
Chapter 2

We walked in and found Ama where we left her. I️ kind of felt bad for leaving her for an hour.

We sat down and Elohi started to play with my hair and make fun of it until I️ blew fire near his face.

That shut him up

We told Ama why we couldn't send Ama back with the kings permission but we were going to still try and get through without getting caught.

"How will we do that?" Asked Ama

"We're going to need to find an illegal potion, we'll buy it from someone who makes it in secret."

She said with worry "Are you sure, I️ don't want to get you guys in trouble"

"The faster you get home the better, it's for your own safety"

"I️ know someone who can get us it" said Equoni

"Cool, can we go now" I️ asked

"I'll text her we're on the way" he said

I️ nodded and we all followed him to a small house and he knocked on the door.

An older woman opened the door and and said in a sweet voice "Hello, how can I️ help you" she had the warmest smile and she looked completely harmless.

"Cattywampus" Equoni blurted out

We all looked at him with confusion but then the old lady said "Please come in"

We all walked in and before anything else she said "You guys want cookies"

Everyone took one except for Equoni and I️.

"Follow me to my potion room"

Equoni said I️ could come with and I️ could see from the corner of my eye that Elohi put down the cookie when he saw us going into the potion room.

"You didn't have to come" I️ said

"I️ know, but umm I️ wanna see the potion room"

"Alright but don't break anything" I️ said pointing my finger at him

We got in the room and it was all black with brightly colored potions lighting up the room.

"What kind of potion do you need dear"

"A portal potion" Equoni said

She put on her glasses and looked intently at the walls. She dragged her finger across the shelves looking for it.

She stopped at a bright blue with swirling purple potion and grabbed it from the shelf.

"You guys got lucky, that was the last one. I'm going to need all of you to sign here please"

We all signed and we took the potion.

"Does the potion have a specific time we have to use it" I️ asked

Equoni looked at the bottle and said "uh oh"

"What do you mean uh oh" I️ asked sternly with my eyebrow raising up

"We can't use it for another week"

"What!? We need to get Ama back!" Angarika yelled

Unole said quietly "We should just continue to look for the stone"

I️ turned "We can't! If a mortal gets hurt we'll be in serious trouble!"

Elohi put his hand on my shoulder "Anala calm down"

"Ok fine, we'll take her along, but no matter what we have to protect her."

Everyone nodded including Ama

We walked into Flaem Town and walked into a hotel.

We got two rooms, the girls in one room and the guys in the other.

We dropped our stuff off in our room and then Angarika and Ama went to the guys room to watch a game show with them.

I️ told them I'll be there soon.

Before walking out I️ sat on the bed looking at the towns in the window

Sometimes looking at the colors of the town made me feel better.

I️ put my hands on my forehead and closed my eyes

"You ok?"

I️ jumped and turned to see Elohi standing next to the bed with his hands in his pocket

"Umm yeah I'm fine"

"What's wrong" he asked sitting down next to me

"I'm just stressed that all"

He reassured "We're going to find the stone and we're going to get Ama back safely"

"How can you all have such a positive attitude about this, What if we don't find the stone, then we'll have to tell the King that we put a mortals life in danger. We'll lose our jobs and we won't ever be able to go back to Earth"

He looked at me a little worried as if reality had just kicked in and I️ seriously thought I️ broke his positive attitude

But instead he just said "well I️ can't deny that but your not alone, you have us, we'll always be there for you"

Somehow he managed to put some hope in me

"Thanks" I️ stammered

"No problem"

I️ turned my head to face him and he did the same.

We kinda of just stared at each other for a little bit.

I️ didn't realize his hand was going towards my face

We looked into each other's eyes and didn't say anything

I️ was so confused for what was happening and then

He flicked my nose.

I️ jolted up and started to laugh

"What?" I️ laughed

"Sorry perfect opportunity" he said smiling

I️ looked at him and then looked away and said "wow! Well, you made me laugh" whiling trying to flick his forehead

He dodged it and somehow managed to flick me in the forehead.

We both joked for a little while until we decided to go to the other room.

When I️ got up from the bed I️ turned around and saw a shadow leave the door.

As if someone was watching us and ran away once they saw us get up

"Did you-"

Elohi turned to me and said "what win? Cause yeah"

I️ smiled and we walked to the other room

We walked in and Unole smirked "you guys were in there for a long time"

"And you guys were alone" Ama smirked

Elohi and I️ both turned red and said "eww!"

Then we both took a seat in separate beds.

I️ wonder why he came to check on me? Now that I️ realize it, he does that often.

My thoughts were interrupted by Angarika "Hey, do you guys remember that old cabin we used to hide in. The one between the Evilet kingdom and ours?"

"Yeah why?" Equoni asked

"Why don't we stay there, that way we don't spend money here and the Evilets will have a lesser chance of finding us"

I️ said "That's a good idea! We haven't been there in a year, it's probably covered in spider webs"

"Uhh spiders" Elohi said while faking a shiver

The next morning we headed to the border of the two kingdoms and after some searching we found the cabin

"Wow, we need to remember where this cabins at or else we'll get lost often" Angarika said

"I️ know right" Equoni said while opening the door


"Bro, come on there just spid-" before Unole could finish that sentence he jumped right out

I️ laughed so hard that I️ almost fell

"Oh my gosh! Seriously!" I️ said laughing harder

Then he grabbed my shoulders and shoved me in only to see a big spider web

It was messy so it was probably a black widows

I️ jumped out bumping into Elohi's chest

He laughed almost as hard as me and said "see!"

"Well at least I️ didn't scream!" I️ said smacking him

Equoni rolled his eyes and walked right in making all of us look stupid

"Hey! Stop flirting and get inside!" Angarika yelled

"We're not flirting" I️ said running inside

Ama chuckled and said "Ok" sarcastically

"I️ thought we were friends Ama" I️ said trying to hide a smile

"Friends tease each other" She said smiling

I️ looked around and all the memories came flooding back

I️ was standing in the short hallway where there were pictures of all of us goofing around

Then once you got out of the hallway there was a big room that took up the rest of the house.

There was a big window lighting up the whole room

There was a red couch with a couple scratches and holes in it but you could still sit on it.

A lamp, a blue rug, four green bookshelves on the opposite side of the couch that we filled with books, pictures and junk.

There was a small bathroom that didn't even have a sink in it so they built it on the outside and a refrigerator we put next to the couch.

Even though the walls were a little dirty with one hole in it (that was my fault) and the rug and couch were a little torn up while some tiles were loose it still felt like home.

I️ breathed in the air and said "home sweet home"

"It's cozy" Ama said while looking at the pictures on the bookshelf

"why haven't you guys come back here"

"We've been on earth for the last year" Equoni said leaning against the wall

"And if we did come back to this world it was only to spend time with family" Angarika said

We rested until the sun went down and then I️ turned on a lamp, grabbed a map, slammed it on the table and said "ok, how are we going to find the stone and how are we going to get it?"

Angarika said "It has to be the Evilets, who else would take it? I️ say we go down to the palace, kick some ass, and get the map back"

Everyone looked at her and we all stayed quite for about 3 seconds until everyone started to say "yeah that works"

"Ok" I️ said putting away the map and lying on the couch

"Should we go into the Evilet town tomorrow and see what we can find?"

"Yeah, we still have our traditional Evilet clothes from the last times we've snuck in there. Ama your going to stay here" I️ said

"Wait what! Why?!"

"Because its to dangerous" Elohi said

"Because I'm a mortal?! You know us mortals or humans can do more then you think"

Unole added "I️ know but we can't risk you getting hurt or caught. We'll be in huge trouble"

"Wow, So all you care about is getting caught and gettin in trouble with the king?"

"What- no- that's not what I️ meant"

"Fine. If the Evilets come I️ won't be able to defend myself, because you know I'm a mortal, and I'll get captured meaning you guys will have to find me, only for the reason of not wanting to get in trouble and take time away from finding the stone"

Equoni rolled his eyes "fine! You'll borrow some extra clothes from the girls"

"Now your just assuming I️ want to wear girl clothes cause I'm a girl?"

"Wh-" Unole started to say but Ama cut him off "I'm just kidding" she said laughing

We all laughed

Ama would be a good fit for our group, but she has to go back to Earth because no powers so no living in this world. It was the rule.

The next morning we woke up early.

I rumaged through the box of clothes and luckily I found a spare one for Ama.

They were not that much different then our traditional clothes but if we were to walk in the town wearing our usual clothes we'd be questioned and kicked out.

I hate to admit it but I like their clothes better then mine.

The dress was tight until the waist where it slightly went out but not to much and their was a shawl that a lot of people wear there.

All our dresses matched our elements and Ama's was white to make her seem like an air bender.

The guys clothes looked more formal.

They wore these formal pants with a long sleeve shirt and vest over it.

"Ready?" I️ asked

"Yup" everyone said

"Are we going through the gates?" Ama asked

"Are you suicidal? We're climbing the big wall around the kingdom and flying off. Hopefully we land right this time"

Ama sarcastically said "Oh sorry for assuming the dangerous way"

"It's ok" Elohi said

When we got to the wall Unole launched himself off the ground and in a matter of seconds was at the top of the wall.

Equoni, Ama, Angarika, Elohi and I️ stood close together and then Elohi stomped on the ground rose his hands and from the earth emerged a rock pillar that descended us to the top.

Once we got to the top we ran at the top of the wall looking for the Hollow Winds Forest.

Once there Elohi jumped and Ama gasped

"Relax" I️ said

About 10 feet from the ground Elohi turned to green and brown dust and when close to the ground his physical state came back.

Then Equoni jumped turning to blue dust, Angarika and I️ jumped and turned to red and orange dust.

Then Unole picked up Ama bridal style and before asking he jumped turning both of them into white dust.

When they got down her face was white

"I️ was dust"

We all laughed and continued walking

The forest was huge and we were walking for hours.

Sun was setting and I️ groaned annoyingly loud "My feet hurt"

Elohi sarcastically said "Oh I'm sorry do you want me to carry you"

"Ha! Like you can ever carry me"

Without saying a word Elohi turned around and picked me up bridal style

"Fine point made, now let me down!"

"You said your feet hurt"

"I️ know but I️ was just groaning I didn't ask you to carry me!"

Ama and Angarika giggled in the background

I️ heated my hand and put it on his neck

"Ahh!! Fine I'll drop you!"

He stopped, literally just dropped me and I️ landed on a small square pillar he made


Angarika and Ama's giggles turned to laughter and my face turned red

Unole interrupted "Alright, how bout we just make camp for the night?"

Angarika made the fire, Elohi made a small cave for the fire so it wouldn't burn out and Unole made cloud beds for us to sleep on.

Once we lied down we immediately fell asleep.

I️ jolted up in the middle of the night and it was kind of scary because the trees were black shadows all around me, the wind made the leaves make crackling noises and the only thing I️ could see was the small fire.

I️ made the fire bigger and just sat there letting my thoughts take the best of me

A cracking sound came from behind me and I️ jumped up

The sound was like someone stepped on a stick by accident.

Hi everyone! I️ hope this chapter was more interesting and if not I️ promise, twists and turns will be coming! Ships! And adventure!

Have a nice day 😊

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