
Chapter 49: Joined in Spirit and Blood

“I hope my place is okay,” Alphonse noted, as they pulled away from the hospital and onto the highway, going away from San Luis. Jonathan simply nodded, now a little speechless about what would come next.

Somehow, he had never considered that Alphonse would have a home separate from the office Jonathan saw. Internally, he started preparing to eyeroll at whatever luxurious, rich furnishings he was about to be subjected to.

The house Alphonse finally stopped at, on the furthest stretches from town, a couple turns from the highway, was smaller than he had expected. It stood alone, a solid, grey and black block of a building standing at about three stories high, but not particularly wide.

As Alphonse’s car approached, one of three garage doors on the front of the building opened, revealing a clean, almost sterile garage space. One other car was there, also black, also expensive looking, but more practical, Jonathan thought, less sporty.