
False Conviction: The Hunter's Captive Princess

After a long awaited rebellion against the Emperor of the Gastonian Empire, the only Princess is taken hostage by the rebelling Duchy with the help of the neighbouring Empire, Marina. The Princess was stuck in a lock up provided with nice clothes, food and everything a girl could possibly need but was denied the one thing she wanted the most, a sword. Soon, she caught the eye of the Crown Prince of the Empire, Philip Marines but unfortunately, he was killed in the process of aiding the Princess's escape. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, when she was about to jump of a cliff at the misery that came with her escape, she was saved by a man living in the forest. Unknown to her, the man who saved her was the sole cause of her misery.

Itz_Priscy_389 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Beginning Nightmares

Cecilia smiled at her father with tears streaming down her cheeks. The Emperor looked into her bright blue eyes and something inside him stirred.

"Cecilia, you won't leave me right. No matter the mistake I've made, you won't abandon your dad right." The Emperor asked with a serious expression on his face.

Cecilia wondered if she could actually fulfil that promise, because she honestly didn't trust the Emperor. He seemed rash in his decision making and she'd seen hundreds of dead bodies as proof of that.

"If it's something forgivable and within the five laws of our goddess Cecile's convenient, but I'll have to kill you myself if you do something barbaric." Cecilia spoke the most reasonable answer she could muster.


The Emperor smiled self mockingly internally cursing his messed up destiny.

Time had flown by quickly and soon, it was time to pay homage to the goddess of Snow and Blindness, Cecile.

It was believed that the goddess had descended to earth in form of a man and bedded with one of the Emperors of Asyrillia.

The child was the supposed reincarnation of the goddess and had saved the then Gastonian Kingdom from the beast of Thesis.

The beast had haunted Gastonia for decades, each time taking a noble family or the newly born child of a commoner.

Cecile, a young blind girl with blonde hair and oddly white lashes which changed colours to blonde. The brave girl suddenly appeared in their kingdom on the exact day the beast came to hunt.

She pulled out the heart of the beast which was a blue and red gem and swallowed it.

She promised that everything thing would be okay as she would continue to watch over them from the afterlife. And on the first drop of winter, the girl dropped dead right in front of the people of Gastonia.

On her dead body, the then King of Gastonia, Christian Theo Bettor, swore five convenants with the dead. The body dissipated, leaving the heart of the beast behind as acceptance of the convenant.

The convenant was then engraved on the Mount Zeripha which still remain there till this day. The convenant was as follows:

- No decentant of the Cecile will be harmed by the Royal family of Gastonia.

- No other person will bear the name Cecile in the entire of Gastonia history.

- No one can vainly speak of the new goddess of Snow and Blindness.

- None will be killed, murdered or executed on this day in the entire of Gastonian history.

- The heart of the fallen beast will be kept safe in honour of our goddess Cecile.

The only wish Cecile had, was to have a family of her own. So it was believed that she kept reincarnating into the female descendants of her family still trying to find her happy ending.


The Emperor lead Cecilia up the stairs so she would stand high above the rest. The roof of the room was opened and the snowy sky shared it's joy with the people inside.

The moon glowed brightly up in the inky black sky. The people of Gastonia could be seen in the horizon standing outside their houses.

Cecilia happened to be born on the death anniversary of their most beloved goddess.

Everyone got on their knees and closed their eyes as the room was as silent as a graveyard. Everyone rendering their wishes and thanks to the goddess.

After twenty minutes of communing with their goddess, the Emperor spoke in a loud demanding voice as though he was afraid the goddess wouldn't answer him.

"Dear goddess of Snow and Blindness, hear our prayer, bless our Princess! This is the voice of a descendant of the convenant creator!" The Emperor yelled and almost immediately, a blinding white light shone from Cecilia's hair.

The light slowly engulfed Cecilia's body with her eyes still closed as though she was asleep.


Cecilia was standing in a new environment. The surroundings were beautiful, with thousands of Cecil drops littered all of the white soiled ground.

"Darling, darling can you hear me?" A familiar voice rang out from behind Cecilia and she turned her head towards the source of the sounds.

"Mother? Mother is that you?!" Cecilia yelled desperately running through the patches of Cecil drops to were she felt the sound came from.

"Come closer a little closer, come before it's too late!" The voice was getting louder as she ran to the an unknown direction.

"Mother I'm coming wait for me!" Cecilia yelled running at full speed. It was then she realised she was dressed in her training clothes.

She kept running and running until she reached a cliff. She weeped bitterly as her mother's voice continued to cry for help.

"You're here my dear. Look down!" The voice cried happily and Cecilia started walking the towards the edge the cliff.

She looked down into the valley and what she saw made her want to scream at the top of her lungs.

She saw endless dead bodies of people with similar features with her and her mother was lying lifeless on top the heap of dead bodies.

"Don't ever forget this sight! If you do, you might become one of them!" The voice said behind her and she looked back to see her mother.

She was dressed in a white robe covered with red patches and had a crown on her head which was tilted to the side dented in particular places.

"Mother, what happened to you? What are you doing here? Come back with me, everyone is so worried about you! They think you are dead!" Cecilia yelled as tears began streaming down her cheeks.

"That's because I am. Dear, this is my forever home. The home of the descendants of Cecile." Marilynn said in a calm tone confusing poor Cecilia.

The clear picture of her mother started to waver as she began to feel drowsy.

"Mother!" Cecilia yelled trying to keep her consciousness but it was obviously not working.

"Darling stay safe, you shouldn't end up like me and the others." Marilynn said before she completely disappeared into a fog.


The light covering the Princess slowly dulled as everyone stared at the her in concern and in worry.

"This should be a good thing, it means her mind harvesting powers will increase tremendously." The masked man who had disappeared at the sight of his the Emperor said inwardly as he too marvelled at the moment.

Soon, the light that engulfed the Princess completely dissipated.

--To be continued...