
Chapter 23 : The Gambinos

Raven’s POV

It has been a week now. One entire week. Every part of me aches. My mind races and my heart pounds. I have not seen Blair in one week, and there is no way I will be able to do so for the next few days.


Two words.

The Gambinos.

After we sent the Gabmino family a little message by sending me to annihilate their little scouting party, things only intensified between our two rival vampire covens.

This entire week, I have done absolutely nothing else but dedicate myself to defending the border between our families' territories. Each place at our border was being tested. Fences were being torn or ripped. Some places had very obvious evidence that they were attempting to adjust the boundaries. I even found their scents well within our territory line only for it to march right back. It was the biggest fuck you to us. They had marched into our territory, marked it, and then walked straight back without so much as a proper raid.