
Fanfiction for Tales of Demons and Gods / Rage of the Demon God Hybrid

In the Tiny World, where Svetozar stands. There are two Demonic Beast Empires: the Empires of Light and Darkness. Crown Prince Zhu Xi Yu, who has three of the strongest bloodlines, was born at the Legendary Rank! But as he finds out at 2 years old, he is a Hybrid - Disabled! Due to the conflict between these three bloodlines, his potential is limited to the Heavenly Fate Rank for the rest of his very short life! And even his very powerful relatives, in the person of his grandmother the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and the mysterious father of the Ancient Dragon, could not help him. Over time, everyone simply gave up and accepted this inevitable fact! What will happen if at the age of 4, while playing in the treasury, he receives a memory from a 25-year-old archaeologist from Earth who read "Tales of Demons and Gods"???

Kaniu · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 2 Motivation

"Probably, like in the light novel, it was absorbed into my body, or simply disappeared" - not having found the Medallion, Xi Yu hoped for the last opportunity to find it, crossing his legs and sitting in a meditation pose, trying to feel the location of the Medallion. And as expected, he ended up in the Xi Yu Spiritual World, but he no longer looked like a coin. It broke up into an endless sea of ​​runes that filled everything around as if exploring the territory. After which they began to disappear, having assimilated into the spiritual world of Xi Yu.

- Great! Now we need knowledge! Knowledge is the key to success in solving any problem! Ayane, take me to the library, I want to study. I know too little..." Xi Yu said, being in a great mood from being able to acquire such a mysterious and powerful Soul Artifact.

- Your Highness... Your changes... Will everything be okay with you? - Ayane asked worriedly, upset that her negligence did not save Xi Yu. Although gaining knowledge and life experience is good, but now her young Master, who is only 4 years old, has lost the opportunity to have a happy childhood.

- Everything is fine. Ayane, don't worry, I haven't changed much... All that has changed in me is that I have become more intelligent. And I will no longer give up, as I did when I was two years old. Although I am a Hybrid - Disabled, I will not give up... My eyes will not go out, and I will not be a nonentity, I will look for a way until I find it! - Xi Yu said in a serious voice, and turned around and looked straight into Ayana's eyes.

Xi Yu did not like to order Ayana, as he was attached to her from an early age. And although she didn't talk about it, she still appreciated the fact that he didn't treat her like a slave, although he could.

"Okay, Your Highness..." Ayane answered obediently, she could not say anything else. After all, she herself was sad to watch the desperate Xi Yu when he learned that he could not help his mother and grandmother. Even if his goals were impossible to achieve, he at least developed aspirations for knowledge. And it wasn't that bad!


---------------8 years later------------

During these 8 years, Xi Yu learned a lot, and his soul helped him with this! He didn't notice it right away, but Xi Yu's thoughts and judgments became much clearer and clearer, even better than Lei Xi Yu's! His memory was already excellent, but it became absolutely phenomenal! He began to memorize large amounts of information that have no semantic connection. He began to think and come to logical conclusions quickly and accurately. And he owes it all to Lei Xi Yu! Now Zhu Xi Yu understood why the Lei family adopted him, he really had talent. Especially in such an information world where he lived.


First, Xi Yu decided on the ultimate goal that he would strive for, and that was victory over the Sage Emperor! As he learned from Lei Xi Yu's memory, there is a well-suited saying on Earth: "Great goals make great people." And no one wants to live under the yoke of another, but the Sage Emperor simply oppresses both the Demon God Sect that obeys him and the human Sects that are unaware of his existence. Treating the world as his personal sandbox, where still in embryo, he kills all those who in the future may approach his power.

Xi Yu has finally found a way to achieve power! This happened when he was 8 years old. And already speaking 18 different languages, Xi Yu found the Technique of Absorption and Assimilation of Race. He called it that, since its original name carried the same meaning, but only in a very complex language.

This technique came from the world of Aquanis, a world filled with the Mermaid race. As is known from their history, they originated from the Rusilus fish. They were the most intelligent species of fish, and for hundreds of thousands of years, they were the Imperial Family of the underwater kingdom. Until one day they met the human race, and envied the convenience of using arms instead of fins. They admired fingers and their wide range of uses in life. After which, over hundreds of thousands of years of experimenting with different techniques and people, trying to grow his own hands. They did not create the Race Absorption and Assimilation technique.

