

Going against her parents' wish of becoming a politician, Monica Anderson the only daughter of the President of the United States went into the entertainment industry, becoming an A-list celebrity actress, but she still felt empty inside like an empty can even with all the affluence and fame she had gathered over the years, coupled with her position as the President's daughter. Men from high positions swarmed around her like bees, every one of them wanted to be by her side but none of them could fill the void or win her heart because Monica Stewart's Heart was heavily guarded by the wall she put up. Monica Anderson's life took a different turn when she bumped into a young humble billionaire named "Joshua Stewart," in an elevator. She never believed in love at first sight, but at the sight of Joshua Stewart, Her wall crumbled down making her feel something she hasn't felt before and she didn't understand it. How Is it going to turn out for Joshua Stewart, especially when he seems to fill up Monica Stewart without even knowing?? Find out In this interesting Novel titled "FALLING FOR THE PRESIDENT’S DAUGHTER."

Godsent_Banky · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 19 THE CALL OF HOPE.

Taking a deep breath, President James Anderson looked at Monica and Moira Anderson with sadness written all over his face before saying "I have hope on one person and that person can help with the money so....

"So you wanna make a call of hope??." Monica asked President James Anderson sternly while glaring at him.

"Well, yes but the thing is that I owe this person a whole lot of money already so I don't know if she would be able to lend me more." President James Anderson replied Monica softly while bowing his face to avoid Moira Anderson who was glaring daggers at him.

"So you've been owing someone money?? How much and who is this person??." Moira Anderson asked President James Anderson angrily while Monica glared at him with the look that says "start talking."

"Well, I'm owing $65 Trillion and the person I'm owing is Laura." President James Anderson answered Moira Anderson softly while still bowing his head.

"$65 Trillion dollars?! How manage?! Is the U.S government broke??!!" Moira Anderson and Monica asked President James Anderson angrily while glaring daggers at him.

"We are the government and we are broke!!! There are a lot of things I as the President pump money into and sometimes it doesn't yield so when I realize that I've lost money and there are things I need to do I borrow more money...That's why I'm in such a debt with Laura." President James Anderson replied Moira Anderson and Monica angrily while glaring at them.

"So who is this Laura?? I don't think her name rings a bell and how can she be so rich to lend you as much as $65 Trillion??!" Moira Anderson asked President James Anderson while trying her best not to explode.

"Well, she didn't gave me the $65 Trillion at once...It was me that kept borrowing from her till it amounted to $65 Trillion but you will be shocked when you know who she....

"Who the hell is she??!!!" Moira Anderson yelled angrily at President James Anderson while grabbing him on the shirt.

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you!! She is Laura Stewart." President James said to Moira Anderson while looking at her sternly.

"What?!" Moira Anderson exclaimed out in shock with her mouth wide opened.

"What's it, Mom??." Monica asked Moira Anderson anxiously with fear written all over her face.

"Your father is owing the Managing Director of the biggest conglomerate in America and that conglomerate is S-Group." Moira Anderson replied Monica with a shaky voice.

"What?! Wow!! Why does that name "Stewart," sound familiar??." Monica asked Moira Anderson while looking at her anxiously.

"It's because Laura Stewart is the younger sister of Joshua Stewart who was the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of S-Group...He died in a plane crash on the day of his swearing in as President Of The United States Of America but what baffles me is that Laura Stewart is the Managing Director and yet she keeps saying she's just an employee...That someone is the boss of her and when reporters asks her who is her boss she always says he wants to stay hidden away from the world and I have a hunch or feeling that says her brother is still alive and is being low-profiled and discreet....

"Moira thanks for explaining who Laura is to our daughter but that man is long dead but his sister has always been lending me money and even helping me in terms of money sometimes when I ask for it since the day her brother died so.....

"James, something doesn't add up and I know it so....

"Dad!! Make the call." Monica said to President James Anderson angrily while glaring at her mom who said "My guts doesn't lie and I have a feeling that we will be in for a shock because of this one day."

"What?! Why are you glaring at me?? I know what I'm saying....

"Whatever, Mom! Dad please make the call." Monica said to Moira Anderson while asking President James Anderson to make the call.

Taking a deep breath, President James Anderson took his phone and dialed the number of Laurel Stewart and placed it on his ear while groaning in pain.

"Hey! This is Director Laurel! I'm not available at the moment but please leave a message and when I'm available...I'll be sure to get back to you." The automated voice said from President James Anderson's phone.

"What's wrong?! Why is her number not reachable?!" Monica asked out angrily while opening her eyes wide in anger.

"It's okay, Monica! I'll call her again." President James Anderson said to Monica while dialing the number of Laurel Stewart and placing his phone on his ear.

