
Falling in love by pen

F4 and FS are the two most popular groups in the school. Each member with their own story to tell. Amongst them all is Aj/Lianne. A lady who hasn't had it easy since she was young. She hardens her heart to be able to fight for herself and not get hurt again. Would she be able to fall in love with Jordy, the most potential boyfriend for her or would all of Jordy's effort to sway her be in vain?

Temiloluwa_3238 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 26: The Real game

Team QGDZ and GDX made their way to their various positions.

The Mc's introduced themselves as Shao Shaolin and Sihan as the guest mc.

Next, all the members of the two teams present were introduced after the other. "We have Jordy as the captain, Xavy as the duo, Aj as the mid, Kai as the second duo and Dami as the assist" Shao Shaolin said as he introduced the members of team QGDZ and their fans let out cheers as their own form of support before he went on to introduce the members of GDX "and we have Dang Gang as their captain, Seo yu as their duo, Lin Suyang as their mid, Jang Du as their second duo and Yin Juan as their Assist" and their fans also gave a loud cheer for them before everyone settled down for the first match of the season.

"We want to welcome you all to the first match of this season. We've just introduced the players and I can't wait for this match to begin. So without much wastage of time, let's begin with the procedures." Sihan said before leaving the stage and climbing the staircase to join the other mc.

The first step was the picking/selecting of characters. For team QGDZ, Jordy chose Liu kang, Xavy chose Shao Khan, Aj chose Kung Lao, Kai chose Shang Tsung and Dami chose Baraka.

And for team GDX, Jang gang chose Sonya Blade, Seo yul chose quan chi, Lin Suyang chose kitana, Jang Du chose Reiko and Yin Juan chose Geras.

The next stage was the bans and picks. This stage consisted of both teams picking the skills they wanted and also banning some skills. Team GDX banned Tamano mo mae first and the guys said it looked like they were scared of Aj using it. Lianne ended up using Karisu.

Before commencing the competitions, the coaches for both teams walked towards each other and met in the middle and shook each other's hands and that signified the beginning of the match.

Everyone sounded the count down 3 2 1 the game begins. GDX'S mid kept going after Lianne but carefully as he was scared that if he didn't thread carefully, they would fail. Aj kept watching him and when she found a time to strike, she did and as he was the last man standing in their team, his team failed the first round earning QGDZ a 1-0.

The guys went to the room that the arena provided for each team involved in the competition. After preparing for the next match, the guys returned to the stage and Lianne took another candy and licked on it as they stepped into the stage. She was still with the disguise that she wore since the beginning since she had chosen it as her official disguise for the gaming competition. The disguise consisted of a wig and sunglasses.

The win in round two came quite easy to them as they were familiar with the way team GDX now played. Because they had already gotten 2-0, a third round was not required as there was no way for GDX to win the competition even if they won the last round.

After QGDZ was announced as the winner of the competition, which by the way was the first match of this gaming season, they left their seats and walked over to were GDX members were now standing in front of their chairs waiting for them before shaking their hands as they were walking by. Jordy was thankful that Aj wore her leather gloves before meeting them to shake their hands as he didn't want any of them touching her.

After shaking all their hands, QGDZ members walked to the stage and took a slight bow to the expectant fans who awarded them with satisfactory cheers but amongst the fans seated, four girls were not pleased to see Lianne standing next to Jordy.

After the taking their bow and leaving, an MVP review was held and Jordy was the MVP of the game. Aj was also invited to say a few words to the fans and the social media to talk about how her first match as the first female gamer was.

"So we just heard from Jordy, so how about we review the very first female gamer in the e-sport world, who is popularly known as mulan." The official reporter for this season said before turning to Lianne who she felt honoured to review. "Mulan, how was your first game as an e-sport player?" She asked the first question given to her.