
Partial essay.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Después de casi terminar el temario de la primera parte de la historia, la maestra Aimi encargó un ensayo crítico sobre los temas tratados, que eran prácticamente las guerras imperialistas en África y Asia.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Muchos eligieron las guerras que Japón había tenido con China. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Fue algo fácil ya que lo sabían en su historia del país, asignatura que habían retomado unos semestres atrás.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Eso hizo que a Aimi le fuera un poco más fácil calificar los ensayos, pero más de uno tuvo problemas con eso.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Entre esas personas estaba Kazumi, que no entendía muy bien cómo hacer la prueba. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Era una niña de 9 y 10, el orgullo de cualquier madre o padre que presume las calificaciones de sus hijos en las reuniones familiares.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Estaba pensando en hablar de la división de África entre las potencias europeas, un tema que era bastante extenso, pero que la había fascinado con todas las letras.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ringo, por su parte, fue elegido para la guerra hispanoamericana, ya que tenía un amigo que podía ayudarlo perfectamente.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¿La Guerra Hispanoamericana? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dios, ese es el tema más fácil del mundo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Debes comenzar con el hundimiento del Maine en La Habana, en Cuba.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Por eso quise consultarlo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¿Conoce la Historia de Cuba?</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Por eso viajé allí una vez, el clima era bastante fresco ... pero me engañaron cada segundo de mi estadía en la Isla.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Bien bien. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¿Dónde empiezo?</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Independencia de Cuba y Filipinas. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">De hecho, esa guerra provocó indirectamente la revolución cubana, pórtate bien y un día te llevaré a Santa Clara.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¿Santa Clara? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">... –Tadashi comenzó a caminar hacia su sala. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Espere, profesor Tadashi! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¿Tienes algún libro que pueda ayudarme?</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Te los traeré mañana. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Son libros sobre la historia de Cuba desde la guerra, por lo que te servirán como no tienes ni idea.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Gracias!</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Juro y Yurisa eligieron el mismo tema: las guerras del opio. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Razón por la que se ayudaban mutuamente con investigaciones y libros que encontraban en una biblioteca o en la misma academia.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Yurisa tenía un montón de libros en sus manos, tambaleándose para que ninguno cayera. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">De repente, surgió una necesidad muy traicionera de estornudar.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Con éxito contuvo el estornudo, sonriendo victoriosamente para seguir caminando.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Yurisa! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¡¿Dónde estabas?! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Gritó Yumei, provocando que Yurisa dejara caer todos los libros. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Vaya, culpa mía.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Me di cuenta! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¡¿Qué deseas?!</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Hoy es uno de los días que pasamos juntos, ¿te acuerdas?</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Siendo ese el caso, ¡ayúdame a recopilar todo esto!</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¿Es para investigación?</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Si. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Además, no es investigación, es ensayo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Hum… Eiji eligió la guerra Ruso-Japonesa. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Preferí la guerra de Crimea.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Los temas fueron algo variados cuando se trataba de guerras no japonesas. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Estaban Ringo, Yumei, Yurisa y Juro. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">El único de los temas que se repitió tres veces fue el de las guerras del opio, ya que era bastante interesante y en Japón había varios registros del mismo en las bibliotecas.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kazumi estaba buscando a la maestra Aimi para preguntarle dónde podía encontrar la información sobre la división de África, ya que consistía en varias guerras y problemas de guerra.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Lo único que sabía, y que con la ayuda del profesor Tadashi, era que la colonización de África se había debido a la creación de la vacuna contra la malaria, ya que solo se conocían las costas de ese continente por esa enfermedad.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Hola chicos, no han visto a la maestra Aimi. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Preguntó a Juro y Ringo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">El primero puso su cara de amor.