
Familiar Howl

Delilah Gamble had a plan; rise to the top of her pack without a mate. However the day of her 21st birthday she encounters a wolf in the woods. At first she is terrified but something draws her to the creature. She has also been drawn to the Alpha of the Nomad clan. He can't be her mate... but why does he stare at her like that?

Wickad_Bliss · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Dust Hasn't settled Yet

"Hey little pup" My Aunt was standing on a beach talking with me. I had no idea how I got there.

"Auntie," I reached forward and hugged her tightly. I didn't know how, but I knew I wouldn't waste time asking why she was in front of me.

"Oh, look at you." She said. "I wish we had more time."


"The herbs Sam gave you," Dottie stroked my hair. "your power is a bit more intense." She looked around. "Made it so we could create a place to talk."

I nodded and looked around. "The ocean… are you really here."

"Yes… you should see it, Dee," She said. "I wake up every day to it."

I smiled. "Are you-"

"Happy," She nodded but stroked my hair again. "Yes, but I miss you, sweetheart," Guilt rushed over her face "I wish I could ask you about everything… I really do. But there isn't time."

"Why not?" I stepped forward. "Is it Milo? Or did Centris find you?"

"No… There is something else… I need you to tell me if you see anything strange in the next few weeks,"


"Human strange- " Aunt Dot replied. "I can't tell you more, but if something happens… that just doesn't make sense, you know how to contact me,"

"Okay, I will… But-"


I woke up more aware of myself than the last time I tried. It was like waking up in your own bed on a day where you had nowhere to be.

Human strange? There is no such thing. But then why would my Aunt ask me to look out for it?

"Hey there, slugger," I heard Benji say. I turned over to see him waiting in a chair for me. Behind him, I could see that it had become dark outside. At the very least, that meant I have been under for 6 hours.

"Hey," I winced as I pushed myself from the bed. My arms didn't hurt as much as my face did. But even that pain was small compared to the last time I tried to leave the bed. "What happened?"

"Well," Benji clapped his hand together- "You made third tier… but you didn't get Collin to back down,"

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I remember that part, surprisingly enough,"

"There was a fight- about a second after you passed out."

"Not you…"

"No, not me," Benji gave a humorless laugh. "This time, I had fuck all to do with it. Wilder of all people threw Collin off you."

I planted my feed on the wood floor and stared at Benji. I opened my mouth just to close it again. "That… doesn't make sense."

"Everyone is confused. And as for Wilder… I don't think I ever will yell at him again after watching that," Benji shuddered at the thought. "McCallister had to step in- and even then, I'm not sure what stopped Wilder."

"What started him in the first place?"

"He is a nomad, Dee," Benji sighed. "Their dominance test is something else entirely,"

I didn't know what to say to this other than asking the obvious question. "Is Collin okay?"

"He was fine…. Everyone cooled down. I don't think Colling will ever look Wilder in the eye again, though… Wilder still wants to kill him apparently."

I still didn't understand what had happened to lead us to here. "That wasn't- that still doesn't explain why Tate- I mean Wilder would break a fight off like that. God, he is so invasive,"

"Dee, if he didn't step in, you could have been in real trouble," Benji replied.

I nodded, still not liking the answer given. To break a dominance test, even when the outcome was so apparent, was to almost take the results away. Fortunately for me, no one seemed to contest the fight. I looked around the room for my shoes. Benji saw my intention and grabbed my sneakers for me. "You shouldn't be getting up so fast," He said.

"I suddenly feel like I need to run," I said. "My head is in a fuzz, I need to process," I stepped away from the shoes and then walked to the door.

"You might want to talk to McCallister first," I nodded. "Delilah-" Benji called. I turned back. "You did well… you were stupid but, you made me proud, and I know Mom at least will be over the moon."

I smiled and walked up the main stairs to McCallister's office. Her door was closed, but I could hear a conversation on the other side. I raised my hand to announce myself, ready for the speeches or lectures waiting patiently for me.

However, before I could even knock, the door opened with a loud creak. Once again, I found myself face to face with Tate. His eyes widened slightly when he saw me, but the softened quick enough. "You are up," His low voice was almost as soft as a whisper.

