out at 2 years old, he is a Hybrid - Disabled! Due to the conflict between these three bloodlines, his potential is limited to the Heavenly Fate Rank for the rest of his very short life! And even his very powerful relatives, in the person of his grandmother the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and the mysterious father of the Ancient Dragon, could not help him. Over time, everyone simply gave up and accepted this inevitable fact! What will happen if at the age of 4, while playing in the treasury, he receives a memory from a 25-year-old archaeologist from Earth who read "Tales of Demons and Gods"???

Kaniu · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 9 Malifica's Ring

- Ready! - Xi Yu breathed out a sigh of relief and said.

When Xi Yu removed his hands, Xiao Ning'er was disappointed. I had to admit, the massage worked wonders! The pain that had tormented her for so long disappeared.

"Thank you," Xiao Ning'er replied in a quiet voice, fastening the buttons with a thoughtful face, "So much suffering could have been avoided with a few minutes of massage... How stupid it was of me to endure all this pain. You just needed to see a doctor. If I had contacted earlier, I would have been cured even faster than in 10 days... There was no need to let the disease get to such a state. I will need to learn this Daoyin massage technique tomorrow..."

- Now you need to rest for a few days. The pain, if it returns, will not be as strong. I will have a massage every three days. A couple more sessions and you will be healthy. And don't train at night. If you absorb too much energy from the moon, but fail to harmonize it, the consequences will be serious!

- Yes! - Xiao Ning'er nodded. Of course, she wouldn't dare to train at night anymore. If it weren't for Xi Yu, she would have no idea what a terrible fate awaited her! All efforts could go to waste!


"Well, I have to go," seeing that Xiao Ning'er had no more questions, Xi Yu stood up and declared.

"Oh, yes..." Xiao Ning'er could not express all the gratitude she felt towards Xi Yu in words.

- Xi Yu, you helped me. If you ever need help, I will do my best to help you! - Xiao Ning'er said a moment later, with a serious and decisive look, as never before in life. Finally, there was a person whom Xiao Ning'er could rely on, no matter what the cost, but she would definitely lend him a helping hand in difficult times, even at the cost of her life.

- I accept your sincere desire to help me. But I don't think you'll ever have that chance. You don't need to feel obligated to me. Seeing your persistence, your efforts and unwillingness to submit to the will of fate until the last moment, I simply could not pass by. My help to you is not a sign of pity at all; there are many people who are in much worse condition than you. But no one fights, they simply bow their heads and obey. Your strong spirit and unshakable determination, at such an early age... It was these qualities of yours that forced me to help you.If you were as resigned to fate as the others, I would not waste my time helping you. Okay, enough about this, we'll meet right there in 3 days - Xi Yu turned around and left, instantly disappearing into the dark thicket.


Xiao Ning'er looked after him for a long time, without moving from her place. The pain went away, and she suddenly felt incredibly happy. She was very pleased by Xi Yu's praise. For the first time in her life, someone noticed her efforts and appreciated her.


- Xi Yu, who are you really? - Xiao Ning'er said quietly, watching as the object of her close attention disappeared from sight, and then, in high spirits, she headed towards the exit from the training ground.


"I will become stronger, and the time will come when I can stand next to you. And then... I just don't believe that I won't have a way to repay you..." Xiao Ning'er thought as she returned home.


"Oh, what a cutie Xiao Ning'er is, I just want to hug and stroke..." Xi Yu pondered.


As soon as Xi Yu approached the gate of the training ground, a female silhouette appeared next to him.


- When did you return to Ayana? - Xi Yu asked in surprise.


"Half an hour ago, Your Highness," Ayane answered humbly, as always.


- How did you find me? - Xi Yu asked interestedly.


"After using the technique of Absorption and Assimilation of the Race, you began to emit a strong presence..." Ayane answered thoughtfully, handing Xi Yu the treasure that he had asked for earlier. She didn't think about it herself. As soon as she returned to Svetozar, she immediately sensed the whereabouts of her Master and immediately headed towards him.


"This is really the Ring of the Dark Lord... Amazing..." thought Xi Yu, enthusiastically examining the ring inscribed with ancient runes.


From the knowledge that he received from Nie Li, Xi Yu became aware. That this ring belonged to a bloodthirsty killer from the Draconic Ruins Realm, whom everyone called the Dark Lord.


He became famous for carrying out murders on absolutely everyone! If you have enough Spiritual Stones, then you can order anyone below the Martial Ancestor! The Holy Daughter of the Patriarch of a powerful human sect or the Blessed Son of the Demon God Sect, it doesn't matter. If the order for murder came to the Dark Lord, no matter how they were guarded, they would still die.


