
Family Chain

Treasure Elaine Marcus' life spun around when she was chosen as the heiress of the Marcus' fortune. Her ardent and devoted dream of being a ballerina is brought to an abrupt halt. As she steps into this new life of a rich business mogul, she realizes she would not only be faced with the tremor and pressure of being the CEO of a company at a young age, but also with the desire to stay alive in the midst of her blood thirsty and money grubbing step siblings. She suffers emotional traumas being loved by many men, some for her wealth, others for her looks. Trying to live through the betrayal of her friends, Treasure is even more shocked when she finds out the person behind her father's murder

Elettariahelix · Urban
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23 Chs

Interview For Friendship

Treasure woke up very nervous this morning. In fact, she had not been able to sleep properly. First, she had dreamt that she had failed her term's exam, and had totally flopped in her ballet performance, was dragged by the hair by Claude and called a total failure by her very own Mrs Brunet. Her mind skipped when one of her maidservants, Eden came in without knocking.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't know you'd be awake this early." She said with a bow, but Treasure wasn't paying attention. Her balle performance was that faithful day, and she was indeed nervous.

"I can do this, I really can't chicken out now" she assured herself. Eden arranged the room, and quickly brought in her balle costume, well ironed and set for the show.

"Ma'am, its time for your shower." She said and Treasure reluctantly got up to change into her bathrobes. After taking her bath, she dressed up in her school uniform. Eden arranged her balle clothes in her backpack, she left for the dinning room.

As they ate, Mrs Daisy noticed her nervousness, and smiling, she said, "Tresh, I know this is your first performance, but I'm certain you'd do great, so calm down ok? You will do just fine." Treasure forced a smile without saying a word. Outside, Treasure caught a glimpse of someone staring at her. She turned just in time to see Enzo smiling at her from a distance. She stared at him unsure of what to say... "Little Miss, do you want something?" Mr Lockhart asked.

"Bring him to me" Treasure said pointing out to Enzo.

"Hi, why were you standing there?" Treasure asked when Enzo had gotten to her.

"I'm sorry, I...I...wanted to wish you good luck..." He paused and they were both staring at each other without a word. Finally, Treasure spoke,

"I'm inviting you." Enzo was taken aback...

"What...what do you mean?" He asked, but Treasure turned to Mr Lockhart "Bring him to pattison, I want him to watch the dance"she said

"What??!" Enzo exclaimed

"Yes ma'am"... Mr Lockhart replied. Treasure turned to Enzo...

"I hope you don't mind? you contributed to my success after all, so you sure deserve to watch your student...see you at ten" Treasure said as she got into the car. They zoomed off leaving Enzo dumbstruck.

"You must be Sophia's son, right?" Mr Lockhart asked and Enzo nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, you need to prepare yourself, I will come pick you at exactly 9:30, so be fast about whatever you are going to do ok?" Mr Lockhart asked with a broad smile on his face.

"ye...ye..yessir...." Enzo replied visibly shivering.

"Who was that kid?" Mrs Daisy asked Treasure when she had entered the car. "So you really don't know him?" Treasure asked with a smirk on her face.

"Why?.. Is he a celebrity?" Mrs Daisy joked.

"Anyways forget it, I'm almost late for work, and your school seems to be running backwards, away from our car" she said again. Treasure laughed and Mrs Daisy focused her attention on the road.

"I won't be happy if you miss my dance mom" Treasure said a bit worried, but Mrs Daisy replied after looking up the time on her wrist watch.

"Darling, its just 8:45, and your performance is at 10:00, I told you I will leave the office before then, I just want to drop some documents. You need to trust me ok?" she said with a smile across her face.

      "Treasure!!!" Romane yelled running towards Treasure who recoiled to avoid being knocked over by this human truck. After surviving from the deadly hug, Romane released her and began to talk in her usual French accent.

"Oh... I'm so nervous Treasure" she said "yesterday, Ancel came all ze way from Bristol to my 'ouse, and 'e promised to come watch us dance today. When I told 'im I was among ze leaders 'e was so excited zat 'e promised to take me out somewhere after ze dance! Eez'nt zat amazing Treasure?" She asked with so much ecstasy that Treasure didn't dare give a negative answer.

"I want you to come with us." Romane said grabbing Treasure's hand.

