

Going against her parents' wish of becoming a politician, Monica Anderson the only daughter of the President of the United States went into the entertainment industry, becoming an A-list celebrity actress, but she still felt empty inside like an empty can even with all the affluence and fame she had gathered over the years, coupled with her position as the President's daughter. Men from high positions swarmed around her like bees, every one of them wanted to be by her side but none of them could fill the void or win her heart because Monica Stewart's Heart was heavily guarded by the wall she put up. Monica Anderson's life took a different turn when she bumped into a young humble billionaire named "Joshua Stewart," in an elevator. She never believed in love at first sight, but at the sight of Joshua Stewart, Her wall crumbled down making her feel something she hasn't felt before and she didn't understand it. How Is it going to turn out for Joshua Stewart, especially when he seems to fill up Monica Stewart without even knowing?? Find out In this interesting Novel titled "FALLING FOR THE PRESIDENT’S DAUGHTER."

Godsent_Banky · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 15 President James Anderson collapses.

President James Anderson couldn't help but smile when he saw how happy the citizens of Tennessee were.

"They love me." President James Anderson said to himself warmly while smiling brightly and waving at the citizens of Tennessee as he walked to the seat prepared for him alongside Moira Anderson, Monica, Claudine, the cabinet members, and the Secret Service Officers.

"Welcome, Mr. President! The whole of Tennessee are happy to see you." Professor Vikram, the vice-chancellor of Tennessee University welcomed President James Anderson while extending his hand for a handshake.

"Yeah, I can see that." President James Anderson replied Professor Vikram warmly before taking his seat.

"Mr. President! First Lady, I can assure the both of you that you are gonna enjoy your time here." Professor Vikram said to President James Anderson and Moira Anderson warmly while smiling brightly at the citizens of Tennessee that were cheering and chanting President James' name.

"Oh! Is that so??." President James Anderson asked Professor Vikram anxiously.

"Yes, Your excellency! Our students are gonna entertain you today with a short drama...Hope you don't mind??." Professor Vikram said to President James Anderson In a panicked tone while looking at him inquisitively.

"C'mon, Vikram! What do you take me for?? I love watching dramas especially at my leisure." President James Anderson replied Professor Vikram warmly while smiling at him.

"Oh! (Sighs!!) Then that's a relief! I was terrified that you are not into dramas and the students begged me to give them a chance to entertain you as a way of showing their gratitude to you for building them a new university." Professor Vikram said to President James Anderson warmly while sighing heavily in relief.

"And I can't wait to see what they have in store for me." President James Anderson replied Professor Vikram warmly with a smile.

"Oh! Wow! I can say you will be thrilled." Professor Vikram said to President James Anderson excitedly.

"Thrilled sounds exciting...Hahaha!!" President James Anderson replied Professor Vikram warmly while laughing softly.

"You can say that again, Sir." Professor Vikram said to President James Anderson with a smile before texting "Hurry up." to the President of the drama club of Tennessee University.

(Somewhere In Tennessee University)

Sophia, The President of the drama club of Tennessee University was pacing up and down with her phone placed on her right ear while the drama club students were staring at her anxiously with paled faces.

"Damn It!! She's not picking up!! She's not fucking picking up!!" Sophia yelled In frustration while throwing her phone which one of the drama club students caught reflexively.

"How can Michelle be this heartless??." One of the drama club students named Josh asked his fellow drama club students.

"Heartless is an understatement!! What's wrong with her?? She knows she is the female lead in this short drama yet she didn't show up?? Who does she think she is??." A female drama club student named Lilian asked her fellow drama club students angrily while panting heavily In anger.

"The questions is what are we gonna do now?? The Vice Chancellor Is waiting for us." Another male drama club student named Bobby said to his fellow drama club students In a panicked tone.

"To be honest, I feel like I should run to the highway so that a running car can run me over!! I'm sure the Vice Chancellor has told the President that we wanna entertain him with drama and now we are fucked up!!" Sophia said to the drama club students while panting heavily in anger.

"How about we call the President of TESLA STEM High School Drama Society to send us their best female actress to fill in Michelle's spot??." A female drama club student named Mary said to her fellow students in a suggesting tone.

"I think that's a great idea!!" The entire students of the drama club said in unison.

"Okay! Let's do it." Sophia said to the drama club students while taking her phone from the student who reflexively caught her phone.

Taking a deep breath, she dialed a cellphone number on her phone and placed it on her right ear while holding her breath.

"Hello??." A voice sounded from Sophia's phone.

"Hi, Miss Anna! It's me Sophia." Sophia said to the receiver warmly while taking a deep breath.

"Hi, Sophia! Long time no see!!" Anna replied Sophia warmly through the phone conversation.

"Haha!! It's really been a while...We should hang out and have some drinks when you have chance...What do you say??." Sophia said to Anna warmly through the phone conversation while giggling softly.