Nobody knows how he did it. Some said that he became invisible and could not be felt, while others said that he teleported directly to his victim. But no one knew exactly how he killed his targets and got away from under the noses of even the Martial Ancestors.


The Dark Lord was at one time the most wanted killer, due to the fact that he killed so many geniuses of powerful sects. When he disappeared, his organization disintegrated, and the remaining members of the Dark Lord's organization wrote his biography. And the ring that Xi Yu was holding in his hands was in the back of the Dark Lord's equipment, which he called the Malifica Ring.


"Ayane, what changes did you feel in me now?" Xi Yu asked when he put on the Malifica Ring.


"Sorry, Your Highness, but I couldn't feel any changes..." Ayane apologized, no matter how hard she tried, she didn't notice that anything had changed in Xi Yu.

- You have nothing to apologize for, since you didn't feel them, it means they didn't happen... Perhaps this ring is the same as that Medallion, requiring blood to bind to the user. - Xi Yu explained his guess.

"Your Highness can try it out for me first, what if something happens to you like then because of the Soul Medallion," Ayane expressed her concern.

- Don't worry, even what happened then with the Soul Medallion was for my good, I received Wisdom. You're just overprotective of me, you need to think about it. If I am always under your care, I will never be able to grow out of it. You don't want me to become the same as those useless offspring of aristocrats, do you? Who constantly use the name of their family, and until the end of their lives, remain trash incapable of anything - asked Xi Yu, looking back at Ayane walking behind, entering the mansion.

"Of course not... But thoughtlessly exposing yourself to danger is also not acceptable," Ayane answered with hesitation.

- And who is talking about something thoughtless? I thought it over well, I'm already at the 3rd Star Bronze Rank and when... - Before Xi Yu could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

- What? Are you already at 3 Bronze star? But how? "You were just at the initial stage of development today," Ayane asked excitedly, grabbing Xi Yu's hand and checking his cultivation. After all, she knew that because of the Soul Locket, no one would be able to sense Xi Yu's cultivation.

Even when he was standing opposite Ye Mo, a very sensitive peak Legendary Demon Cultivator. Being at Legend Rank 5 Star, Xi Yu seemed like an ordinary person to him.

"It's amazing, your body is so harmonious and overflowing with vitality... You are indeed at Bronze Rank 3 Star, but your body... Using the Race Absorption and Assimilation technique was the right decision!" But still, how did you manage to break through to 3 bronze so quickly? Although you absorb Spiritual Energy very quickly even now, this should have been enough for a maximum of 1 bronze," Ayane said enthusiastically.

"Don't look at the fact that my body is quickly absorbing spiritual energy." Although it is quickly absorbed, it goes through several stages of purification and compression before entering my Demon Soul Vessel. Because of which, my Demon Soul Vessel receives only 10% of the amount that my body absorbs... - Xi Yu answered in an upset voice.

- 10%? Demon Soul Vessel? - Ayane asked incomprehensibly, pushing back the chair for Xi Yu to sit at the table.

"Demon Soul Vessel, that's what I called what was formed when Nie Li's Soul Vessel and my Demon Spirit combined. Because of the technique of Absorption and Assimilation of the Race, they merged into one, and because of the treasures that I used, my Spiritual Energy changed greatly. It is much denser and cleaner than others. When Spiritual Energy is absorbed into my body, it undergoes purification. Dirty Spiritual Energy is expelled and is no longer absorbed by the body, and pure Spiritual Energy is absorbed into the area of ​​the Demon Soul Vessel. After which, the pure Spiritual Energy is compressed, or better said, condensed, and only then is it absorbed by my Demon Soul Vessel," Xi Yu explained, drinking tea that was served to him by Ayane, who was listening attentively.

In these 12 years, Xi Yu has only eaten food a few times, Demonic Beasts in general can only feed on Spiritual Energy. But Demonic Beasts don't know how to cook food, so it turns out that it's better to saturate the body with Energy. But Lei Xi Yu from Earth loved to drink tea, and when, for fun, Zhu Xi Yu tried a bunch of different varieties, he really liked one, and from time to time Ayane prepares it for him depending on his mood.

"So this is amazing, Mister, this means that at the same level of development as you, you will be invincible," Ayane said joyfully, pouring tea into her cup.

