
Chapter 26 : Cleaned Up and Dirty

Blair’s POV

I stare at Raven as he keeps his back to me. He is holding eerily still as he looks down at the hunter's body at his feet. Right now, he looks like some kind of statue hovering near a crumpled body.

I have seen Death before, but I have never seen Raven in full action before. He was fast, scary fast, and watching him drain a guy right in front of me has me completely shaken.

Still, something in my gut tells me that Raven was fighting the urge to kill him. I couldn’t describe the sensation. It was something in his movements and what he said to the hunter that made me believe Raven actually tried to resist.

Did he try to resist for me? Is it because I am here that he resisted?

I don’t know. What I do know is that Raven is hurt—badly. There are lacerations all over his arms and along his shoulder. His black trench coat is glistening with his blood, even in the shadow of night. I need to fix him up, but will he be receptive to me?