
Falling for the World's Worst Mafia

Her Ex-Fiance cheated on her on the day before her wedding day. Heartbroken, she gets drunk and goes on a one-night stand with the world's most dangerous Mafia Boss, Caleb without even knowing it. Caleb on the other hand was falling hard for this mysterious woman and tries to find out who she is at all cost. Will the most cold hearted Mafia soften up his ways for a girl?

Hps_Yfs · Urban
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4 Chs


I walked into me and my fiance's new home. Tomorrow, we would get married and I just couldn't wait. Even though Andrew, my soon-to-be husband said it was bad luck to see each other the night before the wedding, I just wanted to see him anyway, and the fact that I had forgotten my wedding heels at our house was another reason to come. 

I know that he would probably not want to see me because I guess he's just religious, so I just decided to just grab my shoes on the shelf and then just leave without even seeing him at all. It was a simple plan, he would never know that I was ever here at all. 

With that being said, I pulled up onto the driveway as quietly as possible, I didn't want him to hear it. I noticed another car parked on the driveway, it was a white car, it looked so familiar as if I had seen that car before but just couldn't place it. Maybe Andrew got another new car?

I dismissed the thought and walked inside the house. Just as I thought, my shoes were on the couch. I grabbed them and was about to leave when I heard some weird noises. It sounded as if someone was moaning?

But who, the voice sounded like it belonged to a girl. My stomach turned, he isn't cheating on me is he?

I walked up the stairs slowly, I had a bad feeling about this but Andrew wouldn't do this to me....would he?

The door to the master bedroom was open. Two people were on the bed together, they looked like they were having the time of their lives together. Andrew was on top of a girl, I can't quite see her face yet. I just stood there speechless. I felt my heart break into little pieces. I can't he would do that to me, I loved him but now I could see that I was a fool to think that he would feel the same. I couldn't move and as much as I wanted to, I couldn't move away, all I could do was feel weak while the tears welled up in my eyes. 

"I love you," Andrew murmured to the girl. I just don't know how to feel anymore, Andrew never loved me, did he? Then why stay with me? Why break my heart like this?

"Call off the wedding then, we can be together without her." The girl said and with that, I immediately recognized her voice, it was Emma. 

She always hated me and Andrew knew it. Emma always tried to ruin my life in all the ways possible but this was too far, she slept with my fiance the night before my wedding. How could she be so heartless?

Andrew laughed bitterly, "I wish."

He didn't want to marry me at all. At that moment, I accidentally dropped the shoe box that I was holding ever so desperately. 

The couple both looked at the door startled. 

Andrew looked back at me, his face filled with panic as he quickly got off Emma. Emma on the other hand just smiled smugly at me. 

"How could you do this to me?" I screamed at them. I quickly walked out of the room leaving the box, I didn't want to do this anymore. I can't believe I have been so foolish when everything was right in front of me in the first place. All of their interactions were in front of me but I was too naive to suspect a thing. I trusted him...

Andrew grabbed a towel and chased after me.

"Sophia, It's not what it looks like, I can explain..." Andrew said grabbing my hand and turning me to face him. 

"It's exactly what it looks like, you were cheating on me with Emma. You know how much I hated her and right before our wedding, you are doing this? What the hell is wrong with you Andrew Carter?" I said tears streaming down on my cheeks. 

Just then, Emma appeared in one of Andrew's shirts. It was the one I bought him on our first anniversary. Seeing her in it just made my blood boil. 

"How could you do this to me, Emma? I know you hated me but this is way too much." I screamed. 

Emma smiled, "Not everything is about you, Sofia. You stole Andrew from me, Andrew and I are just in love. Don't blame me just because you are incapable of keeping a man. Take the hint, he's not into you, he's in love with me."

My hand balled up as I resisted the urge to punch her in the face.

And still, Andrew said nothing.

"So just get lost, we were in the middle of something before you rudely interrupted," Emma said looking at Andrew suggestively. 

I grit my teeth but couldn't take it anymore and punched her in the face as hard as I could. She was taken back at first and then screamed, "Andrew, did you see what she just did? How could you let someone do something like that to me?"

"Sophia stop, that is too far," Andrew said commandingly. 

I scoff, even now, he doesn't try to make anything better. I turned to leave but before I reached the door, Andrew blocked it. 

I glared angrily at him.

"Listen, Sophia, I tried to be nice to you but this is just too much We will pretend that this never happened, the wedding will happen tomorrow because the whole world is counting on it. Me and Sofia will continue, you are welcome to join us if you please." Andrew said controllingly. 

Does he have no shame? He just cheated on me and he expects everything to go back to normal? I was not going to be stupid anymore. 

"No, the wedding's off, I'm leaving," I shouted at him. 

"You are not going anywhere. If the wedding is off, you will no longer have the money for your father's surgery, you need that don't you? And another thing is that you won't find anyone like me ever again. Just remember that. I am the CEO of Carter. One of the richest men in this city, I could have anyone I want anytime I want and you who are you? Nothing, you are no one who can be someone with me. If you leave, I will make your life a f*cking miserable hell because I have the power here. You are just a weak no one, oh and I would tell the whole world that I caught you cheating, that's why the wedding's off, and you know they will believe me." He said smugly backing away from the door, "It's your choice, stay with me or probably the streets."

I knew deep down that everything he said was right. Andrew was just too powerful and I had nothing. He can and will ruin my life if he wants to. But as weak and helpless as I was, I still had some dignity. 

I walked out the door after saying, "No one is going to believe you. I would rather be on the streets than with someone like you."

"Haha, suit yourself, then you could see what I can do. I'll wait for the day that you come crawling back." He said going back to Emma and kissing her romantically. 

I wished I believed in myself as well but now, I don't know what I would do anymore without any place to stay, no job, and my dad was still sick but still, I was glad to be away from that fake, he just seemed so ruthless now than he was before.

I sat in my car and cried for a while before settling on going to a bar to forget about everything and using the money in Andrew's credit card before he took it back. I was prepared for my fate.