
Met him

"Maylin, do you take Jack to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The preacher asked Maylin. Jack had a big smile plastered on his face waiting for her response. The wind started getting a little intense. "Maylin, do you..." "NO!"she shouted. Gasps of shock were heard in the crowd. "I don't want to get married to Jack because I -I " "Why don't you want me May? I thought you loved me." Jack asked. Coincidentally, there was a man strolling in the park and stopped to see all the commotion.

"Because I love someone else."Maylin said. "No guy has ever been interested in you, stop all this madness instantly!" Her mother exclaimed. It really hurt to hear her mother say that. "Mom, there's the one I love," she said pointing to the man who was watching the drama. The man was not expecting any of that, he was really confused. Maylin ran, hugged and whispered to the man to play along.

"No Maylin, you're supposed to be with me, not some shitty guy with no class. Come with me Maylin, I'll give you the life that you deserve." Jack said moving forward to grab Maylin but 'her lover' pulled her behind.

"Dude,if she doesn't wanna be with you then leave her alone. C'mon babe, I don't like spreading my shittyness to people who don't deserve it."He said pulling her away. They stopped at a black limo and got inside.

"Thank you, sir" Maylin said. "Its okay, but next time if you're running away from your wedding don't just point at some random guy and claim that you love him. You don't know if the guy's a serial killer, okay?" Maylin just nodded.

"Now, do you care explaining why you ran away from your wedding?". "Umm, I think I'll get off here. Thanks again.

This is my first time writing a book despite my age so I hope you enjoy it

sleeping_messcreators' thoughts