
False Origin [Discontinued]

"Misato who dies in an accident finds herself to be in another world. With the help of the system and other items she obtained along with the apologies from a Goddess, she intends to continue her life but she doesn't have any plans. After coming back to life as a Sylviane, she becomes a whimsical spirit who does as she pleases.." "...whatever you've read so far were the contents of the diary that was left behind in some ancient ruins."

Inertia_VIII · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 | Quests and Spirits

I was woken up by the chirping of birds. Recalling all the events of the past day, I sighed. Walking towards the river, I decided to check my appearance since it was already dark yesterday and... my name was changed so it wouldn't be strange for my appearance to change too. My long silky black hair now was white and for my eyes, they were no longer black but cyan instead. I did notice a symbol of some sorts on my head but decided to hide it with my bangs. I was fine with my current appearance and what not but... I realized I was naked.

"So how do I get some clothes?"


[ User can do the following to get clothing : ]

[ 1. Rob a person. ]

[ 2. Visit a settlement. ]

[ 3. Purchase it in the Shop GUI. ]

"Mhm. Oi, stupid self-proclaimed Gods, this is not supposed to be a R-18 novel is it?"(Stella) There's no way in this life of mine am I heading into a settlement without clothing.

I open the Shop UI and look for some clothes that is suitable for travelling. Not being bothered by an employee was a nice experience. In the end, I chose a white shirt, a black skirt, black stockings, a pair of black leather shoes and a long black jacket. Satisfied with it, I purchased them.

I was exploring the system to see if I could find anything... and there was quite a lot of stuff I missed out before. Map, Shop, Stats... and finally, Quests. As someone who played quite a lot of MMORPGs, Quests were my best friend whether they were Main Quest or Side Quest. They're important. That depended on the game but who cares? More quests = More Rewards.


[0/10] Kill 10 Humans.

[0/10] Kill 10 Slimes.

[0/10] Help 10 NPCs.

[0/5] Kill 5 Goblins


"Killing 10 slimes should be quite easy... Humans are going to be a lot more annoying..." After a while, I decided on the slime subjugation quest. Surprisingly there was a navigation option, Navigation was a really helpful feature. It should tell you the quest area but that didn't happen... Instead, it located the nearest 10 slimes and marked them on the map. This might be a bit unfair but... not going to complain.

"Now the question is... how do I kill a slime..."


[ Slime :Supposedly weak creatures. Relatively weak damage but can only be damaged by attacking the core. ]

'I asked that question cause I didn't have a weapon...' I complained in my mind.


[ User can purchase weapons in the Shop UI. ]

"Hmm. Since I have this much money, might as well go all out."

I open the menu and look for the best weapon.

[Reaper's Insight] [LVL : Bound] [Mythical]

=A scythe once wielded by the Grim Reaper himself.=

+7500 STR

+13500 INT

+10000 AGI

+2500 DEX

-1000 DEF

Abilities :

[Life Drain] Siphon 2% of the enemy's vitality.

Cost : 1000 MP/s

[Curse of the dead]

Deteriorate enemy's mental and physical health overtime. Effects apply even after wielder is deceased.

It was a scythe that had a cyan glowing blade and a black body with some carvings on it. It looked pretty spooky but the ability made it truly worth it. After equipping the scythe, my MP was at 27368 with my HP bar that was at 98,999.

After completing the quest with ease, I leveled up.

[Level Up]

+25 HP

+50 MP

+10 STR

+12 DEX

+20 AGI

+20 INT

+100 Quin.

+10 Stats Points.

EXP Required 100 > 150.

Putting all my stat points into INT, my current stats was pretty off-charts for my level thanks to my gear. I looked around for other equipment to destroy my stats so the author would have more trouble continuing with this series and I might get to return back.

I did a few goblin subjugation quests as well. To be honest, I did those chained quests till I got a notice saying mobs were being endangered due to my actions.

Hunting a bird like monster, I went back to the camp and cooked it. Surprisingly it tasted like chicken. Thinking about hunting it more, I went to sleep.