"I say it's fine but why did you call me out of the blue?? It's unlike you to call except you need the help of the person that you are calling." Anna asked Sophia In a teasing tone through the phone conversation.

"Haha! That's me!! Well, I do need your help." Sophia replied Anna warmly through the phone conversation while laughing softly.

"With what??." Anna anxiously asked Sophia through the phone conversation.

"Can you please send me your best female actress in your drama society??." Sophia pleadingly asked Anna through the phone conversation while pacing up and down and holding her breath.

"Why should I do that??." Anna angrily asked Sophia through the phone conversation.

"Please, Our Vice Chancellor is counting on it and the girl who was supposed to play the female lead bailed out on us and she even took the script for the short drama." Sophia panickly replied Anna through the phone conversation while cleaning the balls of sweat that has formed in her forehead due to nervousness.

"Oh, I see! You wanna entertain the President." Anna said to Sophia In a smug tone through the phone conversation while chuckling softly.

"That's right...Please help us." Sophia said to Anna In pleading tone through the phone conversation while the drama club students held their breaths.

Two minutes passed and Anna was still silent and that silence was killing Sophia slowly.

Just when Sophia was about to pass out from anxiety, Anna cleared her throat and sighed heavily, making Sophia to regain her composure.

"Our best actress is around your school...I'm gonna send you her number." Anna said to Sophia In a reluctant tone through the phone conversation.

"Alright, thanks! I owe you one." Sophia replied Anna with a tone filled with gratitude through the phone conversation while sighing heavily in relief.

"You can pay me by telling your brother I have feelings for him." Anna pleadingly said to Sophia through the phone conversation while giggling.

"Hahaha!! Not happening." Sophia replied Anna warmly through the phone conversation while hanging up as soon as she got the number of TESLA STEM High School best actress.

Taking a deep breath, Sophia dialed the number and waited for the receiver to answer the call.

"Hello??." The receiver's voice sounded from Sophia's phone.

"Hello, I'm Sophia Drey! The President of the drama club of Tennessee University." Sophia introduced herself to the receiver warmly while holding her breath.

"Okay." The receiver replied Sophia warmly through the phone conversation.

"In order not to waste your time I'll just go straight to the point...Miss Anna Lee gave me your number and she...,"

"She has already told me...I'm heading your way now." The receiver interrupted Sophia from saying what she was going to say, making Sophia to nod her head slowly with a dumbfounded facial expression.

"Miss, just to be sure...Do you know where we are??." Sophia asked the receiver anxiously through the phone conversation.

"Of course! You guys are at the back of the library building and I'm close to you guys now." The receiver replied Sophia warmly through the phone conversation while hanging up.

"Sophia, What did she say??." The drama club students asked Sophia anxiously while looking at her Inquisitively.

"She said her President already told her and she's headed here." Sophia replied the anxious drama club students in a warm tone while putting on a dumbfounded facial expression.

"She's headed here? Does she know where we are??." Mary asked Sophia anxiously while looking at her Inquisitively.

"Yeah, She does!" Sophia answered Mary softly without blinking her eyes as she recalled what the receiver said to her.

"Wow! She's good! But how are we gonna know If she comes??." Bobby said to his fellow drama club students while looking at them inquisitively.

"Hey, Guys! I'm here." A girl of about seventeen years said to the drama club students warmly while waving at them.

"Sorry, Who are you??." Mary asked the seventeen years old girl warmly while looking at her Inquisitively.

Taking a deep breath, The seventeen years old girl walked out of the dark area she was standing at and walked into the lit area where the drama club students were standing and smiled at them.

"Oh My God!! You are Monica Anderson!! The daughter of the President of United States." Sophia and the drama club students exclaimed in shock as soon as the seventeen years old girl walked into the lit area.

"Yeah, and I'm here because my school's drama society club president ordered me to come." Monica replied Sophia and the drama club students warmly while smiling at them.

"So you are the one to save our asses??." Bobby asked Monica because he wanted to be sure he wasn't hearing things.

"I wouldn't put it that way though." Monica replied Bobby warmly while smiling at him.

"Guys, can you see that?? She's so cool and she even smiled at me." Bobby exclaimed in excitement while looking at Monica with admiration.

"Well, I was told the girl who was supposed to play the female lead didn't show up and she took your script with her so I wanted to ask if you have a backup script??." Monica said to Sophia and the drama club students warmly while looking at them inquisitively.

"Unfortunately...We don't have one." Sophia replied Monica in a sad tone.

"It's okay! You don't have to be a sad! I'm gonna portray a girl who was sponsored by her poor parents to the University and years later she became an attorney...All I just need is actors to play my parents, my best friend in school, my professor, the prosecutor, and the judges." Monica said to Sophia warmly while looking at the faces of the drama club students.

