
Fanfic #12 Project Patriot by lueFlameMasta (Worm/DC |OC|Power!copy|Early Divergence)

This fanfic has an oc with the powers of Darkseid, it's not an exact copy so it doesn't break the universe. It's really interesting because it really expands the world of worm as powers started showing up.

Synopsis: This is not DC crossover, only power!copy of sort. As this is a very early divergence from Worm canon, there will more than likely be some changes to the timeline.

Rated: M

words: 46k


Here's the first chapter:


The first thing that bloomed into my mind was the feeling of discomfort from my body contorted in an awkward position as if stuck in something, followed quickly by a faraway, almost nonexistent and numb feeling of coldness.

I tried to move, but the slightest of tugs of my limbs caused some awful squeal to fill my ears. Wincing at the sudden and unwanted noise I continued, even as more and more sounds began to reach me.

The blinding light was next, hitting me full force the moment I tried to open my eyes and forcing me to close them almost immediately after.

Feeling irritation on top of the disorientation, I pulled and one harsh screech later my hand was free and finally I was able to shield my face as I sluggishly retried to take a look at what was holding me.

It was a car.

Or at least it used to be a car before something crashed into it and broke the whole thing in two…

…and then left me inside I guess?

Any further thoughts and questions were thrown aside as the yell came from the side, my attention snapping from my hand to the man in blue, standing a few feet aside and watching me with wide eyes.

"Sir! Are you… are you alright, sir?!" the policeman called, leaned slightly forward, but unwilling to take another step closer.

I open my mouth to give him an answer before I realized that I really didn't have one. My eyes returned to my body, stuck into the remains of a car at the side of the wide road I didn't recognize, surrounded by tall buildings and numerous bystanders keeping their distance.

Also, I was completely naked too, as I quickly realized.

"No? I don't think I…" I said, the next few words lost in another shriek as I pulled my other hand from the car's remains "Could I… Could I get some pants, please?"


The room they led me to was small, barely big enough for the two chairs and the small table that was placed within it.

I wasn't really complaining though, at least now I was dressed to some degree now with a slightly too small, checked shirt and some washed-out pants.

No boots, but at least they gave me a mug with something hot inside.

So not that bad all things considered.

Better than been smashed halfway through a random car for sure.

Learning from the experience of twisting the car's frame like hot wax, as well as breaking that one table I lean on too hard after that, I held the cup lightly, making an effort to stay as still as possible.

I wasn't sure how long I spent there, cradling the mug and looking into its swirling surface as my mind wandered, uselessly walking in circles and repeating the events of the day inside of my head. It could have been hours or I could have been no more than twenty minutes, but when the door finally opened again I was startled nonetheless.

An older man with first signs of greying hair entered, measuring me with his gaze as he took the seat across from me.

I didn't pay all that much attention to the policemen that brought me here beside noticing that they all seemed to be kinda short, but the guy before me seemed to be cut from a different cloth altogether.

The suit, tie and a serious face that betrayed nothing.

Maybe in some other circumstances I would be nervous to even sit across from this man, but right now I just wanted some kind of answers to all that happened.

"My name is Malcolm Nelson and I'll be taking your statement about the accident that happened earlier today." He said while laying a file on the table and quickly continuing, without waiting for any kind of response "Your name?"

"I don't know." I said and was immediately greeted with a raised eyebrow from the other man.

"You don't know your name, huh?" he gave me moment to respond, but when I opened my mouth only to close it again without a sound, his eyes narrowed "I'm not sure if you're aware but giving a false testimony really won't help in your situation, quite the opposite in fact, think hard if you really want to stick with that story son."

I tried to say something again, but once more my mouth clicked shut and I swallowed loudly while shaking my head.

"I'll ask again, your name?"

"I… I really don't know, look I-I know how it sounds but I can't remember a goddamn thing from before waking up in that…" the mug creaked as first cracks started to appear on its surface, almost shattering under the slightest pressure, and without thinking much I let go of it.

My hands were shaking now and I quickly clasped them together, hiding them beneath the table desk soon after.

It didn't hit me until I said it out loud, hoping against hope that something, anything really, will appear inside the void that was my memory. But nothing was, not a single moment, place or face, nothing was coming back to me no matter how hard I tried to grasp for it.

I looked up and while the face of the man was still almost as impassive as it was before, the look in his eyes changed, away from simple suspicion that was there before.

"Alright." He finally said, just as he began to stand up "Wait here, I'll be back shortly."

Malcolm left just as quickly as he appeared and once more I was left alone, fighting with myself to not think or fidget too much. In an act of pure necessity to do anything I reached for the cracked cup and sipped at what was inside.

Already cold, the coffee was in itself pretty terrible, too bitter for my taste apparently and if I were to guess it probably wouldn't be that much better while hot either.

I drank it anyway, letting the awful flavor act as a temporary distraction to the world around me.

The door opened again just as I was putting the cup away, once more revealing the somber face of Nelson as he waved at me.

"Come on, follow me." He said and without any other word of explanation made to leave. I hesitated only a second before doing as I was told, quickly catching up and matching his stride.

Huh, he wasn't all that tall either now that I walked beside him.

"For now you'll be John, until we find your real name." he told me as we crossed the twisting corridors of the police station, conversations quickly stopping as we approached and numerous officers stepping out of the way as Nelson moved passed them without a word.

The name itself didn't bother me, it didn't feel right but it wasn't wrong either so I only nodded to myself and decided to not question it for now.

"Alright, but what about that car and… I'm under arrest right?" I asked, less sure of what was happening with every second.

"Not anymore." He said, pushing open the door to the wide lobby "Just do as I say and I'll deal with the rest."

I gave the man a skeptical look, but just like before he didn't stop for even a moment and so I quickly followed once again. The entire lobby was just as quiet as the rest of the building as we were crossing it and the people were visibly staring, their eyes followed us the whole time as if they saw something more than just two guys making their way toward the exit.

Torn between asking what was their problem, where were we going and hundred other questions I wasn't really sure I should be asking, I instead kept on walking and pretended that the attention didn't make me even more nervous.

Just as we were closing in on the exit, my eyes fell on the small TV on the side. Quickly glazing over the news reporters talking vividly about some 'golden man', I focused on the time and date that slowly scrolled down the screen.

Apparently, it was the 20th of May, 1982.

Something about it didn't seem right and I couldn't place why.

With my brows furrowed I stopped and tried to once again grasp for this flimsy feeling of wrongness that spoke to me from those few simple numbers, only to once again encounter the empty void.

"John? We have to go." Nelson spoke from beside me, his steady, decisive voice bringing me back to reality and reminding me of dozens of stares still pointed right at me.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm coming."