"What? I'm sorry but I...." Treasure tried to speak but was interrupted.

"please Treasure, you'd love 'is company I promise" She said trying to persuade Treasure.

"Hey!" Someone exclaimed from behind them, and Treasure saw the perfect excuse to avoid giving Romane an answer...

"Hello!" She replied even when she knew she wasn't the one being spoken to. Romane followed her closely until they got to where the boy stood...

"I'm sorry, I wasn't referring to you..."he said, and both Treasure and Romane walked away feeling a bit awkward. Treasure was sure Romane will continue with her request so she immediately diverted her attention...

"I haven't seen Jake or Vanessa anywhere, are they still at loggerheads?" Romane's countenance fell as she spoke...

"Lexi and I called zem separately over ze phone, asking about ze cause of zeir rift, but zey both refused to tell us what happened, I called Jake times without number but 'e wouldn't bulge... " Treasure was quiet, thinking about what Romane had just said to her.

"If they don't want to tell us, then its fine, but they'd never keep this attitude for too long, or I'd stop being friends with them" Treasure said in anger.

"Hey Treasure" Lexi said walking in, Treasure turned to face her and forced a smile. Lexi was carrying her violin in a bag, and she looked really worried... "What's up with you Lexi? You look terrified." Romane said and Lexi dropped her bag.

"I'm a bit nervous, I don't want to flop today" she said looking very sad. Treasure took her hands and hugged her.

"shuu...you'd be fine, everyone is nervous, Romane and I are, but we are not letting it get the best of us, because we know that at the end, we will do great. So give me a smile..." Treasure said and she smiled

"Hi Treasure!" Vanessa said walking up to meet them. She was holding a Tee board and a painting palette. She looked very simple with her hair packed into a pony tail. She had just gotten to where they stood when Jake walked in too. Seeing them, he wanted to leave when Treasure called out to him.

"Jake! Please come over here." He wanted to ignore her but couldn't get himself to, so he reluctantly walked to where they stood.


he said pretending not to notice Vanessa. Treasure looked him over and realized he was dressed in the same outfit as Vanessa, but he wasn't holding any painting materials.

"What's up? Aren't you painting today?" Treasure asked but he replied with a scornful look,

"no, I changed my mind" Treasure laughed sarcastically, and with a stern voice, she said

"that's good, I'm also changing my mind concerning the both of you, I have chosen not to speak to either of you until you resolve your differences..." Jake and Vanessa were taken aback "But Treasure..." They said simultaneously.

"I don't want to hear it!" Treasure yelled, and turning to face Lexi, she said,

"I will be at the show room, good luck to you." She held Romane on her wrist and walking past Vanessa and Jake, she said,

"good luck to loosing me" They watched her leave trying not to call back. Lexi in turn looked them over and left. They stared at each other for a while and when Vanessa turned to leave, Jake blurted out,

"I'm sorry for ruining our painting class, I'm really sorry." he said

"Its okay... Vanessa replied.

"I kinda over reacted, I'm sorry too, I was a bit jealous, but I'm over that now. Mind you, I never really meant it when I said I could paint without you. In fact you are one of the reasons I'm so nervous today, please tell me you'd be my painting partner" she said with a nervous smile. "Yes, I will" Jake replied and Vanessa hugged him.

"we've got to find Treasure and tell her everything is fine between us? I don't think I can manage not being friends with her" Jake said and Vanessa laughed.

            At the hallway, all the students were dressed up in their various costumes, some carried their musical instruments, others their painting materials. Those in the drama classes, had funny makeovers and ridiculous hair styles on them. Some were still revising their scripts, others were busy chatting with their friends in other classes and admiring their makeovers and costumes.

"She's in the show room, we must hurry" Jake said pulling Vanessa along.

"Do you think zey'd resolve zeir differences?" Romane asked a bit worried.

"They will" Treasure said with much confidence. She checked her wristwatch and realized it was already 9:55.

"We should get dressed and join the others." She said and they both left for the changing room. Meanwhile, Jake and Vanessa arrived at the show room, but couldn't find them. Jake's countenance fell, but Vanessa cheered him up.

"Don't worry, we will find them later, its almost time, and we need to get ready too, please" Vanessa pleaded and Jake reluctantly left with her.