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Todavía no la he visto, pero mi primera clase es con ella, ��qué tal si vas a buscarla allí? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Preguntó Ringo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Sí… ¿para qué lo necesitas? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Preguntó Juro.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Necesito que te pregunte algo sobre el ensayo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Elegí la distribución de África como tema pero es muy complicado, hay demasiados subtemas que tiene.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Juro quiere ayudarte. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ringo dio un paso adelante a su amigo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Él está completamente dispuesto a resolver todas tus dudas.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Hijo del…!</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡¿Verdaderamente?! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Los ojos de Kazumi se iluminaron cuando escuchó la noticia.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Si! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Por supuesto que te ayudaré, no por nada me dicen Juro, el historiador de África.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Nadie te dice así. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Intervino Ringo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Cállate. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">El caso es que planeo ayudarte con todo lo que pueda.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Muchas gracias, Juro! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Kazumi abrazó a Juro, quien puso cara de sorpresa.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Su corazón latía dos veces, haciendo un "boom boom" con fuerza. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ahora se sentía mal por traicionar a su buen amigo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-N-no hay problema, Kazumi. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Por eso somos.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Te lo agradeceré… -Se llevó un dedo a los labios, pensando. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Con un helado de lo que quieras.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">- Me suena bien, aunque no es necesario. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¿Hablamos en el recreo para que pueda decirte más o menos cómo hacer el ensayo?</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Por supuesto! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Entonces te esperaré. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Kazumi se despidió con un beso en la mejilla, sonriendo para luego dirigirse apresuradamente a su clase.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Juro se apoyó en su casillero, sonriendo y sacando corazones de su cabeza para deslizarse hacia abajo, sentándose en el suelo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ringo acaba de verlo, sonriendo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Le había dado una palmada en el hombro para felicitar a su buen amigo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Cada vez me gusta más. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Cómo me gustaría comerme un helado con el sabor de tus labios. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Suspiro, debe tener un sabor maravilloso.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-No me des las gracias, cabrón, te devolveré el favor que me hiciste en el baile. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ahora levántate de ahí, tenemos que ir al aula.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ringo tomó a Juro de la mano mientras su estúpida sonrisa se extendía por su rostro, haciéndolo tan enamorado como siempre.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Eran poco más de las siete de la mañana, pero al entrar en la habitación, se percibió un ligero olor a cigarrillos que apestaba la habitación.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">La profesora Aimi era la única que estaba allí, anotando las explicaciones y el trabajo por hacer. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Cuando los primeros estudiantes entraron al aula, se sorprendieron bastante.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Nadie esperaba que la maestra Aimi fumara, y mucho menos temprano.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pude ver que tenía leves ojeras en los pómulos, como si hubiera dormido mal la noche anterior.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Yumei seguía mirando con recelo a Ringo, quien sacó su libreta mientras silbaba la primera melodía que le vino a la mente.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Muy bien chico, hoy te voy a contar específicamente cómo se hace el ensayo de historia, así que espero que tengas algún avance, que lo hagas bien. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Hizo un guiño, sacando un suspiro de los hombres… y de Yumei, por supuesto.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">El ensayo debía tener unas cinco páginas, sencillo, pero no pan comido. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Debes tener buenas fuentes de información, no PDF ni páginas web. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Todo era puro libro antiguo de la biblioteca.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">El ensayo fue cien por cien crítico, con una página dedicada a las reflexiones, aunque esa parte iba a ser difícil para muchos.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Muchos de los libros que Juro y Yurisa ya habían recopilado no eran los más útiles. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Aun así, todos resolvieron sus dudas ... aunque había cierto alumno que tenía más de lo necesario.</font></font>

