
Familias de enfermeras

Most Doyenne University College of Nursing students come from powerful families. What happens to the rich and ordinary?? ************** "The most interesting thing is that Fernando's family and my family are not friends " "I have a real threat here also. You remember what my family did to the Armitage family?." ************* "Do you have a death wish? Why do you have to show up with a Martinez?" --------------- "I'm done with offers and deals but I'd like to see." --------------- She turned to leave but the shadow that overshadowed hers creeped her out. She tried to run but the figure pinned her against the wall. "thought you'd keep the little secret but now your mum knows about it." --------------- "confront your roommate." ********** "My roommate is a deep sleeper." "Are you sure she won't wake up" --------------- "an ECG is needed ASAP If her brain is dead...there's nothing anyone can do again.  but we hope not," "Time of death: 1:13 am" ------------- *********** "Are you also meant to suffer?" ---------------- "I don't take cocaine...I only sell. I won't fit in the circle. Thanks for the invitation."

DiamondMPeace · Urban
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9 Chs


Emily was on call when she heard her door banging. "Mum...will call you in the morning," she said and ended the call.

Emily had reached for the door card when she realized that she could take extra caution by checking the tab.

She grabbed the tab on her table and entered her room number, meanwhile, the person wouldn't stop banging.

"Oh my!" she exclaimed when she saw Diane at the entrance. She dropped the tab gently on the table and went for the door.

"dear me..." she said as she opened the door, and saw Diane crying. "what's wrong? " she asked as she locked the door with the card, swiping it down twice.

Emily held her shoulders gently. "What's wrong?" Emily asked.

"Saw Dan...with.." Diane sobbed.

"Should we just go out?..." Emily asked without waiting for any response she added. "to pull yourself together...could use my aunt's car... She's on duty."

Diane continued sobbing and Emily took her non-response for a yes. She changes into a skirt and a blouse coupled with a long jacket. Emily held another jacket for Diane as they both left the room.

"Are you cool?" Emily asked as she watched Diane who was already tipsy gulp down the whole content in the cup. "We can talk about it tomorrow...if you want to."

"Dan is a gay..." Diane said slugishly and Emily looked into her eyes, shocked. "saw him on another guy...I hate him.."

"Diane...it's time to sleep...will tell Rosalyn to take you in."

"poor Rosalyn...I hate to stress her...can I stay at your...place?"

"Sure!" Emily said, hiding the excitement in her voice. "and we can leave now...right Diane?"

"yes...I've had enough and I'm more than tipsy," Diane said and Emily stood up,

"let's go." Emily stood up and held Diane's hand as they both left the place.

Becca wiped her face as she scrubbed the already shining floor. Rosalyn sat down, reading and tapping on the table.

"Rosalyn," Becca called quietly, Rosalyn looked at her, surprised.

"I've been an asshole." Becca continued.  "I am sorry...if there is anything I can do to take it all back...I will."

"you are already doing one," Rosalyn said innocently as she pointed at the brush Becca was scrubbing with.

"I know that I still have to do this to pay my debt but concerning what I did to Diane.. I'm sorry."

"you shouldn't be telling me this...why don't you say it to Diane," Rosalyn said nonchalantly and continued reading.

"Hey! Careful Diane," Emily said as she held her room door open for Diane.

"I am...baby girl," Diane said and Emily blushed.

Emily waited patiently for her to go in before locking the door with her room card.

"you can fit in my clothes just that I'm taller... I'll advise you to clean so that... you will well," Emily said.

"Yeah! Then I will need that...should be okay." Diane said sharply but in an intoxicated state. "anyways...if I haven't said this before... Your room reminds me of my dad...his office....but no bed."

Emily nodded, showed her the bathroom and picked a loose baggy top for Diane.

"Elon!" Amelia called while walking hastily behind him to catch up with him and he stopped.

"can't stand you but at least look at me. " she said and Elon turned to face her. "can we go somewhere to talk?... I...dare ask.."

"you know that I don't care about talking to you in public," Elon said, almost whispering.

"I regret treating you like that the last time... you have never been a bad person to me and...I don't know...just hope we can have a private time," she said, looking into Elon's face as if she was trying to read his mind.