I nodded and held his gaze. "Yeah… I am a little shakey, but I am still walking and everything." I didn't know what else to say, so I looked over his shoulder. "McCallister wanted to speak to me?"

"Gamble," I heard McCallister say. I looked once to Wilder, I couldn't read his expression, but I could feel anger bubbling. I took a breath and walked passed him with little interest.

"Alpha-" I took a seat at her desk. As usual, I could not read Arya's pensive gaze.

"Do you think you made the pack proud today?" She asked plainly.

I took a breath and looked around. I knew Tate hadn't left yet, and that put me on edge, but I was still in control of myself. And proud of what I had done, "I think I did exactly what was asked of me- so yes,"

I heard Tate scoff behind me, and I had to bite my lip for what felt like the thousandth time again that day. Why was he mad?

McCallister's eyes flashed over my shoulder for a moment and then back to me. "You need to learn when the fight is over… but yes, you made us proud."

A smile broke across my face at her words. "Thank you, Alpha."

She smiled and stood up from her ornate desk. "You, however, will never put another pack member in a position like that again. People thought Collin was killing you."

"So I heard," I muttered, immediately regretting the words. Why was I so angry about this?

"The only thing left is to meet your mentor and resolve with Collin."

"Is he okay?" I leaned forward. "Last I-"

"He is fine, pup- He wouldn't stop asking about you." McCallister stood up. "Moving on, in terms of bad news, your mentor went home today."

"Oh," I tried not to be disappointed.

"Luckily for you," I heard a voice behind me- I turned to see Ethan walking into the office. "I live here,"

I looked back at McCallister – who was clearly was holding back to allow her husband to be dramatic. Ethan was something of a comic character compared to the tight-lipped Alpha, causing the two complimented each other so well. "Luna?" I asked "Will you-"

"All has been set up since the moment you turned 13 little pup." She walked forward and lead me from my chair. "I know you have plans to see Collin-" I nodded. Our luna was another familiar with our pack. Familiar ability is hard to understand- the simplistic explanation is we just know things. Like when we are being lied to, we know when someone is planning to harm the pack, and we even know when danger is coming. As we grow into our powers, they become more unique… but our magic isn't nearly as strong as a witch.

"Should that be allowed?" Tate interrupted the Luna, and for the second time, I found myself getting angry at an Alpha. "He almost killed her"

"He didn't," I said flatly. "I didn't back down- that meant we had to fight until one of us couldn't fight back,"

Tate looked at me with disgust. I didn't realize that could hurt coming from someone you barely even knew. He then looked to McCallister, who was staring at me with a not so proud expression. "I am going to check in with my Beta. I will leave the tradition to you then,"

Tate walked passed me, making sure not to touch me, while also leaving me with two angry elders.

"Delilah," Ethan scolded. "He is an Alpha."

I sighed and looked at him. "I know I just… I never have felt so frustrated."

"Control your frustration, pup," McCallister scolded. "You will show our guest respect." That was not a request. My skin rippled as I felt the will of the Alpha.

I nodded and bowed me. "Now Delilah," Ethan took my shoulders and lead me back to the door. "I expect you will be at the falls tonight?"

I nodded, which earned me a smile—another moment between familiars. "Your lesson for tonight will be to take time to allow your mind to wander. Float in the water and Float in your mind," Ethan said as she put her hands on my shoulder. "You will need to do exorcises like that every day. I will come by the bar to give you another lesson later this week, and I will bring you some reading material,"

I raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. Ethan was always like this, but there was a method to his madness. "May I go to Collin?" I didn't bother hiding my concern.

"Yes, run," McCallister gave a wolfish grin. "The sooner you get to him, the better.���

I smiled and bowed to both before I left the room and began to run to the maze. Once outside, I welcomed the cold on my face. I didn't realize how much it hurt until then.

Going down the stairs was even harder. My side ached, there was no way I could just go to Collins in my hu, man form. I needed to shift.

My fingers scooped under the hem of my crop top. I was about to pull it off when my heartbeat twitched. Someone else was here, watching me. Was it the wolf? The one who seemed to e, my mate.

I turned to see all my hopes dashed to the wall. Sure enough, Tate leaning against the stone stairwell. He was watching me.