     "Eez time girls, remember, you must dance gracefully, always smile ok?" Mrs Brunet said with a broad smile on her face

"Yes Mrs Brunet" They all replied. Treasure was so nervous that she began to shiver.

"Its ok Treasure, I've got you, even if you make a mistake, I'd cover you up" Russell said with an assuring smile on his face. Treasure held his hand. Claude stared at them in disgust as she held on to Benjamin's hand.

"Treasure, you and Russell should dance in ze middle, while Claude and Benjamin will be by your right then Romane and Sean by your left ok?" Mr Aimeric said. He turned to the rest of the ballerinas

"you all know your various poseetions right?" he asked

"Yes Mr Aimeric" they chorused and held their hands too. After the drama team left the stage, the art team wowed everyone with their paintings and designs. Some cut materials and sew them into beautiful outfits in no time, others coupled various machines with scrap metals that worked perfectly fine. Jake painted a picture of Vanessa painting the audience. They were amazed when they saw that he had also painted them as they were in Vanessa's painting.

"Incredible!!!" Everyone kept shouting as they displayed their painting on the projectors. When Jake and Vanessa came back stage, they were so excited that they didn't remember to meet with Treasure. She in turn was already satisfied that they had both settled their differences, and didn't bother to meet them. Lexi's violin filled the air with a pleasant tone that almost sent everyone to sleep. Mrs Lombardi was conducting with so much ecstasy, proud that her students were getting everything right. The audience once again clapped with a standing ovation. There was a burst of emotions in the hall and some of the audience were drying their tears with their handkerchief, others were lost in thoughts.

"Its now time for the highly esteemed ballet dancers of pattison school! please a round of applause for them!"

Treasure and the rest of the ballet dancers took in deep breaths and stormed the stage. Sitted amongst other affluent parents was Mrs Daisy, smiling cheek to cheek and clapping her hands in excitement. Treasure was able to catch a glimpse of Enzo and Mr Lockhart, and her nervousness ceased almost immediately. Romane, Claude and Treasure were at the front with their partners, while the rest of the ballerinas formed a crescent behind them. After dancing for an hour with the audience cheering them, they ended the dance with a stunning pose that rose the audience to their feet.

"Tres bien! Tres bien!! Mrs Brunet yelled clapping her hands in excitement, and they all felt pride and ecstasy surging through them.

      Back stage, Treasure sat down too exhausted to take off her clothes. Jake and Vanessa spotted her in time, and as they were walking to her, Romane rushed in, and grabbed her by the arm, she drew her out to a corner of the room.

" 'e's coming Treasure, 'e's coming!" She said excitedly, but Treasure asked a bit irritated.

"who's coming?... Ancel?" She asked again, and Romane replied excitedly, "Qui!...you must speak good of me" she said. looking behind Treasure, she exclaimed

"oh..'ere 'e comes!" She adjusted her costume quickly, standing straight up. Treasure turned around just in time to lock eyes with a very handsome boy walking towards them. Behind him was a man in his forties, who Treasure guessed to be his butler. His tuxedo suit looked dazzling and expensive. He had a smirk on his face and he placed his right hand in his pocket. As he walked, other students stopped to stare at him, some recognized him and waved, others just kept staring with their mouths agape. Treasure could sense his pride even before he approached them, but she was determined not to judge a book by its cover.

"'ey Ancel, over 'ere." Romane said trying to get his attention and he walked briskly to where they stood. Romane made to hug him, but he stopped her with his hand, then patted her on her shoulders. He looked to Treasure, but she was too irritated to say a simple 'hi'. "How can a person be so full of himself? Even to his own relative?" She thought to herself.

"Ancel, 'ow was my performance? Did I dance well?" Romane asked but Ancel was lost staring at Treasure.

"Who's your friend? She's really beautiful" he spoke still staring at Treasure.

"she did dance very well too, a total idol she should be for you Romane" He said smiling slyly at Treasure, but she remained silent.

"She's my best friend Ancel, I told you last time zat she could dance better zan Claude, hope you believe me now?" Romane said excitedly. but He was still lost staring at Treasure.

"Ancel? Ancel, are you listening?"Romane nudged him. Treasure couldn't take it anymore, she turned to leave, but Romane held her back.

