
Family of Geniuses

Riya is a director of a leading wedding jewellery company in china who actually is a fallen princess living for her revenge remaining low-key.... Daniel is a man of mysterious power and background keeping himself low-key as he came to china in search for the causes of the disappearance of his older brother.... When two low-key but mysterious people clash, whose lives involved in their own world, how will things unfold? Join me on this awesome journey… Notice: Here Side characters also powerful along with powerful main character.. Villains are dangerous and ruthless in their own way carrying their own stories... This Story also follows the lives of Side characters.. So it's going to be an interesting and fascinating story. Disclaimer: Cover Photo isn't mine, Credit goes to the original owner.

RajuKairi · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Arrival of Lei Enlai (Part 2)

Café Shandong,

Lei Enlai and Un Chung-Ae met at Shandong Cafe. Un Chung-Ae is a Korean detective who has many awards under his name. He works under Lei Enlai's Private force.

When they arrived at the cafe, they attracted quite a lot of attention due to their handsome face and Lei Enlai's unique temperament. But they are used to these kinds of attention so they paid no heed.

After settling down in a private room they ordered some light dishes and started the conversation.

"So, What do you want to talk about?" Lei Enlai asked without beating around the bush.

"Sir, The girl's name is Zhu Ying. She works in the Amy Jewellery branch in City S as a Trainee. She joined the company in July this year after completing her graduation. She has an ordinary background and came from the Zhu family, which is a middle-class family in city Y. But their family business got robbed by her uncle's family after her father was paralyzed in an accident. And her brother's name is Zhu Xiu. He is a student at 'Xen middle school'. He is missing since yesterday. He got captured on the way between his school and his house. He is probably in hands of the mastermind. It is hard to detect the kidnappers as there are very few CCTVS installed in the North West Zone of City S and many roads are remote in that zone. It is the best place for kidnapping." Un Chung-Ae informed the basic situation.

"Got it. Any more?" Enlai ordered after some silence.

"Sir, the main point is the case is quite complex. I think this is not a simple kidnapping or attempt to murder case."Un Chung-Ae expressed solemnly.

"How?" Lei Enlai asked making his body straight from a relaxed position. Un Chung-Ae's sentence piqued his interest.

"Sir while investigating this case, I traced the last 24 hours of activity around Zhu Ying and I got quite a lot of information." Un Chung-Ae continues after some pause

"Another girl is closely related to these incidents. Her name is Nuan Nuan. She is in a team leader position at Amy Jewellery. She and Zhu Ying are friends who graduated from the same University. But she entered the company before Zhu Ying. Due to her talent, she rose from trainee to team leader within 2 months. She and Zhu Ying went to Spring hotel for a business deal. There the girl named Nuan Nuan got drugged and raped. Zhu Ying claimed to drugged her due to jealousy. Yesterday before the accident she was fired from Amy Jewellery by the vice president."

Hearing Un Chung-Ae's information Lei Enlai knitted his eyebrows.

"So sir the case is quite complex and the mastermind behind these incidents skillfully planned the whole incidents." Un Chung-Ae finished his remark.

Both of them become silent for some time as they analysing the situation in their own way.

At that time the door was pushed open and the food order happened to come. With them, the manager tagged along.

"Sir I wish you a great day. Some of them are signature dishes of our cafe. I hope you will like them." The manager said with a flattery smile.

The manager is a middle-aged man with a fat belly. He heard that today two young gentleman booked their VIP private room. So he came to serve them personally.

"Thank you, manager." Lei Enlai said in a flat tone.

"No mention. It is our duty to serve." The manager replied waving his hand.

"Ok. We will not disturb your conversation. Please enjoy yourself. If you have any complaints or feedbacks please let us know." The manager said hurriedly.

"Ok.Sure." Enlai replied.

After they left the room Lei gestured to proceed with the foods.

"Who is the one raped the girl?" After some time Lei Enlai opened his mouth.

"The guy who raped the girl is a Supervisor. His name is Chang Yu. He was recently promoted to the post and the office worker said he had been pursuing the girl named Nuan Nuan before this incidents." Un Chung-Ae informed.

"Hmm..Focus on that guy and trance all call history and call recording during the past 48 hours. If you get any suspicion, inform me. I will take legal action then." Lei Enlai said seriously.

"Ok, sir."Un Chung-Ae nonchalantly nodded his head.

"By the way, Sir I forgot to inform you that the recording of CCTVs on the accident site got deleted by someone. I recovered the recording with the help of Dyan. And the recording shows that after the incidents the two people carried the wounded girl in a cab. But I traced all the patient records admitted within past 24 hours in every hospitals of City S except the VIP ward of First Affiliated Hospital...."

"And Why's that?" Enlai cut off his sentence.

"Sir, Dyan was unavailable then and Yuji was helping me but he couldn't break the firewall of the VIP wards of First Affiliated Hospital." Un Chung-Ae answered with some embarrassment.

"Tse..How can Yuji break this firewall? The First Affiliated Hospital of city S is under 'Bo Medicina'! Its firewall was personally designed by the second young master of Bo family. Even though it is not very tough to crack, it is certainly couldn't done by Yuji. By the way, who is the two guy who carried the girl?" Enlai questioned.

"One is called Lee chao and other I'd called Bo wen. Sir, is he somehow related to Bo family?" Un Chung-Ae asked with some uncertainty.

"Interesting. The case is getting more and more interesting." Enlai smiled without revealing any facts.

"?" Question mark appeared above Un Chung-Ae's head. 'Did I overlook some facts' he thought himself.

"Ok. I got the whole situation roughly. Start from that guy named Chang." Lei ordered tapping his fingers on the table.

"Ok. Got it sir. One more thing to inform you, some gang members threatened the girl this morning. I think they are somehow related to this kidnapping."

"Hmm.. Don't rule out any possibilities.Now we should get going." Lei responded while wiping mouth with napkin after finishing the dinner.

"Yes sir. I will inform you If I discover any vital information." Un Chung-Ae said as they parted on their own way.

After Lei got into his car the driver asked "To the Police headquarter Sir?"

"No, go to the First Affiliated Hospital." ...