
Chapter 23: The Importance of Being Alphonse

Jonathan scrolled on his phone for a little while more, his nerves not letting him relax while his sheets finished drying. When they were finally ready, he set about putting them on the bed right away. He was just about finished when he heard something hit his window.

He stopped what he was doing to listen. At first, Jonathan wasn’t even sure he’d heard anything, but then it happened again. He slowly leaned out of his bedroom door to look at what was making the noise.

Alphonse. The vampire was somehow at his second story window and was tapping on the glass with one finger. Jonathan could only make out some of his features, but it was definitely him. And he definitely had a dumb smile on his face as he waved at Jonathan now.

Jonathan looked at him blankly, not knowing what to make of this display. He sighed, finally, and crossed to the window to open it.

“Hello, Jonathan.” Alphonse was smiling widely for him, fangs out of sight for now. “How are you tonight?”