
Chapter 14: Portia

Embarrassment took over. My cheeks flushed with heat, and I struggled to admit the truth. "I've never dated before." It didn't surprise me when his brows raised in shock-even dorks dated. "And other than a game of spin the bottle, I'd never been kissed." I rolled my eyes when he cocked his head, intrigued. "So, as shallow as it sounds, Chet's attention was similar to winning the lottery. He's gorgeous, an athlete, built-"

"I got it." He stopped my description of his friend. "He's a catch. Noted." The wink he sent my direction eased my worry slightly.

"I didn't know what to do or what he expected. I had no idea that going upstairs with him would mean anything more than some heavy..." I tapped my finger on my chin and searched my mind for a word that wasn't detailed, yet descriptive. "Petting."

I needed to stop pussyfooting around and just spit it out. Drawing this out implied more than it was, and even though Chet was an ass, he hadn't forced me into anything. Not really.