
Chapter 50: Fallen For the Vampire

Jonathan looked at himself in the mirror. He turned his head slightly to the side, examining his fresh haircut, trying to ignore his pounding heart.

His parents had landed about three hours ago. The airport took a little while to get through, and then it was a two-hour drive. They were due any minute now.

Jonathan knew that he was happy now, happier than he had ever been. But part of that happiness was something he could never share with his parents.

The thought tore at him, and for the first time in the last couple days, he caught himself picking at his lips. He exhaled, stopping himself, trying to get his heart rate under control.

‘They’re my parents,’ Jonathan thought. ‘And I scared the h*ll out of them for a couple of days and ended up in the hospital. I owe them something.’

He had sent Alphonse away a little earlier, but a part of him was reconsidering whether this was the right choice. Maybe the vampire should have been there when they arrived?