
Falling in Love with the Bad Boy

Moving into a new town isn't anything new to Claire, since her parents are always moving. But this time is different , this time they sent her alone for her senior year to live with her aunt. Claire isn't particularly happy. How will she fit in with people she never met? Is she gonna fall in love with the brother of the girl she babysits? Read and find out ;)

olaabzakh · Teen
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25 Chs

Chapter 8

"Good morning Auntie " I said as I entered the kitchen. " Good morning sweetheart " she said then handed me a plate of eggs. I thanked then started eating. "Today you're going to babysit for Alexa?" Aunt Vivi asked. I nodded " at what time?" she asked. "' From 9 to 7 " I told her her . " Okay , make sure your phone is charged and that you have money on you. I'm gonna be late tonight since I have a huge project with a client from out of state , k? " Auntie told me. " Auntie , can I ask you a question? " I asked. "Shoot" she said. "Where is Alec's and Bella's dad?" I asked while looking at her.

Aunt Vivi suddenly got quiet , she looked at me then sighed " Their father is an alcoholic , he is abusive and he used to hit Alec. Alexa put up with i because she didn't want Alec to live without his dad. Then Bella was born it got better for a while but then he went back. He finally crossed the line when he was drunk and he was about to throw Bella when she was crying . Luckily Alec was there, he was so angry that he punched him and threw him out. When Alexa found out she was pissed and finally took action and filed a restraining ordered . Since then they haven't seen him and all this happened last year. " Aunt Vivi explained. I couldn't speak I was so shocked, 'I didn't know " I said. " It's okay you haven't been ere for long " Auntie said with a sad smile then left the kitchen to get ready for work. I sighed then looked at the time , it was 8:15. I quickly finished my breakfast then went upstairs to get ready.

After I showered I got dressed. I wore a hoodie with a pair of jeans. I checked my phone to make sure it's charged and my wallet to see if there is money. After I made sure that I had everything , I went downstairs . I saw my aunt " do you want a ride?" Aunt Vivi asked me. I shook my head , " No thank you , Alexa sent me the location.It isn't far. " I said . " How are you gonna come back ? I wont be able to pick you up" she asked concerned ." I'll figure something up, but you better go before you get late. " I said with a smile. She nodded and hugged me then left.

I put my shoes on then made my way to Alexa's house.

I finally reached the house. It is a nice house in a nice neighbourhood. I know how this sounds but I didn't think it would be nice given what my aunt told me . I walked to the front door and and rung the bell. I waited for a couple seconds then heard the door opening. Once it opened I saw Alec standing there in his workout clothes and his hair wet. " Good morning Claire. Come on in." Alec greeted me with a smile. " Good morning" I said with a smile as I entered the house.

"My mom already went out and I'm about to leave in a couple of minutes . Bella is in her nursery upstairs. Every thing you need is in there , mom breast pumped milk for her and she put it in the fridge in the kitchen. I would show you around but I don't have time, sorry. " he quickly said while putting his shoes on. I nodded " okay, and don't apologise I'm pretty sure I can find my way around the house." I said with a smile. Alec nodded then went into whatv looks like the living room . He got his bag and car keys the went to the door ." Well I'm gonna be here at 7 but mom has stuff to do after she finishes her shift . So see you the. " he said as he opened the door. Right before he closed the door he said " Also feel free to eat anything in the kitchen " . After he said that he closed the door and I heard it lock.

I went to the living room to put my stuff down. Once I put my stuff, I sighed , I have no idea where to go. This house is pretty big almost the same size as aunt Vivi's house and my old house the one I lived in. I glanced at the table and saw a paper with my name on it. I walked to the table and up the paper in confusion. I saw that it is a letter that read:

Dear Claire,

Thank you so much for babysitting Bella. I don't know what I would have done without you.

I'm pretty sure that Alec would forget to show you around this morning so I put instructions on the back of this paper on how to reach Bella's room. She is probably awake . I fed her today morning then put her to sleep but she should be awake.

Again thank you for babysitting and see you later.

(PS: Feel free to eat anything from the kitchen or you can order takeout. But please don't invite anyone over :) )

With love,


I flipped the letter and saw that indeed she put instruction on the back of the paper. I put down the letter then followed the instruction Alexa put on the paper to Bella's room.

Once I reached the nursery's door I entered the room. I saw Bella giggling in her crib. I felt a smile creep on my face. I walked towards the crib and picked her up. She instantly clung to me and laughed. I held into her and took her downstairs, she suddenly became fussy. I checked her diaper but it was clean so I guessed that she was hungry. I went into the kitchen and warmed up some milk for her. After the milk got warm I gave it to Bella and she started drinking instantly.

I took her to the living and sat her on my lap as she drank her milk. Once she finished her milk I burped her . She started cuddling me so I cuddled her back and kissed her head. I sighed and thought to myself" This will be a long but happy day".