"Can't I meet you? He asked but Treasure kept mute.

"do I need an interview for your friendship?" He asked again this time sticking out his hand for a handshake., but Treasure looked him over.

"not just an interview Ancel, but you need a degree in good character and behaviour" she said with a smirk on her face.

"you must be a certified graduate before you can be my friend." she continued.

'shouldn't you be more polite to your cousin?" she asked

"When you learn to give her the respect she deserves, you can come for an interview for my friendship. Don't forget to dress in a suit and tie" she said leaving him dumbstruck. Romane was feeling embarrassed too. She couldn't get herself to talk to him Ancel either. She only stared with awe.

Treasure was walking back to the others when Enzo bumped into her.

"Hi Treasure, great show, awesome dance moves" he said grinning. Treasure's mood lightened, and smiling, she said,

"thanks a lot Enzo, I'm glad you enjoyed it, perhaps, we can practice together more often, what do you think?" She asked. Enzo was overjoyed.

"practice?... With you?... More often?" I will be honoured." He said joyfully. Jake couldn't hold it in any longer, he let go off Vanessa's hand, and went to stand in between Treasure and Enzo. Pretending he hadn't seen Enzo, he said,

"I'm sorry ok? Everything is settled now. Why are you busy making new friends? This is really unfair Treasure, we are very good friends, you can't do this to me." He spoke sadly.

"Be quiet Jake. she said.

"I'm not trying to forget you or Vanessa, this is Enzo, and he's just my friend. Romane knows about him already, and this is his first time here, I would have introduced you all to him, even before you came here." Jake stared without a word and Vanessa walked up to them. "Hey Treasure, are you still mad at us? I and Jake are friends again you know" she said.

"yes, I'm aware" Treasure replied.

"you two were partners for your painting performance weren't you?" Treasure asked raising her brows.

"Yes!" They both replied. Treasure smiled, and turning to Enzo, she said, "these are my friends, Vanessa and Jake, they are actually four in number, but the remaining two are..."

Here!!" Lexi and Romane said walking in on them, and Treasure continued...

"Just in time, Enzo, these are the two I was talking about." Pointing to them, she said,

"this is Lexi and Romane." Lexi blushed unknowingly, but Treasure continued, "Jake, Vanessa, Lexi, Romane, this is Enzo, my practice partner at home" Treasure ended, and Romane quickly stuck out her hand for a handshake... "Treasure told me about you, zanks for 'elping 'er with 'er balle practice, eet really paid off." Enzo was taken aback  by her French accent, but didn't say a word about it.

"You're welcome, It was an honor" he said looking very shy. Others except Jake shook hands with him. when Enzo reached out to him, he pretended to be busy, cleaning a paint smudge from his shirt. Enzo felt a bit awkward, but quickly cheered up when Mrs Daisy and Mr Lockhart came in.

"Tresh!! You were amazing up there!" Mrs Daisy said hugging her daughter, while Mr Lockhart stood behind Enzo, holding him on his shoulders.

"Thanks a lot mom" Treasure replied as her cheeks turned red.

    Romane had complained to Treasure that Ancel had been ignoring her because he felt insulted with the way she Treasure spoke to him. Feeling guilty, Treasure promised to set things right again. The next day, Treasure called Ancel, but regretted doing so. First he had ignored her call countless times, and when he finally took it, he pretended not to remember who she was.

"Treasure? That name rings a bell, but I really can't remember." He said with a corky voice. Treasure pushed further but he said.

"the only Treasure I remember spoke about an interview, and I haven't gotten the perfect tuxedo suit yet, could that be you by chance?" he asked,.

"I bet not, so you have dialed the wrong digits dear..." He ended the call before Treasure could say anything else. Furious, she decided she'd never call him again. As she walked past her mother's room, she overhead her conversation with someone on the phone.

"His PA? You mean Mr Donald? I haven't heard from him in a while too." Mrs Daisy spoke.

"he didn't attend my husband's funeral either. Please try to contact him...okay, okay officer, thank you." She said and hung up the call. Treasure couldn't make anything of what she had just heard "Dad's funeral? Mr Donald? The man that came with daddy on my eleventh birthday?...could that be him?" She kept asking herself as she caressed the chain on her neck