
Chapter 11 : What is happening to me?

Raven’s POV

What the fuck was I thinking when I said that?

Maybe it’s starting to look that way? Maybe that’s how I mean it?


Shit, what is wrong with me?

I stand with my head on the edge of the brick wall and rhythmically bang my forehead against the bricks along the roof. I know it will leave a mark, but I could care less at the moment. Why on earth did I say that? Where did those words even come from?

I owe a debt of life, nothing more or less. I need to keep my curiosities in check, even though I think that Blair is one of the most fascinating humans I have met in countless years.

Is it because she is the first human I’ve dared to talk to? Is that why she is interesting? Or is it because she is actually fascinating to me?

I close my eyes and smash my forehead against the bricks again. I can still smell her on my clothing. I can still hear the way her heart raced in her chest and, more interestingly, how her heart fluttered and sped up when we talked.