"I'm gonna play the judge!" Sophia exclaimed in excitement.

"I'm gonna play the prosecutor!" Bobby exclaimed in excitement.

"I'm gonna play your father." A male drama club student named Derek said to Monica shyly.

"I'll be honored to have you as my dad." Monica replied Derek warmly while giggling.

"I'm gonna play your mom." Mary said to Monica warmly while giggling.

"I'm gonna play your best friend."Lilian said to Monica warmly while smiling brightly at her.

"I'm gonna play the professor." Josh said to Monica warmly while dusting of his shoulders as a gesture of showing her that he's sexy and handsome.

"Alright, Guys! This is what y'all are gonna do." Monica said to Sophia, Bobby, Derek, Mary, Lilian, and Josh warmly while sending them a text she wrote on her phone before she arrived. The text was the script they needed to memorize for the short drama.

As soon as Sophia, Bobby, Derek, Mary, Lilian, and Josh got the text, they started memorizing and practicing it.

Sophia and the drama club students made numerous mistakes but Monica didn't give up on them, she kept encouraging them and that gesture gave them a reason not to give up on the script. After thirty minutes of trying and failing, Sophia and the drama club students finally got the hang of the script.

"See, Guys! I told you that you can do it...Didn't I??." Monica excitedly said to Sophia and the drama club students while giving them a warm embrace which shocked them completely.

As soon as Monica parted the hug, Sophia got a call from the Vice Chancellor and the tone of his voice wasn't that of someone who is happy.

Without wasting more time, Sophia, Bobby, Derek, Mary, Lilian, Josh, and Monica ran to the hall where President James Anderson and the Vice Chancellor were waiting for them to show up.

(Back In The Hall Of The Old Building Of Tennessee University)

"Professor Vikram, what's taking your students so long? I wanna make my speech and cut the ribbon...I don't have all day, You know??." President James Anderson said to Professor Vikram warmly while looking at him inquisitively.

"Well...Well...Well...Well...I'm sure the students....Oh! Here they are!!" Professor Vikram said to President James Anderson In a stuttering tone before exclaiming in excitement as soon as he saw Sophia entering the hall with the drama club students.

"Mr. President! We the members of the drama club of Tennessee University have a short drama we wanna use to entertain you as a way of showing our gratitude for this great gift you've given us...We hope you like it." Sophia said to President James Anderson warmly while bowing down to him.

"Are these the students you were talking about??." President James Anderson asked Professor Vikram In a hushed tone while staring at Monica without realizing that he is staring at her.

"Yes, Mr. President!" Professor Vikram replied President James Anderson warmly while putting on a confused facial expression.

"I asked because one of the students looks just like my daughter." President James Anderson said to Professor Vikram warmly while waving his hand as a way of giving Sophia permission to start her short drama.

"By the way, where is Monica??." President James Anderson asked Moira Anderson warmly while looking at her inquisitively.

"She left to relief herself...She just texted me now." Jed replied President James Anderson warmly while looking at his phone intently.

"She just texted you?? What did she say??." President James Anderson asked Jed anxiously while looking at him inquisitively.

"She said she wanna hang out with the citizens of Tennessee and know what it is they lack then tell you when we all get back to the White House." Jed lied swiftly to President James Anderson while pretending to read a text from his phone.

"She sounds like a politician!! That's exactly what a politician would do...I'm so proud of her." President James Anderson said to Jed and Professor Vikram while smiling brightly.

"(Sighs!!) That was close." Jed said to himself while sighing heavily in relief.

Meanwhile, the members of the drama club of Tennessee University who were in charge of setting the props finished up and anchored their camera "Live," alongside member of News Media.

"3! 2! 1! And Action!!" Richard Grant, The director of the drama club of Tennessee University yelled loudly and winked at Monica and Sophia.

(THE SHORT DRAMA...Act 1 Scene 1)

Derek: Honey, I can't believe Bella got admission to Tennessee University to study law...I didn't think she had it in her...(Smiles at his wife and hugs her)

Mary: (Parts the hug and sigh) I still can't believe it either...Our daughter is all grown up....(Shed tears of joy)

Monica: (Bella enters and see her mom crying) Mom, Why are you crying? Ain't you supposed to be happy for me? (Pouts and burst into tears)

Mary: It's okay, Bella! Don't cry...Mummy is happy that's why she is crying...(Cleans Bella's tears and smiles at her) I'm so proud of you."

"Derek: And I don't have the money to sponsor you to University."

Monica: (Laughs a little) Dad, Have you forgotten that the President James Anderson's administration has made it possible for us poor peasants to go to school??."

Derek: (He wears a shocked facial expression) Really??

Monica: Yeah, Dad! (Laughs) This is why I always tell you to spare some time to watch TV."

Mary: (Laughs) Don't mind him...He always spends his time farming.

