
Familias de enfermeras

Most Doyenne University College of Nursing students come from powerful families. What happens to the rich and ordinary?? ************** "The most interesting thing is that Fernando's family and my family are not friends " "I have a real threat here also. You remember what my family did to the Armitage family?." ************* "Do you have a death wish? Why do you have to show up with a Martinez?" --------------- "I'm done with offers and deals but I'd like to see." --------------- She turned to leave but the shadow that overshadowed hers creeped her out. She tried to run but the figure pinned her against the wall. "thought you'd keep the little secret but now your mum knows about it." --------------- "confront your roommate." ********** "My roommate is a deep sleeper." "Are you sure she won't wake up" --------------- "an ECG is needed ASAP If her brain is dead...there's nothing anyone can do again.  but we hope not," "Time of death: 1:13 am" ------------- *********** "Are you also meant to suffer?" ---------------- "I don't take cocaine...I only sell. I won't fit in the circle. Thanks for the invitation."

DiamondMPeace · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Jado's freedom

Rosalyn sat in front of Diane in the dining hall, stealing glances at Emily who was eating alone.

"you should try to be nice to her...you know!...you haven't gotten the chance to say thank you," Rosalyn said, without taking her eyes off Emily and Diane looked in the same direction.

"yes! I feel bad for that" Diane said, "She is just being too friendly and it's making me uncomfortable."

"I don't know why she's like that to you. She has never hugged me before and it is obvious that I'm the only one she relates with...well. " Rosalyn said and faced Diane. "let's join her. " Diane looked into Rosalyn's eyes briefly and shrugged.

They both went to Emily's table with their food tray and Emily's face lightened up when she saw them.

"This is Mac's right?" Hannah said as she walked out of the barn impatiently.

"This is where he often comes to during his leisure time...maybe he left already," Felix said.

"Hey, guys! Bob had this cloth on before he left the lock!" Elon said, waving a big tee shirt.

"Felizy is right...he left already." Hannah said in fear. "where else do you think he will be?"

"only here...since he's not social," Felizy said.

"oh my!." Elon placed his palm on his forehead in distress.

"till we find Bob, we can't let you out... for your safety and if you want to...it's fine we will drop you wherever..." Hannah said to Felizy and looked at the children waiting for them in the car. "we will all die anyways... "

She scratched her hair and faced Felizy.  "Elon doesn't know about this and I do not wish to tell him...I'm sick and should die in two years, four months..." Felizy looked at Hannah, Shocked.

Hannah continued. "... I'm not scared to die but Elon is an only child...his mum died when he was two...cruel enough for him to die a painful death...plus you five. That's just too much!"

"We will stay at the lock till you find Bob and I hope you guys also stay safe," Felizy whispered, tears almost coming out of her eyes.

"Elon! Let's move." Hannah said as she signalled for Elon to move to the car.

They all moved to the car and drove off.

Amelia was walking as fast as she could,  her stitch loosed but she still dressed like Chucky.

"Amelia please...just slow down," Bruno said as he jogged right behind her.

Amelia stopped and the jogging Bruno crashed on her. They both fell and Bruno chuckled.

"at least I have you down here." Bruno said and rose to his feet. "here you go" he stretched his arm for her to grab, she did and he pulled her up.

"you look more pretty with the stitch out. I will make sure to protect you from now... Since I only want to see the pretty face... Always." Bruno said.

"Since you don't want to stop stalking... Your safety should come first." Amelia said and looked around to see if anyone was looking at them.

Luckily no one was looking but many were walking by.

"We need to get out of here," Amelia said and held Bruno's hand gently.

Bruno was surprised, he looked into her eyes and smiled before Amelia dragged him roughly and they both ran out of the place.

Dan opened a room door and entered. Damon was not in his usual position this time around but was sitting happily on a chair, facing the door.

Dan dropped his bag as usual and took out the cocaine he brought for Damon. "here's your two hundred grams." He handed it over and zipped his bag.

Damon watched him carefully as Dan seemed to be battling with something on his mind. He decided not to interrupt him and suddenly Dan looked sharply at him.

"it's none of my business but two hundred grams is too much for only you," Dan said.

Damon smiled. "It's for a party...outside the school...for my circle only. but I'd like you to join the party." Damon said although he knew he would bluntly reject his invitation.

"I don't take cocaine...I only sell. I won't fit in the circle. Thanks for the invitation." Dan said.

"Maybe they will like what you sell and start patronising. More contacts...I guess!"

"When is the party and what time?" Dan asked and Damon couldn't hide his surprised face.

Jane and her new friend were revising what they had been taught in class. Jane glanced at Hannah's bed which was empty.

"I know you have been looking at that bed... You are distracted." the lady said and Jane looked at her with guilt written all over her face.

"Just think I've Isolated her long enough... I don't know what is going on in her mind and all..." Jane voiced out.

"You are cool without her...she's as good as dead though," she said nonchalantly, trying to flatter Jane but she got the opposite.

Jane was quiet for a while, her face hardened with anger and her lips pressed together. The lady didn't look at her because she was already back in her book.

"thought an ordinary family should make a difference but you guys are worse," Jane said and the lady looked at her, surprised. "Leave my room and never see me as someone you've ever met," Jane said coldly.

"you don't mean it." the lady said, still shocked. "what did I do?"

"Leave now!" Jane barked and the lady started packing her things. She looked at the angry Jane and left the room embarrassed and scared.