I had a dream. About me going to a 5 star restaurant and lavishly spending my money until they ran out of ingredients. But of course, it was interfered by a loud explosion. Jumping off my bed in panic, I started levitating...

[ Racial Skill Fly Learnt ]

I felt something on my back, creating a mirror, I saw 2 pairs of translucent cyan wings. Honestly, why does everything of mine needs to be cyan!?!?

Flying towards the source of explosion, I felt something strange, almost as if a part of me were out there. Using «Appraisal», I spotted the cause of the strange feeling to be spirits. I even spotted some Humans and Elves. Are they in a fight?

Closing up the distance even further, I could see their stats better. Would be better to have a skill to help you see further and better... Reaching even closer I activated «Appraisal» again.

[ Chise | Fire Spirit | LVL:3 ] [ Jasmine | Forest Spirit | LVL:5 ] [ Arial | Wind Spirit | LVL:2 ] [ Fren | Elf | LVL:6 ] [ Grea | Elf | LVL:4 ] [ Hanks | Bandit (Human) | LVL:8 ] [ Sil | Bandit (Human) | LVL:9 ] [ Kuzu | Bandit (Human) | LVL:9 ] [ Vans | Bandit (Human) | LVL:8 ]

The level gaps too much... Also, didn't it say Fire Spirit and not a Spirit? Stopping for a while, I used «Appraisal» on myself.

[ Stella | Hybrid Spirit | LVL:7 ]

'Hybrid?' I thought to myself... Certainly, wind is green and I did get a discount in MP while using Wind Magic... but cyan... Cyan is a mixture of a light shade of blue and a light shade of green... Upon further Inspection...

[ Hybrid : Time / Wind ]

'Makes sense..'

I tried to use the element even though I have no idea how it works...

{ Time... AoE... Freeze... 0... -35... 4 }

'I did it.'

What happened was very unnatural... Time seemed to stop only in a certain part of the area. I saw another value but I had no idea what it was until everything reverted back to normal.

[ Debuff : Code 4255 ]

-5% ### stat

'I should probably be careful when using this...' I thought running towards the site of battle.

When I reached there, the spirits and the elves were barely hanging there. Leaning forward, I dashed towards the bandits. Creating slices of wind, I sent them flying at the enemy till they were sliced to bits.

[ Level Up! ]


New title "Combat Spirit"

『Are you guys okay?』 I tried my best to speak in a friendly manner but it sounded like it had no enthusiasm in it...

『um.. yes. Thank you very much.』 (Jasmine)

I turned back and right as I was about to fly off Fren called out to me.

『Spirit-san, do you want to enter a contract with me.』(Fren)

『What is that?』 I replied.

『To sum it all up, you will get a boost to your strength and you'll have to assist me in various tasks and stuff like that.』 (Fren)

// Here strength refers to power and not the STR stat //

So just as I read in those novels...

『I'm sorry. I'll have to pass up on your offer. 』I replied.

『Oh... Of course, even you would have your goals.』Fren said in a monotonous tone.

Actually, I don't have a goal. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do. I haven't had such a dilemma since High School...

『Hey you, my name is Jasmine. What's yours?』(Jasmine)

『I'm Sylviane, nice to meet you.』(Jasmine)

Seeing that Arial, Chise and Grea were in their own world, Jasmine introduced them to me.

『By the way, I have never seen you around. Are you new?』(Jasmine)

『I guess you could say that.』(Stella)

『Then you've probably not been to Sygil.』(Jasmine)

『What's that?』(Stella)

『Its a home for us Spirits. I'm sure you'll come to like it.』(Jasmine)

After walking quite deep into a forest, Jasmine started speaking something in front of a lake but I could neither hear it nor make head or tails of it. After she was done, The lake had turned into a portal. After teleporting, I could see a dark room that had 2 guards protecting the door. I felt a weird sensation that I would later come to recognize as Appraisal.

『Welcome to Sygil!』Jasmine said while forcefully dragging me around the city by the collar in the name of guidance.

I spent quite a lot of time in the country of the spirits, Sygil.

I seriously need to monitor my diet, I have an upset stomach now...

Inertia_VIIIcreators' thoughts