"It's nothing...lost my dad and been raging... you did nothing wrong Amelia." Elon said as they both sat on the empty football field, looking at the sky.

"should have stayed the other day...I was not there to comfort you when you needed me.. "

"you came.." Elon said quietly. "and I told you to leave." Elon paused and stared at his hands. "please tell the other guy that I didn't mean to fight him and it's cool... that you have someone who can defend you...honestly."

Amelia looked at Elon who was looking at his shoes blankly. "Don't say that..."

Elon looked into her eyes. "to be honest... I wanted to be with you...I mean I loved you and I don't care."

"and what changed?..." Amelia asked quietly.

"I realised that I'm not good for you and also that guy loves you more..." he swallowed.  "I am now wild...more of a monster...that I'm scared of myself...what I can do...it's crazy and I can not protect you anymore...I need to be saved too...and It may get worse if I'm useless around you..."

"Elon!" Amelia called, tears dropping down her cheeks.

"you and I know...that's the truth...we remain friends...I still don't care...nothing has changed and nothing will change but I'm done loving." Elon said and smiled at Amelia who also forced herself to smile.

"Emily, I like going out with you...another night feels like... another heaven," Diane said as she dropped her bag on Emily's bed.

Emily helped Diane who was a bit drunk, put the bag on the table from the bed and also removed her shoes.

She stood up and smiled at Diane. "think it's cool you take a shower."

Diane moved a step closer to Emily who appeared more red but looked relaxed.

Diane cupped her face, looking into her eyes soberly and said.

"You make me uncomfortable sometimes... because you are too affectionate...I can't believe that you...made me forget about that guy in a couple of hours..."

Emily looked Diane in the eyes, unsure of what to do as Diane held her face still.  Diane placed her lips on Emily's and began kissing.

Emily tilted her head back and tried to remove Diane's hand from her face which she strongly refused to let go.

"Diane...you are not in your right state of mind...let's just..." She had not finished talking when Diane kissed her again and more passionate.

Emily didn't kiss back, she stood there, eyes opened with the thought of controlling herself. Diane continued and Emily's body betrayed her as she kissed Diane back and her emotions set in.

"Bruno!" A voice called and Bruno stood up lazily to open the door. He stood there surprised.

"is that you Li?" Bruno said and hugged him tightly. "you made this big guy miss you."

"and your biggest guy is back to school... with updates," Li said happily and Bruno opened the door wide for him to enter the room.

Michael stood straight at room 307 entrance,  he was about to knock when the door opened. He stood face to face with Jane who looked at him with hatred.

Michael couldn't figure out why she looked at him that way as they both sat on the chairs in the room, staring at each other.   He opened his mouth to talk but let the air out instead.

"You threatened me," Jane said clearing the air and Michael looked at her, shocked.

"How did you know..."Michael asked, still looking shocked.

"it's good you didn't deny it but come to think of it...a Castro threatening a Fernando when you know how much my family hate you guys after what your family did to the Armitage family," Jane said and now Michael looked frightened.

"How did you...know that...I am a...Castro? " Michael stammered.

"if an old Castro can ruin a bloodline...then the young Castro would want to be like their fathers by taking threatening as the first step." Jane fired.

"Did Hannah know?" Michael asked, looking anxious.

"I don't know how you are related to Hannah but just feel like...you don't deserve to know her. You made me hate her once and I still regret it." Jane said while looking into Michael's eyes.

"Please don't say a word about this to Hannah so that she can still allow me to help her," Michael said pleadingly.

"you don't mean it...what help can someone who threatened to kill me render my friend?" Jane snapped.

"Ehm...Hannah is very sick." Michael said reluctantly. "We go for her treatment together...even her family knows nothing about it. If you tell her...she may not want to take care of herself like she once did."

"I know...I know that she is sick and if she stops you, I will take over." Hannah said and Michael gave her a suspicious look.

"Not a Fernando hell-bent on taking care of a Dakota. Don't you think it's an Irony? " Michael said.

"And Not a Castro caring about humans. Don't you think my irony is reasonable? " Jane fired back.

