
falling in love (secret billionaire)

she was taking a sip of her coffee and was enjoying her playlist when some jackass as she likes to call bad driver made her spill coffee on herself. jackass she yelled while horn. she speed off and followed the driver and the horn again when she got slow to the car. "hey, jack ass" she wasn't going to let this go not today. she wanted to talk to the driver but the back sit window open "hi, am.." the stranger want to introduce himself but was interrupted by her. "a jackass" she interrupted him and drew the remaining coffee at his car and zoom off while her middle finger up telling him fuck you. feisty, a smile formed on his lips, I like that" ringing his phone was ringing, he look at the caller's ID, it was Jimin, he picked up the call "Hello" sir, we have a clear aim at the driver with your order we can make it an accident, right now. Jimin said "why so serious, boy," he said and hang up. Jimin look at his phone to be sure he just spoke to his boss.is he joking

queenpink5 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

chapter 45

(BONUS CHAPTER )The gossip in the company

glad that the matter was settled. I took the girls to school the next day and then went to work.

as I walked into the building I could hear murmurs, what were they murmuring about? I asked myself. each time a staff passed me they would either look at me disgusted or run to say something to someone. I guess maybe it has something to do with me, I wonder what.

I walked into my office and called Luke

"Luke, what happening," I inquired without giving him a chance to even greet me.

"what do you mean ma"

"Everybody is acting weird" I stated the facts

"They have always acted weird around you, ma" True

"not this type of weird, they look at me like am some pig. We both know it's been a while since I have been treated like that".

"Ma, please don't be angry"

"speak up if you know why"

"Rumors are going on that you are our boss Mistress"😞

"what" I was shocked, at all the things Williams staff could accuse me of. it's this

"that's not all, some say you used to work in a club, some say you have serve rich men, they said..."


"that's the reason why Mr. Williams didn't marry you, it's because you are too dirty".

"is that all"

"yes, ma please don't be mad. I know none of the rumors are true".

"thank you"

"Where is Williams"

"he isn't in his office, don't think he will be coming to the office today".

"you can leave".

'the jerk, he ruined my life. Memory's of us flashed before my eyes. how could he choose another? betrayal does hurt. I should have known. I acted like a fool in love, I let my guard down, I should have never let my guard down.

cruel that what he is. he didn't even care about my feelings.


Sia, you must forget him one hundred percent.

I would rather die than become his mistress.

maybe because am too strict with them

that is why all this is happening,

Interesting right

why aren't you commenting?

come on guy.

Author's thought

who is spreading all these rumors and why.