
Chapter 1

A dark haired girl sat amongst her peers. She had a book sprawled in front of her. She read through the entrancing passages. Her attention was partially towards the novel she was reading and partially towards her best friend who was unaware of her eavesdropping on his bickering with one of her other friends.

The dark haired girl bit her lip as her lips formed into a small smirk. Whilst continuing to read she hastily raised her hand and hit the brunette on the head. The boy yelped, rubbing the back of his head.

“I didn’t do anything.” The raven haired boy next to the brunette hastily spoke, His hand raised in surrender. “And for the record weren’t you just reading, EunJung”

“I was but I don’t trust you two.” Said girl retaliated.

"Either way, EunJung you cheated." The brunette whined. “You let that dumb head win.

"How could you accuse your best friend of such a thing, Steven.” Said girl, fake gasped. “Besides this is called evening out the odds."

"By cheating." Steve crossed his arms over his chest and pouted like a child who had lost his candy.

"Quit being a sore loser, Steve. You lost the bet. Now pay up." The raven haired boy, Terry grinned.

"Fine." Steve said, continuing to pout.

EunJung shook her head. She glanced up at the clock that hung in the front of the class.

Just another minute to go, She thought. As much as EunJung enjoyed free lessons especially since this one just so happened to be the last lesson, she was itching to get out of school

When the final bell rang, EunJung was beyond thankful for the day to have ended. She quickly swung her backpack over her shoulder and clutched the book in one hand.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." She quickly waved at the two boys, who were still busy gathering their things as EunJung made her way out of the class.

She made her way towards her locker to find two familiar figures leaning close by. One of the shorter guys was talking frantically, leaning against a locker. His blonde hair moving with his sudden movements. His freckles shining against his skin as he spoke. The person next to him was listening attentively as he placed his things in his locker. He had broad shoulders and compared to the other boy was quite muscular. His eyes formed crescents as he smiled, and dimples formed against his cheeks. His blue dyed hair bobbed as he threw his head back laughing at something the blonde said.

Ignoring their presence, EunJung rushed to place her things in her locker. Suddenly, she felt someone blocking her vision. She froze but the familiarity of the gesture made her ease up against the touch and a warm smile spread across her lips. A familiar warmth spread across her body.

"I know it's you, Chris." She placed her own hands over the boy's hand and gently removed them from her eyes to regain her vision. She then spun around to face the blue haired boy from earlier. She pecked Chris’ lips. Chris only smiled sheepishly. His adorable dimples caused EunJung to melt in bliss.

Not even a moment later the blonde appeared, greeting cheerfully.

Averting her gaze away from Chrisopher, EunJung glanced at the adorable freckled boy, Felix, and returned the greeting.

EunJung and Felix had been close friends for a while, having bumped into one another during the start of their high school year. Whilst Chris had been friends with EunJung since her transfer to the school. Though it surely wasn't in any way something EunJung looked forward to, but, a sudden romance bloomed between the two and before anyone knew it. The two were inseparable.

"So are we still planning on meeting up tonight?" Christopher asked as the trio made their way out of the school building.

"Of course we are." EunJung confirmed before she saw her mother's car turning the corner towards the school. She quickly pecked Chris' lips and engulfed Felix in a hug and made her way away from the two before her mother spotted her.

As soon as her mother pulled up in front of the school. EunJung hopped into the car.

"How was school, sweetie?" Her mother asked once EunJung sat in the passenger seat of the car.

"It was okay I guess." EunJung shrugged. Her mother only nodded in response and began driving.

EunJung pulled out her headphones and played one of her playlists. She rested her head against the cool window surface and watched the familiar buildings pass as she drifted off to her thoughts. The music from her headphones became a gentle humming background.

"How much longer, Dad?" A 9 year old EunJung whined impatiently as the car drove through the city.

"Just a little bit more, cupcake." Her father replied using the nickname he gave her.

"Noooo. I'm tired." The child whined once again. Both her parents chuckled and her mother decided to drive whilst her father tried to get the whining 9 year old girl to calm down.

"EunJung, look up at the clouds and tell me what do you see?"

"That cloud looks like a pony." The little girl excitedly squealed.

"Ooo. And what about that one?" Her father asked once again pointing at the sky. The rest of the drive had gone by like that, with her parents exchanging adoring glances. Little had EunJung known that a year later she might not have had the chance to make any more fond memories.

EunJung sighed and a sad smile spread across her lips. Her train of thoughts was derailed and she sat up when she saw that her mother was driving on a different path.

"Mom? This isn't......" She was cut off by her mother.

"I know sweetie. I hope you don't mind but we'll be staying with someone for a few days." Her mom explained.

"With whom?" EunJung asked, pure curiosity taking charge before she could stop herself from speaking. "Is our house getting renovated or something?"

"No, it's not. You'll just have to wait and see." Her mother replied. EunJung could have sworn she saw a spark in her mother's eyes. A spark she hadn't seen since her father's death. The journey continued in comfortable silence.

A few minutes passed by before they were pulling up in front of a house. The creamy walls of the exterior radiated and gave the house its own unique charisma. The windows were extremely large as if they truly belonged to a castle. The shades of red at the window sills, fit perfectly with the creamy walls. A large garden took up the front of the house with a narrow path in between leading to what EunJung supposed was the garage. A large fountain sat at the centre of the garden. EunJung couldn't help but marvel at the site. She could only imagine how beautiful the house would be from the inside.

She followed her mother to the front door still observing each and every detail of the house. The door was opened revealing a tall man, possibly, in his late thirties.

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