"I need to apologize," I said, turning to him.

"For what this time?" He gave a stale smile. I could feel the annoyance twitch in my body.

"I know… you were trying to help…" I hated every word out of my mouth. "I am sorry for not being grateful,"

He looked at me and took a breath. "No you aren't,"

I bit my lip and sighed. I was not expecting Tate to call me out so bluntly, but here we are. "Yeah, I am not- but I shouldn't have been disrespectful."

"Closer- but not the truth." He said again.

"What do you want from me" I sighed.

"A thank you would be nice," Tate finally shot.

"A thank you?" I scoffed. "You nearly ruined one of the most important moments of my life. TWICE!" I walked forward, not sure where the rage was taking me, but I was letting it. "I am not saying thank you."

He took a step forward. Tate's jaw was clenched and tight. Not a good sign for me. "Have you seen your face lately?" When I didn't say anything, his eyes narrowed. "Black, Blue, and swollen- He did that to you. I watched your friend do that to you," He was close to yelling, but he took a breath. "I heard your heartbeat- you were done. Hell, I even waited until the last possible second, just so I wouldnt screw up your stupid ritual.."

"That wasn't up to you to step in and save me. I didn't need your help," I took another step forward. Something in the back of my head was asking me if I was crazy for standing so close to an alpha, for not backing down. But I didn't, and I couldn't understand why.

"Did you not hear me when I said I heard your heartbeat?" Tate fired back. "You would have died!"

"No, I wouldn't!" I was practically screaming, "I was fine, want to know how I can be so sure?" When Tate didn't answer, I pushed. "Because my Alpha, Beta, and every officer was there, ready to have my back and Collin's. Do you actually think Arya Fucking McCallister would allow her wolves to die in a dominance test?"

Tate shifted. "From where I was standing you were going into hypoxia,"

"Right where you are standing," I scoffed.

"What does that mean?"

"Since I shifted, I have thought about this day, was taught about this day, been preparing for that moment. You, one te other hand, learned about this a week ago at best. Making me the expert on that trial, not you. So, let me leave the first lesson about the trial we are taught as children. Nobody dies, and Nobody fights unless they want to, and I DID," Tate was still quiet. "It was my right of passage and my choice. I knew that going in, and I made the pack proud," I didn't know what else to say, so I turned on my heel and began to walk into the woods. "Until you came along and beat up my friend-"

"Oh, so that is what this is about," Tate scoffed. "You're mad that I tossed your boy around?"

"I will say it slowly this time so you can catch my message," My tone was venomous. "I am mad that you can't keep your snout out of my business,"

"FINE," He called after me. "Next time some idiot is choking you, I will just let him."

"THANK YOU!" I shouted.

Tate stopped being angry and just stared at me for a moment. Suddenly the confidence I had was faltering. "What?" I folded my arms.

"I got you to say thank you," He put his hands in his pockets smugly.

"Well, enjoy it- that's the last I will give you." something snapped in my head. I could feel my wolf wanting to come forward. I needed to leave now. My blood started boiling immediately when I realized my mistake. I turned on my heel and began to stomp away.

"Get home safe Sunshine,"

My middle finger was in the air before I could say anything about it. Once in the woods, I could feel my mouth burning, I didn't have much time.

I found a bin where we could store clothes and began to strip. I kicked a tree, causing a deafening crunch to fill the woods.

The wolf inside me took over after that. My body hurt less as I ran through the woods. I turned my mind to my breath, to the leaves' sound, to the feeling of being watched by an owl, anything other than the feel of how he made my skin tingle.

By the time I got to Collins place, I had allowed myself to be practically feral.

I looked up at his condo and let out a whine.

The window opened shortly after that, And Collin stuck his head out the window. That's when I began to whine again. His face was all bruised, I could see dried blood as well.

"Dee," Collin grinned as if nothing was wrong and put out a hand. "Give me a minute,"

I let out a chuff and sat. After a second, a dark head of hair poked out of the window, and I was face to face with Lissa.

"Heard what happened," From Lissa's tone, I could tell she wasn't happy at the state of her mate's face. Pack Law states that Mates and family could not be present during the challenge. The reasoning was that any wolf would step in to defend there mate, it was another reason why mated wolves didn't challenge as much. "Just resolve this quick, so I can stop giving you the stink eye,"

I wagged my tail and heard the door open. Liss gave a sly smirk before going back inside.

