
Oh, It's Miraculous

Marinette and Adrien were talking about the upcoming school project, Marinette stumbling over her words as always, when they were drawn to the sounds of a guitar playing. The singer ended her song and Adrien tipped her.

She smiled at him and said, "This song is dedicated to - oh you know who you are,"

He was a model and she was just the daughter of a baker

Every time he smiled her knees would crumble like a piece of paper

'Cause she's in love with him but the words never escaped her lips

And he's always known there's something there but he's afraid of ruining it

Marinette realized what the lyrics were saying and blushed deeply, while Adrien remained oblivious.

'Cause they're made for each other in every conceivable way

Some called it 'right place, right time' but clearly it's got to be fate

Dancing in the moonlight makes it feel like there's no one else around

Oh, it's miraculous that they still haven't figured it out

So they're just friends for now

At miraculous, the singer winked at the couple and they were both startled, 'Who is she? What does she mean? Does she know about Tikki/Plagg?'

She always has a plan so he would follow her into the sun

She says she doesn't love him but she trusts him more than anyone

'Cause there's something about him but she won't admit it to herself

And he's known from the moment they first met that he loves her more than anybody else

Adrien blinked and blushed, realizing that she was singing about Ladybug.

'Cause they're made for each other in every conceivable way

Some called it 'right place, right time' but clearly it's got to be fate

So, pinky promise that they will never let each other down

Oh, it's miraculous that they still haven't figured it out

So they're just friends for now

So try as they may to go in their separate directions

It's impossible to sever a predestined connection

'Cause they're made for each other in every conceivable way

Some called it 'right place, right time' but clearly it's got to be fate

Maybe one day in the distant future they won't be so blind

And they won't need their false identities to hide behind

Marinette and Adrien thought about how they acted differently when talking to each other in their other personas.

Oh, it's miraculous how destiny's intertwined, ooh


"Okay, that's it for today! Thank you for listening!"

After the crowd dispersed, Adrien and Marinette approached the singer. "Who are you? How did you know I was the daughter of a baker?" Marinette asked.

The singer chuckled, "Wouldn't you like to know, lady?"

Adrien immediately defended Marinette, "Don't call her lady like that, it's rude."

She tilted her head, her eyes twinkling with mirth, "But she's not my lady, is she?"

She then walked away from them, singing under her breath, "Oh, it's MIRACULOUS, that they still haven't figured it out," disappearing into the crowds.