
Chapter 8: Portia

With one look at my puffy eyes, his features hardened. He didn't have a clue what took place outside or why Jet had ripped me from his arms in the middle of a song. And now he stared at me, clearly wondering why I'd been crying. I backed away from Bart, who kissed my cheek and patted my arm, although he didn't ask any questions. The pity on his face made me think he might have been the one to send Jet after me so he didn't have to be the bearer of bad news.

Chet held out his hand. I glanced between Bart and Jet even though I didn't know why. Confirmation, acceptance maybe. Neither gave me much to go on. Bart remained stoic while Jet just shrugged. A shrug could mean anything. It could be acknowledgment that it was okay to let Chet take me away, or it could have been her way of saying, "I warned you, and now you're on your own." I should have read it as the last. Instead, I chose the first.

My fingers intertwined with Chet's, which hadn't relaxed in the slightest. He ensured no one would come between us...wherever we were going. Once I made the decision, I didn't hesitate. And when he couldn't create a path for the two of us to go safely through without worry over separation, Chet used his grasp to pull me so I could walk in front of him. He put his hands on my hips to direct me to the stairs. The man was the size of a Brahma bull-when people saw him coming, they stepped aside, essentially staying out of my way.

It didn't occur to me that every one of those students we passed saw the two of us on the dance floor and now heading up the stairs together. Alone. I ignored those who showed us any interest and kept the path he pushed. And when we reached the second floor, it was quieter than downstairs where the music blared.

Chet braided his fingers through mine again when we reached the dark hall. He seemed to be intent on a particular destination. I heard a noise behind me, and a giggly girl-and a guy I assumed to be her boyfriend-knocked at one of the other rooms while making out in front of it. A guy appeared, invited them in, and the two disappeared at the same time Chet tugged me out of the hall.

He flipped on the light and then closed the door behind me. He moved around the space as though it wasn't the first time he'd been in it, turning on the lamp and straightening the comforter on the bed. I had been in several of the dorms, but this was the first frat house I'd been to. The room didn't appear much different than mine in Sander Hall, except there was a queen-sized bed here, versus the two twins in the meager dorm room Jet and I shared; however, these accommodations were much more masculine than ours.

Sirens should be going off in my mind, warning bells blaring in my ears, lights flashing-something. Instead, a dopey smile formed on my mouth, and my cheeks heated when Chet drew nearer. I watched him lean past my shoulder with one hand, while the other settled on my hip. And in one smooth motion, he'd extinguished the overhead light, leaving us standing in the dim bedroom that belonged to some random guy. Chet was close enough that the warmth of his breath tickled my nose, and his fingers dug gently into my side when his eyes met mine. I swam in the blue. Lost myself in the atmosphere. And drowned in his presence.

His lids fell slowly, and mine followed. Our lips met, and his tongue slid across the slit, begging me to open. As if he could smell the desire that radiated off me, his hand slipped from my hip and around my lower back, drawing me impossibly close. The fire I'd felt before was merely kindling compared to the raging inferno that now consumed me. Our mouths moved together, and every swipe of his tongue sent an electric current straight to my pussy. I wound my arms around his neck and dove in for the most intense experience of my life. Nothing compared to the fireworks that exploded behind my eyelids, and I willingly moved with him to the bed, hoping to keep the colors bursting.

With ease, he held me to him as he lowered us both to the mattress and then shifted to his side. Our mouths never parted, our tongues didn't stop dancing, and his fingers began to roam. His calloused hand dipped beneath the hem of my shirt and tickled my skin with eagerness. The fabric rose as he explored further, and with the flick of his wrist, the clasp on my bra released. I didn't even have time to process what he'd done before those rough nubs tweaked my nipple and cupped my breast, kneading it with his palm. I moaned against his mouth, and he eased his thigh between mine. The pressure he applied between my legs brought a wave of satisfaction until he started to use it to excite me.

Every move he made was precise and calculated. I wasn't insecure about my body; I was, however, worried about my inexperience where men were concerned. This was the first real kiss I'd ever had, and I'd definitely never made it to second base. Yet, here I was sliding through them one by one on my way to home plate so I didn't lose the game. Chet slid my shirt over my head and then freed me from my loose bra straps. With my breasts completely exposed, he leaned back to take in the view. I watched his head dip, and my eyes rolled back in my head when he secured his mouth around my peak. Unable to keep my head up, it fell, and my back arched when the sensations took over. He shifted sides, lavishing attention on the other nipple. The sublime aura that engulfed me caused my brain to cease functioning. The synapses no longer fired, connections weren't made. I didn't think to put the brakes on until the sudden knock brought me out of my lust-induced haze. Before I could grasp what was happening, the hall light flooded the room, and two couples stared at us as if we were a porn show set up for their viewing pleasure.

I tried to find something to cover my exposed chest, and when that failed, I flipped over while Chet enjoyed a casual conversation with our audience. It wouldn't have surprised me for Chet to have them sit down for coffee. He wasn't the least bit put off that I'd been caught in a compromised position or even concerned that half of my body lay exposed to strangers. This wasn't the way to introduce myself: Hi, I'm Portia Shaw. C cup. Never been felt up before. Nice to meet you.

For some reason, my mouth and my brain refused to work together. I thought to politely ask them to close the door with them on the other side. It occurred to me to nudge Chet to remind him I remained facedown on the mattress. It even dawned on me to flip the edge of the comforter-the side he wasn't lying on-over me to conceal my goods, at the very least. Instead, I lifted my head enough to cover my eyes and dropped my shoulders, mortified.

Minutes ticked by like hours, and by the time our guests-and I use that term loosely-left, the moment had passed. Chet tried to pick up where he'd left off as though there had been no interruption, and I had just become the whore of Alpha Sigma Phi.

Every muscle from my jaw to my toes tensed when he nuzzled into my neck.

"Mmm. You smell so good." He had to be kidding-the guy just gave me my first voyeur session, and now he wanted to compliment my body wash.

I turned, pushed him away, and sat up. Chet took that as an invitation to use my tit as a pacifier, and I jerked back. "Do you know where my shirt is?"

He huffed and then laughed. "Don't be like that."

"Chet, four strangers just stared at my breasts."

Nothing I said clicked for him. It appeared he thought that with a little cajoling, I'd settle back in and let him have his way. My buzz was gone, and so was my patience. When he tried again, this time with his hand and his salivating mouth, I slapped his fingers away and spun around to get off the opposite side of the mattress. In a search for my top and lingerie, I moved around the room, hunched over to see if they'd managed to get lost under the bed. There was nothing on the damn floor-including my bra and shirt. I couldn't leave here without them. Panic coursed through my veins, and my mind reverted to the worst possible scenario-having to walk out of here and across campus half-naked.

"It's not a big deal, Portia. Do you think this was the first time any of them have seen tits? I can assure you, it's not. Come here." The smile that had bartered with my defenses all night-the one which stole my ability to make rational decisions-once again lured me in.

I took his outstretched hand and allowed him to tug me back to his side. "It's a big deal to me."

"Sweetheart, you're in college. This kind of thing happens all the time. No one cares."