- That's how it is, but if it weren't for this incident... I would have achieved my previous development in a year, and so I have to wait 10 years? What about Heavenly Fate? And even higher? I am ten times stronger than practitioners at my level, but it is ten times more difficult for me than for them... I only hope that in the Draconic Ruins Realm the Heavenly Energy will be purer and denser than that which my Demon Soul Vessel desires... Otherwise, It will take me forever to grow up... - Xi Yu poured out his indignation.

- You are wrong, Your Highness, the stronger you are than others at your level of development, the better. Because not only does this make you invincible at your level, but it also makes your breakthroughs easier, strengthens your foundation... You will never run into the wall that I ran into! - Ayane answered excitedly and joyfully.


- Haa... You just don't understand, I simply don't have 100 quiet years to become strong, not to mention the 1,000th anniversary... And I wouldn't have collided with the wall without this compaction... My the potential is already limitless and open to its fullest... Although, maybe precisely because of this, my Spiritual Energy is so pure and dense... Okay, that is, that is... - Xi Yu answered thoughtfully.


"Your Highness, you still haven't answered me, how is it that your cultivation rose to 3-star Bronze Rank in the few hours that I was away?" - Ayane asked interestedly.


"I selected a suitable cultivation technique for my Demon Soul Vessel, and because of this, the Soul Image Formation occurred...

- What is the Formation of the Image of the Soul? - Ayane asked incomprehensibly.

"For Fierce Beasts, provided that they live in a good environment and have potential, the Unblocking of Spiritual Wisdom occurs, and for people, the Formation of the Soul Image..." Xi Yu patiently explained.


- You are amazing, Sir, if you compare those who have Unblocked Spiritual Wisdom and those who have not... Then Forming the Image of the Soul in a person is probably something amazing! - Ayane said in awe, looking at Xi Yu.


"When I get stronger, I'll help you use the Race Absorption and Assimilation Technique, I even already have a candidate for you," Xi Yu said in anticipation.


- Should I do this? I'm already at the 5th Realm of Heavenly Fate... - Ayane asked uncertainly.


- It's not already! It's just! With your bloodline, you have already reached your limit, but if you are combined with the infinite potential of a person... And choose the right technique for cultivation... Then the Martial Ancestor may not be your limit... - Xi Yu enthusiastically explained, he always wanted help your nanny somehow. But even if you help her break through her chapel, she will not be able to go far and will run into the next one.

"As you wish, Your Highness," Ayane answered doubtfully. She did not want to unite herself with a person and she did not believe that this would make her stronger. But if this is the desire of her Master, she will fulfill it unquestioningly.

She didn't understand why her Master constantly repeated that people have endless potential. No matter how she looks at people, in her eyes they are nothing more than pathetic insects. Although there are strong people in the Draconic Ruins Realm, the Demon God Sect is still the strongest! Although there are tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of times more people than developed Demonic Beasts, many of whom simply call themselves Demons. People still can't do anything...

[Do not confuse Fierce Beasts, which live by instinct like animals, with Demonic Beasts. Only those who are born with Unlocked Spiritual Wisdom are considered Demonic Beasts]

"Okay, it's time to shed blood..." Xi Yu said and slightly biting his hand, he began to drip blood onto the ring on the finger of his other hand.

And then, after 3 drops, the Ring of Malifica began to glow with a dazzling light, and runes began to rise along Xi Yu's hand, plunging into his head. The process lasted only a few minutes, after which the ring shone and disappeared without a trace, but Xi Yu felt that it was still on his finger.

"Jackpot! This is not just a ring! This ring is absolutely amazing! It hides at will: presence, any types of energy, smells and sounds. And it can also teleport to where you have already been since you tied the Malific Ring to yourself. Also, it has limitless space inside for non-living objects, and can become invisible at will... What an amazing thing," thought Xi Yu, having received instructions on how to use the Malifica Ring through a stream of runes.

- How are you feeling, Your Highness? - Ayane began to ask worriedly, examining Xi Yu.

"I'm fine Ayane, there's no need to worry." Tell me now what has changed? - Xi Yu said, activating the concealments he needed.

-You have ceased to radiate presence, and no kind of energy is felt from you. What a stunning ring! Being on the 5th Sphere of Heavenly Fate, I feel you as an ordinary person... - Ayane said excitedly, looking between Xi Yu and the place where the ring had recently been.

[The rank of development is determined by Spiritual Energy, and the Strength of the Physical Body by presence.]

- I can make it invisible... And it also has limitless space. "I wonder what's there," Xi Yu said and looked inside the ring with his Spiritual Energy, after which shock appeared on his face.

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