"Just so you know...my family killed the Armitage, not me...I only share in their surname." Michael said bluntly.

"and it's Dakota and Fernando who are not friends, not Hannah and I." Jane said clearly.  "you know what? My mum knows about our friendship and told me to be careful because she doesn't know if her heart is like mine but the truth is that...my mum should be saying that to Hannah."

"I was only trying to protect her when I threatened you...thought you and your family were up to something against her... "Michael said, almost whispering.

"and I lived in fear for days and also hated Hannah for it. Ignored her while she was going through a lot...I haven't apologised because I don't know what to say....all thanks to you though." Jane said.

"I sincerely apologize for what I did," Michael said.

"you know what, let's pretend as if we've never met each other... In a way....if you don't mind, you can come when Hannah is around." Jane said and stood up to open the door.

"fine! And I will appreciate that," Michael said while looking at Jane who held the door open for him to leave.

He smiled nervously and left the room.

"I'm tired of this school already...the work is just too much!" the frustrated Diane said to Rosalyn who was smiling at her as they made their way through the hostel passage.

"you know...I can just hire a brilliant fellow to do these assignments...I'm exhausted." Diane said, cooly.

"And what about exams...who will write them for you?" Rosalyn asked.

"I will read for it..." Diane said and Rosalyn giggled.

"part of what you will read for exams are these assignments. You have to do them yourselves so that you will only have to revise it during the exam period" Rosalyn said as Diane smirked.

"Another thing that is annoying is the process you have to go through before you can bring your car to school," Diane said while giving the awaiting school bus a death glare.

"And what's with that?" Rosalyn asked, looking at her face.

"can't be going to the dining hall every day... Morning, evening except in the afternoon with the bus, trying to meet up with time. I hate it." someone bumped into her while they were entering the bus. without looking up, she continued. "and this too... Everyday bumping..."

"I'm sorry.." a familiar voice said to her and she looked up. It was Femi.

Diane gave him a questioning look. "I get bumped into almost every day so...it's fine," she said calmly and was about to enter when Femi held her hand to stop her.

"I'm sorry for everything...I mean it." Femi said and Diane looked at him innocently.  "I heard you were admitted for some time... Couldn't check on you because I was not allowed into the school and your number was not reachable..."

Diane looked at him stunned. "I don't know what you are talking about...have we met before?" she asked quietly looking as innocent as ever while Rosalyn decided to take a seat close to the entrance watching their drama.

"We were close...what happened to you Diane?" Femi asked, tears whirled in his eyes.

Diane felt sorry for him and it was obvious in her expression. "I'm sorry but I guess this is the wrong person...I was never in the hospital for anything and my phone has been good...it's in my bag if you want me to show you." Diane said and wanted to unzip her bag when Femi stopped her.

"it's fine but I hope to see you again," he said and Diane smiled innocently.

"I enjoyed the drama," Rosalyn said to Diane when she settled down on a seat beside her.

"honestly! I don't know him." Diane said nonchalantly and Rosalyn gave her a questioning look.

Li knocked on Bruno's door and the door was opened. his gaze met Amelia who was wearing Bruno's oversized hoody and he said.

"where is Bruno?"

"he went to inspect the rooms with the admins...heard some students are doing drugs," Amelia explained.

"drugs?" Li asked surprisingly.

"not supposed to tell you though. It's between him and the admins." Amelia said quietly.

"but you know about it," Li said sharply and he continued. "Anyways, You are not supposed to be in his room alone," Li said bluntly.

"and here you are." She said sharply.

"I'm more of a brother to him." Li challenged.

"I'm more of a lover," Amelia said and readjusted the hoody she wore for Li to see clearly.

"hey bro!" Bruno called and Li gave him a questioning look.

"oh! You met Amelia already," he said excitedly.

"yes! And she's not welcomed here." Li said bluntly and Bruno looked at Amelia who was staring angrily at Li.

"We need to talk...right now!" Li said to Bruno.

"Amy...I will be back..." Bruno said but was interrupted by Li.

"I'm talking to you in that room...she has to leave," Li said bluntly.