-If you want to talk about that subject it will cost you more than five pages, although that does not bother me, on the contrary, I am very happy that you are so enthusiastic.

-But why more than five pages? Won't I struggle to get the five pages you ask for? –Juro questioned.

-Unlike. Review all the notes you have on those topics. I just hope you have them in order. And regarding sources of information ... I think there are some books in the school library that will help you.

-Thanks a lot! -He sputtered, to which Aimi smiled at him.

When she was clicking her heels with each step, Juro made a small gesture of celebration. Now his friendship points with Kazumi were increasing.

-I see you treated your eye just like I told you. –Aimi put her hand on Ringo's cheek and sideburns, observing his black eye in detail.

-Of course I did. Thank you very much for that. –He mentioned.

-Keep it up, you little punk. See you in history.

-I thought this was the history class.

-Ha, ha. Very funny. -Aimi gave him a little affectionate slap before leaving.

Yumei saw that "atrocity", as she would put it. Her jealousy was only growing, in addition to her desire to give him the other black eye.

-Calm down or I'll tell Eiji to put you on a leash and a muzzle. –Yurisa warned.

-I'm sure that's how you felt before I made him my boyfriend, so you should understand perfectly.

-Damn ... I think you left me without arguments.

-But I'll get paid ... I'll enjoy it as you have no idea.

During recess, Professor Tadashi chatted with several students who asked him for help with the essay. He just wanted to have his morning coffee so as not to get upset, so he took care of them with shifts and everything, almost as if he were some kind of very famous shaman in some Middle Eastern country.

-You have to review the industrial revolution if you want to understand what happened in the opium war, the one that follows!

Juro and Kazumi were on a bench in the middle of the cafeteria, alone, with no one to bother them. That was when the boy could make his first body contact with her, in addition to the kiss he gave her when he said goodbye.

-Thank you very much for the help. Juro, I hope the ice cream is enough. –She mentioned.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-En caso de que no lo sea ... quizás dos helados sí. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Rió Kazumi. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Aunque puedes pedirme ayuda con otra cosa. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Juro la tomó de la mano, provocando que se pusiera seria.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-La verdad es que no quiero molestarte, sé que este tema puede ser muy largo ya que el jueves se entrega el ensayo ... pero y si te invito a mi casa mañana por la mañana cuando salgamos de la academia para hacer el ensayo juntos?</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Los ojos de Juro se agrandaron y se puso un poco pálido. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">No le habían dado un susto de esos, pero esa era una propuesta que nunca se había esperado ... además de que era demasiado pronto para entrar a la casa de Kazumi.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Por un segundo, dudó seriamente si rechazaba la oferta, pero si lo hacía, seguramente Ringo y Yurisa lo iban a matar como a una madre.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">- Bueno, si quieres, ¿tu casa está muy lejos? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Preguntó Juro.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Es relativo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Tengo una caminata de quince minutos, por eso siempre llegaba mojado cuando estaba lloviendo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Ella sonrió.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Ah, bueno, claro. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Me gustaría tt-a tu, a tu casa.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Todo bien. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Me gustaría que vinieras hoy para empezar a adelantarlo lo más rápido posible, pero si no pido permiso mis padres me van a matar.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ringo, Yumei y Yurisa estaban en la misma mesa. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">La primera de ellas no dejaba de mirar celosamente al chico, como si se lo comiera con la mirada, juzgándolo a cada segundo que pasaba.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¿Puedo comer la ensalada de huevo? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Preguntó Yurisa. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Yumei lo hizo sin dejar de mirar a ese molesto individuo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Ok, esto está empezando a molestarme mucho, ¿tienes algún problema conmigo o qué? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Preguntó Ringo tirando su tenedor sobre la mesa.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Quieres robarme a mi chica ... -dijo ella.</font></font>

-You are crazy? She is not owned by anyone, not even mine. Also, it was just a damn dream, you should finish understanding that.

-You want to steal my girl...

-Okay, I'm out of here! –Ringo took his tray of food and changed tables.

-Yumei this is starting to make me desperate too. You act like a stalker. -Yurisa put her hand on the septum of her nose, pulling it down.

-Everything will end when I carry out my revenge...

-Yeah, you're crazy…

At the moment of leaving the academy, Juro went ahead to go to Kazumi's classroom and talk with her one last moment, receiving that kiss on the cheek that was so longed for him.

He would meet Ringo at the train station. Although the latter was already on his way to the exit of the door. Precisely, he saw Juro talking with his non-girlfriend, laughing and getting a little nervous at times.

He let out a huge yawn as he was pissed off from the academy. A shadow settled behind him, putting a cloth bag on his head, tying his hands and feet.

-But what the hell, the time of kidnapping at the academy is supposed to be over! What is happening?!

Ringo ended up in the school gym. The lights were off and not a ray of light came in anywhere. He was blindfolded, tied to a chair and with duct tape over his mouth.

Only God knows how many hours he spent in that situation, trying to imagine where he was, trying to move the chair in which he was imprisoned.

They played it very dirty since, from time to time, footsteps were heard running towards him, causing him to scream in fear. Other times it was heard as someone hit the ground with a baseball bat, bringing him almost to the brink of a heart attack.

When the torture was enough, a guy dressed as a clown removed the blindfold, revealing that he was in the gym, which reassured him a bit.

A television was carried by another guy who had a sign that read "The fuck" taped to his chest. Ringo didn't understand what was happening at all.