"Here you go" Collin put a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt on the shrubs by his neighbor's place. "Change behind the shrubs."

I got behind and shifted. My face didn't hurt nearly as much as it did beforehand. I could feel my body healing itself. It still hurt as I pulled the sweatshirt over my head, but nothing felt broken.

I stepped out and saw Collin was sitting down on a metal with two glasses. "Sit down Dee,"

"Lupa, I really fucked you over," I said as I grabbed the glass and sat beside him. "I- I should have backed down." This was the only time I regretted my actions today.

Collin rolled his eyes and nudged my shoulder. "Don't act like you were doing me any favors. We both know that fight was over,"

I smiled and nudged back. "Sorry,"

He leaned forward and pushed a hand through his hair. "If it makes you feel any better, you didn't do all of this."

"Wilder?" I hissed.

Collin nodded. "He kind of threw me across the courtyard and then punched me." He winced. "Hard and multiple times."

"God- how is it that I like all the nomads but that asshole,"

Collin gave me a bewildered look. "Delilah, he was fighting for you. He thought you were going to die,"

I rolled my eyes. "I was fine, and-"

"You were dying," Collin countered. "McCallister said the only reason she didn't stop the fight was because Wilder did first,"

That threw me through a loop, did Tate really save me? No, I would have been fine. McCallister was there. I shifted uncomfortably. "He attacked you," I shot him another look.

He gave me a flat look. "Yeah- right after you finished beating me up. At least he didn't break anything," Collin sighed. "Come on, Dee, what are you really upset about."

I let out a shaky breath and looked down. "I suppose it didn't matter anyway. It not like Tate cost me the victory."

Collin leaned back and smirked. "So, you are mad that you lost."

"I know I shouldn't be, and I am not saying I want a rematch. 3rd tier is impressive- and it's not like I don't respect you. I just-"

"You wanted to be beta or something" He finished for me. When I shrugged, Collin put a hand on my back. "The truth is we all want that. When I started, I was rank four- and now looking back, it made sense why. I couldn't fight as well as those in my tier, and I wasn't used to be told no. I needed to push myself,"

I hugged my knees and thought about what Collin was saying. He was right, unfortunately.

"You will get there, Dee," Collin wrapped an arm around me, the way you would comfort a child. "Ever since I saw you tackle that teen when you were 8, I have always known you were trouble. Just try learning something before you take over the world."

I smiled and leaned against him. "So are we resolved yet."

"We were the moment you saw my fucked up mug."

I laughed and looked up at him. "Lissa still likes it."

"She likes it enough to keep trying to patch me up." Collin winced. "Honestly, she is not suited to be a nurse; let's just say that."

I laughed and stood up. "Well, I am going to leave you to your little game of doctor," I stood behind the shrub again and changed. "I have some familiar shit to do,"

"See you tomorrow." Collin waved as I stepped back into the clearing as a wolf. Let out a chuff and bolted back down the woods. This time I had more control, I could enjoy the wind through my fur and the strange sounds the filled the forest.

For the first time that day, the nerves fell off my body, and I left them behind in the dirt. I kept running until I found falls.

I sniffed the air before I got two close. It wasn't too cold in the season that people still wouldn't be here on a night like this. But I couldn't smell anything. My paws patted against the stone as I walked into the clearing, and I shifted again. My body was exhausted- and when I walked into the water, I winced at the relief it brought me. I plunged into the pool and let the cold take me.

When I came to the surface, I let my body float with the current. The stairs were limitless and mystical.

My fight with Tate was still cycling in my head. He saved me, and all I did was spit in his face. Then there was his attitude, how could anyone think he was coming from a good place with an attitude like that?

And yet, I wanted to go back and apologize, but also run away. It didn't make sense, and I wouldn't unpack those feelings just yet. I wasn't here for them, Ethan had a plan for me.

I took a breath and let the tension leave my jaw. My mind had to be clear, just like Ethan I told me when I first got my abilities. After a moment, I took another breath, and all the stress rushed back into my body.

I smelled the ocean.