"that's too much...why are you so harsh on her?" Bruno said, defending Amelia. "let her be...we can talk in your hostel instead."

"fine, I have a roommate which means we can't talk there...i will leave now but...I came to tell you that your dad and her dad had a recent deal." Li said and Bruno's eyes widened.

"An...An...Anne?" Bruno stammered and Li nodded.

Bruno faced Amelia, looking at her in a beseeching manner. "I don't want you to misunderstand things but I want to have a quiet moment with Li inside. I will see you in the morning."

Amelia raised her brow in surprise and entered the room angrily. After some time,  she came out with her clothes on and left.

"Who is she?" Li asked immediately as they entered the room.

"you are harsh on her," Bruno said sharply.

"you have weapons in your room and you left her here alone?" Li said.

"she wouldn't tell anyone if she sees it though," Bruno said nonchalantly.

"Are you out of your mind? She has healing lines on her face...look more of a criminal and you are trusting that?" Li said bluntly.

"you know...I respect her a lot and she's like us." Bruno said in an attempt to stop Li from insulting her.

"I hope she is not a Castro?" Li said nonchalantly but Bruno couldn't say no because her family is of no difference.

"what's with my dad and Anne's?" Bruno asked sharply.

"they sealed off the old deal and made a new one. Your dad will take over their family if they fail this time around." Li said and Bruno sighed nervously.

"why is my dad like this...he has been using that thing against them right from time and It led to Miranda and Anne's death...I hope that I will not be the next." Bruno said.

"I guess you are! The deal is for them to get two Martinez alive and teach you surgeries during the holiday since we all know that they are a family of surgeons... only Anne came to nursing because of you guys. " Li said nonchalantly but Bruno was already lost in thought. "Bruno?" he called and Bruno looked at him.

"why...Ma...Ma...Martinez?" Bruno stuttered.

"They are the only living helpless prey.  Obviously" Li said and smiled.

"why not cadavers? Why living humans?  I can't do such...I'm sorry." Bruno said.

"and your father will take over their family...it's a secret...don't put me in trouble and lest I forget...your cousin Sia will join Montenegro University College of Nursing during summer...so you are withdrawing and going to a med school," Li said playfully and left the room leaving the stunned Bruno in the room.

Emily and Diane sat at the archery lawn, watching Rosalyn shoot the arrows to the clout like an expert.

"she's so good." a voice said behind Emily and Diane. They both turned their heads and saw Carl watching Rosalyn excitedly.

"And Diane asked sharply looking irritated and Carl's gaze met hers.

"you are Diane." Carl said warmly.

Diane looked away and continued watching Rosalyn. Emily glanced at the annoyed Diane before focusing on Rosalyn.

"it's nice you finished on time...that boy irritates me." Diane said to Rosalyn as they prepared to leave.

"who?" Rosalyn asked curiously. "is it the stranger that bumped into you on the bus? "

Emily looked at the two of them, confused.  "who is that?" she asked impatiently with her face turning a bit purple.

"you look furious...are you okay?" Rosalyn asked Emily whose smile had vanished.

"I don't know who he is. Honestly!" Diane said innocently.

"but you were mad that he was right behind us." Emily said.

"they are two different people. That's carl and the other one is..." Diane was explaining when she was interrupted.

"Rosalyn...it's nice watching you." Carl said, walking towards them. He stopped right in front of them and continued. "never watch a wonderful live archery as that."

Rosalyn who looked more confused, mumbled. "thank you!"

"no no...I should thank you...or maybe her." Carl said and faced Diane. "your inhaler saved me and thanks to Rosalyn Barbados." Carl said and Diane gave Rosalyn a questioning look.

"uhm...Daniels dropped it in my bag and I found it when I got to their room." Rosalyn explained and Emily's looked at the three of them, confused.

"i'd like to know you more Rosalyn but be careful with the rest...I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. Bye!" Carl said briefly and left the three girls.

The girls went to the dinning hall and sat at the empty six chaired table since that was the only table that had less chairs. Others were eight or grand.

"I still want to know more about what happened at the archery lawn." Emily said while they placed their food tray in the table.

