
The Statistics Lecture

"Dick Grayson," says the lecturer, pulling him out of her thoughts. "Present." The roll call continues, and Dick gets lost in his thoughts again about his patrol yesterday.

"Okay, class, today we are talking about how correlation doesn't equal causation. I have prepared a graph for you today, please explain what you have learned from it. I will be taking guesses in a few minutes." Dick realizes the graph is about how Bruce Wayne goes on long vacations when Batman gets badly beaten up, and pulls out his phone to call Barbara. "Guys, login to the camera in this lecture room. You're gonna want to see this." He then hangs up.

"Okay. Any realizations from this?" Some students raise their hands. "Yes, Ms. Mercado." "My guess is that Bruce Wayne goes on vacation to beat Batman up." Dick raises his eyebrows at that.

"Okay, good guess, anybody else? Yes, Mr. Welch?" "I think that Bruce Wayne is one of the villains that beats Batman up." By this time, Dick was inwardly chuckling.

"Interesting, yes Ms. Ledesma?" "I think they're the same person." She blushed as she continued, "I mean, the butts match." The class then burst into laughter.

"Very funny Ms. Ledesma. How about you Mr. Grayson?" Not expecting this, Dick said the first thing that popped into his head. "Maybe they're dating?" Instead of the class laughing as he expected, the class suddenly had thoughtful looks on their faces. They actually thought Bruce Wayne and Batman were dating! Dick incredulously looked around the room as the class started to think of evidence that they were dating.' Ha! B is gonna be so confused when I get home!' Dick thought.