The TV came on revealing Yumei, who flirtatiously waved. Seeing who his abductor was, Ringo let out a huge scream ... which couldn't be heard due to the tape in his mouth.

-Hi Ringo… I want to play a game. As you can see there are two of my friends in front of you, I present them to you: they are The clown and The fuck, and you will have to choose which of the two is going to carry you today! –Yumei started laughing like he was the Joker. –For you to decide who carries you, it will be simple: if you want The Clown to carry you, blink once. If you want the Fuck to charge you, do it twice. Let the game begin.

Ringo was sweating from nerves, seeing if The Fuck was stronger than The clown and vice versa.

-"The Fuck charges me" it even sounds ugly, it sounds worse than if "The clown charges me" if he does, I feel that he is even going to carry me laughing. -The television came back on.

-And then why did you decide, my friend? -Ringo blinked once. -The clown? ... are you sure? Ringo nodded. –I knew you would choose the clown because it doesn't sound so bad, that's why The Fuck was less strong than the clown! You can have fun with him all you want, clown.

To say that "The clown" took Ringo ... was not enough. Although without a doubt, the psychological torture was much worse than the beating itself.

What was certain ... is that Ringo would no longer see clowns in the same way...

Already the next day, Professor Tadashi handed him the books he considered necessary for his essay. Juro and Yurisa shared the ones they got in the library and Kazumi had two backpacks: one where she carried her school things and the other where she carried the books for the happy rehearsal.

Now the fight that Ringo and Yumei had was for revenge: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. To get back for the beating that The Clown had given him, Ringo would take it upon himself to screw Yumei a lot by asking teacher Aimi for help even though he didn't need it. He had the sources of information, the time to read and had perfectly understood how to structure.

That essay was worth thirty percent of the total grade, plus the assignments and the fifty percent exam itself.

Again, teacher Aimi came into the room reeking of cigarettes. There were two options: the first, and that many wanted, was that their cigars had a very strong smell and that it remained very impregnated in their clothes ... and the second option was that she smoked as a fireplace, which is why she always kept the tobacco aroma.

The truth was the second option. Aimi had to buy a new pack when she least expected it. In the morning he had it full and sometime in the afternoon / evening his cigars would vanish.

It was recess and Aimi was smoking in the teachers' lounge. Tadashi also had that vice but he controlled himself much more since he bought small and individual cigarettes because he did not smoke as regularly.

Ringo had his notebook and one of the books that Professor Tadashi had lent him: The history of Cuba, our great nation under the Spanish yoke and Yankee imperialism.

It was a very big and very presumptuous title, but every page was worth it. Go that the boy was impressed with the works of José Marti, who was a stranger in Japanese society. But, without a doubt, an example to follow.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Llamó a la puerta de la sala de profesores ya que ahí es donde Tadashi le había dicho que podía encontrar a la profesora Aimi, quien al escuchar los golpes, rápidamente apagó su cigarrillo en una servilleta, ya que no había ceniceros en la academia.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Pasar. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Ella dijo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Buenos días, maestra Aimi. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Ringo olfateó el ambiente tapándose la nariz. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Iba a pedirte ayuda con el ensayo pero… cualquier lugar sería perfecto excepto este.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Aimi se sonrojó un poco. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Me sentí un poco estresado, acabo de terminar de calificar algunos trabajos del grupo A.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Me suena bien, ¿crees que si vamos al patio de la escuela? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Preguntó Ringo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Su-seguro. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Aimi se acomodó el cabello, tomó los trabajos recién calificados y caminó con el niño al patio.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">El día era hermoso, al igual que los días de otoño. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">El sol no era tan fuerte y hacía un poco de frío a las once de la mañana.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ambos se sentaron en uno de los bancos de piedra embaldosados ​​en agua de mar, perfilados en rojo carmesí. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ringo se preparó para sacar su hoja de notas y su lápiz, había terminado un segmento del ensayo.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">La sombra de un ciprés los cobijaba, dándoles un poco más de frío que de calor por el amor que sentía por su maestra.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¿Voy bien en mi ensayo? </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Preguntó Ringo, entregándole el cuaderno a Aimi.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Es el primer ensayo que calificaré así que espero todo. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Acordé que Aimi estaba leyendo, estaba cada vez más sorprendida. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Cada detalle estaba ordenado, solo había algunos errores de ortografía, pero no había cabos sueltos que corregir. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">- Dios mío, si fueras así para la clase de literatura, serías el mejor de mis alumnos, sin duda.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Entonces, ¿está bien?</font></font>

-Your essay is so good ... I think you plagiarized it from somewhere. I'll ask Professor Tadashi if he's helping you with this. -Aimi handed the notebook back, got up from the bench and ruffled Ringo's hair. –If the essay is yours, I have to tell you to keep it up. Well done.