"Nothing to worry about." Diane said curtly.

"hello Diane!" Femi said as he set his tray on their table.

"what are you doing here?" Diane asked angrily which surprised them all because she had acted like she had amnesia. Except Emily who still looked confused.

"you know who I am now?" Femi asked quietly and Diane left the table with her tray to another table.

Femi also stood up to join her and Emily was about to stand up to him when Rosalyn held her down.

"leave them alone." Rosalyn whispered as they both watched Femi settling on the chair opposite Diane.

"what's with him?" Emily asked angrily.

"he's her ex boyfriend if I may say." Rosalyn said while playfully eating the frankfurter on her fork.

"that's not Dan!" Emily said firmly.

"absolutely not! he was before Dan. I would say that Diane likes to date or maybe move on." Rosalyn said and bite on the sliced chicken while Emily who had lost her appetite watched Diane and Femi jealously.

"thanks to you...I have secretly disabled the cameras." Amelia said as she sharpened the knives on her hands while squating in front of a girl covered in a pool of blood.

"also..." she continued. "a big thanks to the soundproof room...it made it impossible to share my ex roommate's scream with neighbours."

She turned the subconscious girl over, and started cutting her hair with the knives.

"Baker what's going on in your hostel? " a woman who had her glasses on the bridge of her nose asked him as two lifeless bodies were moved into the ambulance.

"I have no idea and it's not the pool side this time around." Bruno said quietly.

"most of you students are up to something and we lost another student in North hostel. the ambulance should have arrive there. " she adjusted her glasses. "since I became the V.C of this school...for over eight years, this has never happened. We only lost a student to plane crash and that was with her family. But you guys barely use three months and we have enough death to start a cemetery.  I hope some things will change soon."

She said and began typing on her iPad. Bruno counted some steps back and dialed a number on his phone.

The car came to an halt, Elon smiled warmly at Jane who was holding the steering wheel.

"it's time." Jane said excitedly.

"why are you so excited to see me go to the her?" Elon asked.

"to put you in the mood." Jane said and they both laughed.

"Fine!" Elon said and loosened the seatbelt. 

"I will be right back." Elon said and left the car.

A woman who looked as calm as ever sat across Elon with a table inbetween.

"Mr. Bellingha...." she called.

"Elon!" he interrupted coldly.

"you should know that if this session ended up like it used to, there is no way I can help. " she said calmly.

"it's because you keep asking the same question." Elon said bluntly.

"you are not opening up...these questions should guide you in what to say..." she said calmly.

"I told that I don't want those questions... maybe you should ask me something else that I will answer willingly." Bruno fired.

"we have only ten minutes left...let's be productive today atleast." She said and smiled warmly.

"you know what...I will spare you the ten minutes to hold a therapist session for yourself." Elon said nonchalantly and the lady's facial expression changed.

"I am a therapist not some dummy that you can just say shit to!" she fired.

"you can think about all that all alone for the next ten minutes." Elon said bluntly and took off.

Jane was surprised to see Elon coming out early. Elon opened the car door, looking calm and sat gently.

"so early?" Jane said while using her seatbelt.

"I find it difficult to open up to her. Truth to be told, she tried but we've never had a real therapy session. I often took out my anger on her." Elon said calmly.

"if you don't feel comfortable with her, I will take you to another." Jane said.

"I don't think I can cope with one. The thought...the thought...the thought..." Elon said impatiently, trying to calm himself.

"you are getting angry...your face is a little purple." Jane whispered to him. "just breath in..."

Elon did as she said. "and breath out.." she said and he did.

"you just have to let out what's making you angry or you just shut it. If you shut it, it will eat you up...I think the best is to say it out." Jane said.

"I can't say it...I can't..." Elon started sobbing.

"you know what? I will drive you to the beach and give you some private time.  You can yell if you want." Jane said calmly and was about to start when Elon held her hand.

"Jane...I killed him..." Elon said and Jane turned to face him to confirm if she wasn't hallucinating.

Elon's face loosened up, his eyes whirling shamefully. He sniffed and said again.  "I killed my father."