This technique allowed them to assimilate with humans. The advantage of technology is that the user of technology can choose what is useful to him and discard what he does not need. So they combined the upper part of the human body and the lower part of the fish body

But the disadvantage of this technique is that it can only be used once in a lifetime, and all the strength accumulated over the years is lost. In other words, if Xi Yu assimilates with a person, then his cultivation will fall to the very bottom.

Demonic Beasts do not control Spiritual Energy like Demon Summoners do. Their bodies automatically absorb and assimilate Spiritual Energy. Which makes their bodies as monstrously powerful as Demon Summoners combined with a Demon Spirit.


Since Xi Yu, at the age of 12, was already at the 5th star of the Legendary Rank, he was very sorry to part with his cultivation and degrade to an ordinary mortal. But remembering how long it took Nie Li to reach 5 Stars Legend Rank... Xi Yu's reluctance immediately fell silent, he realized that he had no choice! Xi Yu needs people's potential!


Once Xi Yu found this technique, he became eager to unite himself with a human. So that he would have a Soul Vessel, and Xi Yu could become a Demon Summoner.


Xi Yu thought with anticipation about what would happen if he had the body of a Demonic Beast and a Demon Cultivator Soul Vessel...


Since Xi Yu did not want to take unnecessary risks, he performed the ritual of this technique on the Fire Tiger and Wind Crow. And he was very pleased with the result! As a result, the Tiger's soul defeated and absorbed the Raven's soul, his Demon Spirit mutated and he took the element of wind and wings from the Raven. And the Tiger came out with the wings of a raven, the attributes of wind and fire. True, because of his unreasonableness and verbosity, Xi Yu got rid of him in order not to leave traces and keep this technique a secret.

During these 8 years, Xi Yu almost never left the library, and the speed and ease with which he learned different languages ​​amazed even him. A man known as China's youngest archaeologist, who knew 14 languages, 6 of which were dead languages.

At just 12 years old, Xi Yu has already learned 38 languages ​​of this world. And the mermaid language was the second most difficult to learn. The imperial library had an innumerable number of books, and the formation of time and space. This formation is set to a 1x10 time flow. When reading books in a library for 10 years, only one year passes in real time. True, you can only enter the library with your soul, while your body remains outside its boundaries.

Xi Yu did not spend all 8 years in the library, but if you add up the time spent on the things he did outside the library. It's a stretch for them to last for 1 year, which means that he spent at least 70 years in the library! At first, Ayane wailed all the time and was worried because of his fanatical desire for knowledge. But she soon reconciled herself and did not interfere with his development.

During these 8 years, Xi Yu was not visited by either her mother or her grandmother. Only Ayane was with him, and sometimes Latfi came, who was only pleased by Xi Yu's thirst for knowledge.

Apart from these two, no one else cared about Xi Yu. As far as he knew, high-class Demonic Beasts could live for thousands of years. A couple of decades for them is like a few weeks or months for a person. And this is the only reason why Xi Yu did not do anything stupid... He believed that a good foundation was more important than several years of delay in destroying the Demon God Sect!


But this was still alarming... Xi Yu well remembered how reluctant his mother was to part with him. He was still small, and although he remembered movements and gestures, Xi Yu did not know what she was telling him. The baby did not know the language, and Xi Yu received a good memory only at the age of 4, after the merger of the souls of Lei Xi Yu and Zhu Xi Yu.

And if his mother and grandmother loved him, then why did they stay in the Draconic Ruins Realm and not return with him? For what reason did Xi Yu's mother go to the tiny world to give birth? Which no one can get into from the outside... There is only one conclusion! They are deprived of the freedom to choose, and are forced to act as they do not want... Every time Xi Yu became mentally tired during these 70 years of reading, and his motivation ran out, he asked himself these questions, and his motivation flared up with renewed vigor

As Xi Yu found out from the history of the Lakti Empire of Light. Thousands of years ago when his grandfather Zhu Long, breaking through the Legendary Rank to the first realm of Heavenly Fate. He was attacked by over 300 human Legend Rank masters. But none of the attackers survived, and when he finally broke through, war broke out. At the end of which, the human race was destroyed.