She left but not before giving her homely smile that never failed for any reason. As she walked, turning her back to him, Ringo blew him a small kiss and then put his hand to his chest, squeezing his shirt tightly for what he felt in his heart.

He was, simply put, the most in love person on the seven seas and on the five continents that made up the earth.

Yumei appeared behind him, looking at him with murderous eyes. -What do you like to flirt with other's girls?

-What? –Yumei grabbed Ringo by the neck and began to choke him, shaking his head as he did so. –Da-damn cr-cra-crazy

Juro and Kazumi were studying each other's books on the subject in the cafeteria. There were enough exhortations to find what they needed, that they hardly talked. At most they questioned whether such a segment or whether fragment X could be used for the test. They read it, analyzed it and gave their approval or not.

-By the way, my parents did give me permission to come and study at my house. –Kazumi said. -On the condition that you don't stay late.

-Ah, do you think if I leave at five? -He asked.

-I think it's a good time, it's long before dark.

-Great. Just excuse me for a second, I'll be right back. Juro walked quickly out of the cafeteria. -Yahuu!!! –The victory cry was heard throughout the cafeteria ... and even reached the courtyards.

Kazumi giggled little, wrinkling her face with a graceful smile. Juro would come back adjusting his hair and shirt, sitting down at the table again.

As Juro and Kazumi were going to go together, once again Ringo would have to go alone ... but with the growing threat that a murderer named Yumei would beat him to death, it occurred to him to play a good card.

-I see. Well today we could not stay to eat at my house, I have some things to do. –Said Aimi.

-Do not worry I understand. Maybe for tomorrow or any of these days.

-I'm glad you understand. Now come on, let's go to my car.

As Yumei was walking down the street, she saw teacher Aimi's car stopping at a red light. When Ringo realized that she was watching him skeptically, he greeted her cynically with a huge smile on his lips.

- Let him know that tomorrow morning will be dead on one side of the bay ...

Juro and Kazumi were walking towards her house, walking through the quiet streets of the neighborhood that was near the academy.

The house was located fifteen minutes away, but they felt like five because of the conversation they had.

Kazumi had a younger brother who looked a lot like her, but was differentiated by his eyes, they were light brown while hers were blue, apart from masculine features.

Kazumi's parents weren't very jealous. His father only warned poor Juro that if he heard the slightest abnormal noise, he would kill him on the spot ... which made him blush and smoke from his ears as if he were a living kettle.

-Dad don't exaggerate, he wouldn't be able to do that. Besides, it's not like I don't allow it either. –Kazumi defended.

-O-of-of course, I could never do anything to your daughter, I wouldn't touch a single hair!

-You better be, boy...

Already in her room, the light of the afternoon sun came through the window, bathing everything in a light yellow color, like her hair.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">La habitación estaba perfectamente organizada, daba la impresión de que allí vivía algún contador o administrador por lo perfecto que se ve��a ... pero no. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">La persona que vivía allí era una chica de diecisiete años, que tenía mucho trabajo por hacer.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ambos se apoyaron mutuamente en sus ensayos, corrigiendo, estructurando y aportando diferentes partes del mismo, habían avanzado mucho, incluso Juro estaba casi terminado, pero Kazumi fácilmente se iría a la mitad.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">El ensayo tenía que estar prácticamente listo para mañana antes del anochecer. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Juro ya no tenía problemas, porque podía terminar el ensayo en casa. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kazumi era la que todavía tenía pequeños problemas.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Necesitaba cubrir las guerras más violentas que ocurrieron en África, además de la resistencia de los etíopes a los asedios de Italia y otras potencias.</font></font>

In many of the books there were images of the Congolese slaves, many of them were extremely malnourished and chained like animals of the feet, arms and neck, which Kazumi seemed a monstrosity, which in fact, is not far from it.