"Hello, Mr. President! I'm just stepping out of my private jet and the first number to call me is you...Wow! Wow!" Laurel Stewart's voice said from President James Anderson's phone.

"Oh! Well, What a surprise, Miss Laurel! I didn't know you were on air when I called before." President James Anderson said to Laurel Stewart warmly through the phone conversation while smiling brightly.

"Well, I was! I went to China for a business trip and I just came back now...So to what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me??." Laurel Stewart said to President James Anderson warmly through the phone conversation.

"Well, I...I...

"Can you say it already?! I'm a very busy lady and I have to make a report to my boss ASAP so tell me what you have in mind." Laurel Stewart said to President James Anderson angrily through the phone conversation while interrupting him.

"Well, to be honest...I'm in a pickle right now....

"What do you mean by you are in a pickle??." Laurel Stewart asked President James Anderson worriedly through the phone conversation while interrupting him from saying what he wanted to say.

"Didn't you see the news??." President James Anderson asked Laurel Stewart through the phone conversation while sighing deeply.

"Didn't you heard me when I said I was on air?? How am I supposed to see the news when my phone was on flight mode??." Laurel Stewart asked President James Anderson angrily through the phone conversation.

"Oh! I forgot about that." President James Anderson said to Laurel Stewart softly through the phone conversation while scratching his hair.

"It's not a surprise to me since you always forget things especially when it comes to...

"I haven't forgotten about the money I'm owing you but I need your help again and it's my life that's on the line." President James Anderson hastily said to Laurel Stewart through the phone conversation.

"What do you mean by your life is on the line?." Laurel Stewart asked President James Anderson in a panicked and frightened tone through the phone conversation.

"I passed out when I was at the University of Tennessee and when I woke up...I saw myself In Helton Medical Center completely bedridden and when I asked the doctor what was happening....They told me that I have Chronic Kidney Disease that's already at the end-stage and I was asked to pay $3.7 Billion to get immediate surgery if I...

"Say no more, Mr. President! I'm so sorry about your health...I really am." Laurel Stewart said to President James Anderson, Interrupting him while sobbing through the phone conversation.

"Thank you, Miss Stewart! I...

"I have your account number with me...I'll send you the money ASAP and you have to please forgive me...I really want to come see you but I have to see my boss and report to him about my trip." Laurel Stewart said to President James Anderson while interrupting him and sobbing hard through the phone conversation.

"It's okay, Miss Stewart! I'm very grateful for...

"I'm sorry, Mr. President but I really have to go now! You are gonna see the money in three minutes...Bye and take care!" Laurel Stewart hastily said to President James Anderson through the phone conversation while hanging up the call.

"She is a very busy woman...I feel relieved to have talked a lengthy talk with her." President James Anderson said to Moira Anderson and Monica while dropping his phone on the table that was close to his bed.

"She said she's gonna send the money in three minutes and I can't believe that...It's impossible!! Is she that rich??." Monica said to Moira Anderson while looking at President James Anderson inquisitively.

"She's very rich." Moira Anderson replied Monica warmly while smiling at her.

"Whoa! She has sent it!!! She sent $4 Billion!!!" President James Anderson yelled excitedly while smiling brightly.

"Whoa! Are you serious??!!" Moira Anderson and Monica exclaimed in shock while rushing to him.

"I'm serious! She even said I shouldn't mind the $300 million she added to make it $4 Billion...That it's just for additional charges that we might get charged for!!" President James Anderson said out excitedly while showing the alert and the text message of Laurel Stewart to Moira Anderson and Monica.

"Wow! Impossible!!" Monica exclaimed in excitement while grinning.

"I knew she wasn't gonna disappoint me and come to think of it...She was my only hope." President James Anderson said to Moira Anderson and Monica while smiling.

"I guess I was right to define your call as a call of hope." Monica said to President James Anderson while smiling brightly at him as she took his credit card from his wallet and placed it back on the table that was close to his bed.

"Let's go and see Doctor Modric and ask him to proceed with the surgery." Moira Anderson said to Monica while smiling brightly.

"Yeah, let's go now!!" Monica replied Moira Anderson while running out of the V.I.P Ward of President James Anderson.

"Monica, Wait! Wait for me!! Let's go together." Moira Anderson said to Monica before running out of the V.I.P Ward of President James Anderson, leaving President James Anderson alone in the V.I.P Ward.

(Authors' Thoughts)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far as I have enjoyed writing It?

Once again, I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I sincerely appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love y'all so much!

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Your ratings and reviews mean a lot to me because It encourages me to write more so please rate and drop a review If you find this novel Interesting.

You can follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," Or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "FALLING FOR THE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER."

Thank you very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky.