
Falling In Love

Lance Wellbon is a stick in the mud. He hates everyone and everything. When his mother tells him that she is getting married to her Boss, he freaks out. He has no choice but to accept his fate and he has no choice but to move in with his new family. Lance didn't know about the brother. He didn't know that Brad Hilly would be the subject of his dreams. Coming out of the closet because of your stepbrother was never part of his plans but somehow he ends up falling and the pit is deeper than he ever expected. Brad Hilly is the most popular boy in Chesterfield highschool. His father's money makes him the subject of everyone's jealousy. Brad is surrounded by friends and the head cheerleader Lisa. He likes pets and volunteers and the homeless shelter on weekends. His life is mapped out and he is following the trail---that is until LANCE. This is a journey. A journey between two people that are so different but end up wanting the same things in life....each other.

WagS · LGBT+
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230 Chs

The firetruck kid


I have never been as nervous as I am at this moment. Ford is watching me, his hand is squeezing mine tightly. He is as nervous as I am, but he is hiding his very well. My palms are sweaty. From all the overthinking that is going on in my head. We are at the home, Char is supposed to meet us here and I am already diving into my anxiety. Thinking of worst-case scenarios.

What if he hates us—what if he hates only me?

He is just a baby, I know that but I just want everything to be perfect. Ford said we will have to foster him for a couple of months. This is our first attempt at adoption and this has been the most important thing to me for the past couple of months. I just want everything to go well.

We are in the reception/living room of the place. I see children as they walk around and my mind wanders and thinks, with every child that he is the one.

"You are about to explode,'' Ford breaks the silence.