
One of a kind

It was rainy evening. Joe was sitting near his window hoping to go outdoors when the rain stops. But, the dark skies didn't change. Not even for a second. Hopeless, Joe thought of reading a book. This was the first time in his life that he wanted to read a book. Even, he himself was astonished of his idea. He went to his solitary room. It was neatly made of wood but had a lot of cleaning to do. The room did not have a door as Joe had used the wooden door to make a table. He went inside and began to search for a book because that's what he can do when he's stuck inside his house. He opened his one and only cupboard and out came some clothes, caps, belts, pens, torn papers, broken watches and many other things that were supposed to be disposed. No books were found in the cupboard. Joe really wanted to read a book, so he searched other places for books, even though he was hundred percent sure he didn't have one. Few minutes went by, and lucky he was for he found a book- not just any book but a big novel with big pink letters written as 'Falling for your smile'. Joe inspected it and wondered how it came there because he found the book in the laundry. Confused, Joe started to read through the contents and exclaimed, "This novel is surely one of a kind!".