But from the light novel, Xi Yu knew that there was a human city, Svetozar, in which millions of people lived. Apparently, he was somehow hidden by the Spiritual God of the Law of Void - Ming Fei from the Nether Realm.


Although Xi Yu spent 70 years in the library, he was never able to read all the books in it. He settled on 24,864 books; on average, it took Xi Yu a day to read and comprehend a book. There were no more than a hundred books in the library, which took him from 2 to 13 days. These books were really interesting and deep. One of the books that made a deep impression on Xi Yu was a book called "The Source of Power." It contained a total of 898 cultivation techniques for different vessels, forms and attributes of people's souls. But memorizing and comprehending each of these 898 techniques took Xi Yu a full 13 days! Each page of the book was carved on a thin wooden plank, from a tree unknown to him.

And the techniques are an infinite number of times more complex and deeper than all those that he had encountered before. And not one of these development techniques was mentioned in the work The Tale of Demons and Gods by Wang Tai.


Xi Yu did not count on the fact that everything written in the light novel was the adamant truth. He noticed that some points from the Tale of Demons and Gods would diverge from reality. Not all facts should be comparable to the light novel. Even if a lot is lost and added between Light Novel, Manga and Anime, then what can we say about real events.


But even so, things like the Chant technique, Spiritual Gods, Demonic Beasts, Laws, Tiny World, Draconic Ruins Realm, Demon God Sect, Ancient Demonic Holy Land, cultivation levels from Bronze to Martial Ancestor, Nether Spiritual God Realm of Void Law - Ming Fei and much more... They leave Xi Yu no room for doubt that the work "The Tale of Demons and Gods" was based on his own world. And even about his grandfather it was written there...

So there you go! Although Xi Yu did not read all the books in the library, he read all the oldest ones and those books whose topics interested him.


He found many techniques, but not many of them can be used by him, at least for now... As Xi Yu found out, his bloodline does not have the primacy of the clan. Essentially, he is a useless hybrid who has absorbed many strong bloodlines, which are in conflict with each other, unable to reveal their potential... If Xi Yu does nothing about it, his ceiling is the Heavenly Star Sphere. Being a hybrid with the Dragon, Kitsune, and Spiritual Ice God bloodlines... Xi Yu does not have a fundamental bloodline to pin all the others on. To put it simply, Xi Yu is a half-breed, with powerful, but incompatible DNA.


And here the Technique of Absorption and Assimilation of the Race plays the main role! If Xi Yu lays the foundation as the best of man and rests all his powerful bloodlines on this solid foundation... The potential of each of his three bloodlines will be discovered and strengthened. This is just a theory, and he is not completely sure, but hope is better than nothing!


In recent days, Xi Yu has become anxious, his intuition seems to want to tell him something, so most likely it's time to go to Svetozar.


Xi Yu didn't know what year it was in Svetozar, and didn't know whether Nie Li was born. But he knew for sure that his grandfather Zhu Long was still in the Northern Heavenly Ice Plain. He is encased in thick ice, awaiting the Seventh Lotus, which is equal to the 7th sphere of the Heavenly Fate Realm. In this tiny world, to reach his level of cultivation... He deserves nothing but respect for his patience and perseverance!


If he went to the Draconic Ruins Realm, he would already be at least at the level of the Dragon Dao, if not a Martial Ancestor. But there were two good reasons for not going there: Firstly, this is the Spark of the Spiritual God, it is very valuable, and its 6-7 Realms of Heavenly Fate mean nothing to the Draconic Ruins Realm. Secondly, he did not want to bend his back in front of the strongmen of the Draconic Ruins Realm, the Spiritual God of Ice remained here, continuing to learn the secrets of the laws, just as his ancestors did.


Even such a strong personality as Amber, who has strength many times greater than Zhu Long. I had to bow my head after joining the Demon God Sect after entering the Draconic Ruins Realm. Although if it weren't for protecting her family, she wouldn't even think about going there.


"Ayane, pack your things, we are going on a trip for the next two years," Xi Yu said. Driving away thoughts that cause him anxiety and a feeling of powerlessness, filling him with helplessness.



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