
Chapter 37: Observation

It was as if Page’s words dug into Jonathan’s psyche, found cracks he hadn’t known were there, and took root all in one moment.

Jonathan’s head was spinning, and he felt confused, dizzy.

On the other side of the table, Page just sat there, watching him. Was he looking to see what effect his words would have?

‘What did he say about the marking? Is he… turning me?’

“Only if you want it, Jonathan,” Page replied, his voice as cold as ice. “You’ll have to have a strong will to succeed, but… I can show you the way.”

He leaned across the table, and grabbed hold of Jonathan’s arm, holding it out towards him. His hands were rough and cold, but Jonathan felt entirely limp in his chair, completely compliant with Page moving him like this.

Jonathan watched as Page opened his mouth wide, and a single fang slowly protruded from his mouth. There was something obscene about seeing that white tooth descend from Page’s upper jaw, and Jonathan hated how he couldn’t help but stare at it.