Elon decided to go home after the long ride to the lock, it was raining and he was tired and couldn't go back to school.

He knew his dad would have missed him and since he's the only one who usually keeps his company if he didn't travel for work or some family things with his cousins who are also Bellinghams.

He couldn't wait to see him either as it used to be the two of them since he was two.  He opened the door widely, hoping to see his dad smiling broadly but it didn't happen that way because Bob was right in front of him, explaining things to his dad who pretended to be shocked by whatever he was telling him.

His dad looked at him and Bob pointed to him. "you know him?...he's the one who locked us up."

Elon removed a gun from his back pocket and pointed it.

"Elon don't shoot him?" his dad said and Elon closed his eyes and fired.

His father's eyes widened and Bob shook in fear as his father dropped dead on the floor.

Elon couldn't look at his father's body and he faced Bob. "he's my dad. we need to get out of here before we get into trouble... Here is my car key..." he gave the key to the trembling Bob. "take my car and I will pretend to chase you...drive to the lock and I will take care of everything." Elon said and Bob nodded in fear. "also the key to the lock is in the car... at the back." he added and Bob left immediately.

Elon drove as fast as he could after Bob,  and the other two cars also joined in chasing, Elon pretended to lose control and the other two cars were blocked. Bob's car was lost in a twinkle of an eye and the armed men in both cars rushed towards Elon.

"Are you okay sir?" one of them asked Elon.

"get this car out of the way and go after him," Elon shouted angrily and kicked his car hard.

"Please come out of the car so that we can. " one of the men said and Elon got down.

"did you see him? What is he like?? I'm strangling him myself..." Elon roared.

"We didn't see him. He seems to know the house well. He got in through the secret door and he backed us when we got in before we were told to leave by your dad!" one of the men explained.

One part of Elon was relieved while the other part was in pain...if not more. His car was moved to one side of the road and the men drove off. Immediately they left,  Elon sat down on the floor beside his car and wept bitterly as he remembered how he shot his dad.

After some hours, the men went back to Elon who was still sobbing by his car.

"We...we lost him, sir." One of the men said in fear and Elon looked up to the dark sky in grief.

Hannah was brushing her teeth when her phone started ringing. She rushed out of the bathroom, toothpaste was all over her mouth as she picked up the call.

Jane sat on her chair, stealing glances at Hannah and looking guilty as usual. Part of her wished she could move closer to Hannh and make a joke about the white paste all over her cheeks and lips.

"Mum? Are you okay?" Hannah asked curiously. "what happened to your brother?...dead?...how?"

Hannah ended the call and dialled Elon's number immediately.

Elon was sobbing when he picked up the call. "Hannah" he called weakly and Hannah couldn't help but allow the tears to flow down freely which made Jane wonder what had happened.

"I killed him...I killed my dad...Hannah... Bob was...with him...I thought that was...the best thing I could do but I shouldn't have... Hannah, I'm in pain..." he cried as he talked to Hannah.

Although only Hannah could hear him talk Jane knew it could be Elon because  Hannah had once told her that her mum only had one sibling.

Hannah sobbed, her phone pressed tightly against her ear. "I'm sorry...Elon... I'm sorry. " she cried as she dropped the phone.

Jane moved closer to her, unsure of what to do at first. She finally summoned the courage to touch her to see if Hannah would scream at her or something but she hugged her tightly as she wept and Jane patted her back.

Diane entered the room and saw Becca folding Rosalyn's washed clothes into her wardrobe. Diane scanned the room and faced Becca.

"Thanks for smashing my phone the other day to prevent me from reaching out to Rosalyn... Thanks for taking away my other inhaler while you dropped the first one in Rosalyn's bag." Diane sat on her bed and continued. "I don't want to get Rosalyn involved because she's from an ordinary family but you and I are the same....of different rank." Becca faced her and smiled.

"thank your lord that Rosa got here at that time...if you had spent a minute more lying there...I'm sure you won't be here to say all those trash."Becca said.

Diane smiled devilishly and said, "Watch what I will make you do."

Hannah drove to the lock, she entered and saw Bob sitting patiently with his family.

Bob Jumped up the moment he saw Hannah. "where is he...is he okay?" he asked impatiently.

"I don't know...but he told me to get you all out of here and take you to wherever you wish to go," Hannah said in a low tone.

"You are good people and we will never take this for granted," Felizy said.

"Since Bob has the key...unlock yourself and come to the car," Hannah said sadly and left them immediately.

Hannah drove the whole Judo family to the awaiting yacht. They got out of the car in new clothes and sad faces except for the little girl who looked confused rather than sad.

Felizy hugged Hannah tightly and whispered. "I wish for a miracle to make you leave long and get Elon out of whatever he may be feeling at the moment." she let go and pointed at her children. "here is Jesus and Judas!" She said and Hannah couldn't help but giggle.

"Funny nice names," Hannah said trying hard to smile at the two teenage boys.

"and here is Jade...you will all remain in our memory," Felizy said.

Bob moved closer to Hannah. "I wish to have the chance to know the other guy in the future. Here is our new number." he said as he handed over two cards to Hannah. "reach out to us anytime and tell the other guy that I owe him a lot!"

Hannah smiled and patted Bob. "you also went through great loss. I'm sorry."

Bob smiled and the whole family moved their luggage and entered the yacht. Hannah sobbed as she sat in her car and watched the yacht move.