-The worst thing is that King Solomon's mines were not in Africa. Sigh, no way. -He sighed.

-Unfortunately ... -Someone knocked on the door of the room.

-Kazumi, it's already past five, don't go scolding your friend. –Said her mother.

-Is it after five?! Boy, time flew by!

- At least we anticipated much to the test. Thanks for your help, Juro. –Kazumi approached him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, surprising him. -I say goodbye once because I could not do it in front of my parents, I hope you understand.


The essay had already been delivered, all would be graded and delivered that same day. Especially since Aimi didn't want to take them home, she was busy with other things at the academy.

Most turned out well, but they were very repetitive and not very original, since the themes were not exactly very varied. Most had a grade of nine or eight, only two little people had a perfect grade, something that needed to be mentioned in history class, which was after recess.

-The rehearsals were not bad at all, they were very good ... although, for a demon, they should have done more in creativity! It gave me the impression that I was reading the same thing every second! Even so, I have to congratulate those who chose other themes, they made my day more dynamic.

-Teacher, what about my essay? –Asked Ringo, since he was the only one who had not been delivered.

-Regarding that ... Professor Tadashi told me that he had only lent you books but not helped with the writing or anything, so I have to congratulate you because I found it incredible, especially the final reflections, applause to your partner.

Everyone applauded Ringo, even Juro and Yurisa whistled at him to celebrate their victory. The only one who looked half dissatisfied was Yumei, she clapped in a gloomy way and without desire, killing him with her eyes.

Upon receiving the essay, Ringo was slightly upset as he had muddy cigarette ash. He noticed Aimi looking away, saddened by that fact.

-I concentrated so much reading it that I didn't realize it had stained, I hope you can excuse me. -She whispered.

-I will do it with one condition: stop smoking.

Finishing classes, Juro and Ringo would finally go back together on the train, always careful that Yumei did not try something that she surely would not regret.

The surprise for both of them is that Kazumi was waiting for them outside the class. Seeing Juro, she pounced on him, giving him a huge hug.

-Thank you! -Told her.

-W-why? –He asked.

-Watch this. –Kazumi gave him the essay, showing a number identical to that of Ringo: with one hundred percent and with an underlined "Congratulations". –I was the best rehearsal of all the groups, thanks for helping me.

-Was nothing. The truth is that you also helped me and I got nine, what a disappointment.

-It is not ... today I will not pay you with two ice creams as I had said. I'll do it with three, for your great help.

Juro stared at Ringo with a surprised face, he crossed his arms and frowned.

-Well buddy, I never say no to an ice cream, much less three, so I wish you luck. -Juro patted his friend on the shoulder, who was still upset.

-Sigh, you're a shitty friend.

-But you still want me as your friend.


Aimi would start her car, preparing to pull out of the parking lot. She was extremely calm turning on the stereo, distracting herself for no less than a second.

Although that second was crucial to something surprising.

-Come over here, I'm going to kill you! -Yumei sputtered, who had a baseball bat in her hands, making it whistle every time she hit the air.

-For the love of God, someone help me! –By looking back, Ringo did not realize that Aimi took out her car, crashing into him, staying on top of the hood.

-My God!!! –teacher Aimi immediately got out of the car to see how her favorite student was doing.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Estaba bien, solo tenía los ojos en blanco y unos pocos toques. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Por suerte, solo había sido el impacto.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Vaya ... culpa mía. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">–Dijo Yumei, escondiendo el murciélago detrás de su espalda.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Oh Dios mío! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¡¿Estás bien?! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¡¿No te lastimaste ?!</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Neh. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Creo que solo me disloqué una muñeca, pero estoy bien.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-¡Dios, Yumei! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">¡¿Qué diablos estabas pensando?!</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-La verdad es que no creo que estuviera pensando. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">-Sonrió con picardía para que Aimi se llevara las manos a los ojos.</font></font>

Hi. And as I said a few chapters ago, I prefer to distribute the protagonism as evenly as possible so that it is not so tedious to read the same couple, also that helps to cement the other characters, advice from your good comrade: D

Perhaps more than one of them found the chapter boring because it reminded them of school but it was not a filler, it can be said that some details will have relevance later, I just hope you liked it.

Siempre tuyo:

ArturoRT12creators' thoughts