
Chapter 39: A Prisoner in his Own Body

Jonathan woke up sore, nauseous, and alone. It felt worse than before Alphonse had drained him. He could feel the joints in his fingers creaking and groaning, every movement a small agony.

He rolled over in the bed, and squeezed himself into a ball, making himself small.

He was alone, again. Half-heartedly, he reached for his phone, where he found a message from Alphonse telling him that the vampire had some business to take care of.

‘Something for his big plan?’ Jonathan thought to himself, hopefully. He forced himself to remember that it was better for him not to know, but he still wasn’t fully convinced of that.

‘Then, what do I believe? What’s the alternative?’

What if there was no plan?

What if… Page was right? What if Alphonse was keeping something from him?

Doubt surrounded Jonathan. In silence, his mind filled the void with questions he knew he couldn’t answer.