
Chapter 165: Inter house competition.

Seated in the pub, I looked at the professor as I squinted my eyes "Why this pub man?".

"Huh? What are you talking about? this pub is a relaxing place to study and besides it's also relaxing for me since my research takes a lot of effort."

I took a sip out of the blood of the cloud or cloud of the blood---- ah, well I forgot the name. I looked at the professor as I asked "What are you researching?"

"I am actually trying to upgrade the previous device I made. the device that enhances the mana output of a spell."

"Oh, that would be a great way to reduce consumption of various mana powered devices." 


Lying ---- he is lying. I can sense the residue of divine energy from him. I was able to sense it since the day we met. He is still working at what his wife failed at.

He is still continuing the research of his wife.

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