Derek: Because I need to put food on table or else Bella won't be this pretty."

Monica: (Giggles a little and blushes) Dad, stop flattering me...(Bows her head in shyness)

Derek: I'm not flattering you, Bella! I just stated the fact."

Mary: Honey, I'm sure she knows."

(Act 1 Scene 2)

Bella is seen in class answering the questions of the professor.

Josh: I always say determination today leads to success tomorrow...A round of applause for Bella."

The students clap for Bella excitedly and cheered her name.

Josh: Bella, Keep It up! I'm sure you will be a fine attorney one day...I'll see y'all in my next class and we are gonna study Civil law then...(Smiles at Bella and exits the class.)

Lilian: (Walks to Bella who was packing her books) Can we go to Jake's concert this evening??."

Monica: Gwen, I'm sorry but we can't."

Lilian: (Puts on a shocked facial expression) Why not??."

Monica: Because our exams are fast approaching and we have to study to make first class."

Lilian: (Sighs heavily in defeat) Fine...Whatever you say! Let's go to the library.

(Both Bella and Gwen exits the lecture hall)

(Act 1 Scene 3)

Bella is seen studying civil law while Gwen is seen yawning.

Monica: Gwen, Why are you yawning??."

Lilian: I'm your best friend but you don't even care about me."

Monica: Who told you that I don't care about you??."

Lilian: Bella, If you do care about me then you will know that it's late and I need to sleep."

Monica: Gwen, I'm afraid we can't do that."

Lilian: Why??."

Monica: (Smirks) Because the midnight oil is still very much available...(Chuckles)

Lilian: Damn It!! Why did I become your friend??."

Monica: You became my friend because you wanted to graduate with good grades."

Lilian: Bella, Stop! Why do you love saying that all the time??."

Monica: I use it as a way of reminding you why we are in school...We have parents back at home who are counting on us to make good grades and graduate with a first class upper."

Lilian: Well, I don't! I have a company waiting for me...You know what? I'm done!!" (Gwen exits the library in anger)

Monica: Gwen, come back...Please...(Bella runs after Gwen in tears)

Lilian: (Turns back and slaps Bella hard on the cheek) Who said you should follow me??."

Monica: We have to study."

Lilian: Then go study and leave me alone....(Gwen exits the scene.)

(Act 1 Scene 4)

Bella is seen pleading with Gwen to follow her so they can go and study but Gwen gets angry and slaps her hard on the face before insulting her and walking out of the scene.

(Act 1 Scene 5)

The Vice Chancellor of Tennessee University is seen giving certificates to students while a professor is seen calling out the names of students.

Josh: In this year's set...We have only one student who managed to graduate with first class upper and her name Is Miss Bella Hernandez."

The students claps as Bella walks up to the stage to collect her certificate.

Vice Chancellor: I'm so proud of you, Miss Bella! With this knowledge that you have...You are gonna be a fine attorney....(He hands her the certificate and takes a photograph with her.)

Monica: Thank you, Sir! I believe you can he anything as long as you set your heart and mind on it!! My favorite professor always say "Determination today leads to success tomorrow....(Smiles at the professor before coming down from the stage to join her fellow students who were graduating.)

(Act 2 Scene 1)

Five years has passed, Bella Is now the District Attorney of New York City. She was going through some case files when her secretary knocks and introduces a lady to her and that lady Is Gwen.

Monica: Gwen! (Hugs her excitedly)

Lilian: Bella, It's been a while."

Monica: Yeah, It's been five years...(Smiles at her and offer her a seat.)

Lilian: I came to you In distress...My fathers' company is about to hit rock bottom because of some client...(Sobs)

Monica: It's okay! Here! (Hands her handkerchief)

Lilian: Thank you."

Monica: What exactly happened??."

Lilian: My brother proposed to HAN GROUP'S Heiress and they fixed the date for the wedding....(Sobs)

Monica: Isn't that a good thing?? Congratulations!! (Extends her hand towards Gwen for a hand shake)

Lilian: I wish I could accept that but I can't....(Drops Bella's hand down.)

Monica: So what's going on??."

Lilian: HAN GROUP'S Heiress died on the day of the wedding and HAN GROUP is accusing my brother of murder....(Sobs) He didn't do It...He really didn't do it."

Monica: Don't worry! I believe you...(Hugs Gwen) I won't allow the brother of my best friend in school to go to jail."

Lilian: Thanks, Bella! You are the best!!"

Monica: Let's go for some drinks and catch up! It's really been a while."

Lilian: That sounds like a good idea...Let's go now."

Monica: Okay." (Bella and Gwen both walked out of the office.)

(In The Elevator)

Monica: So how have you been??."

Lilian: Bella, I Gwen...I'm a fool to neglect your advice back then in school."

Monica: Don't say that."

Lilian: I know what I'm saying and it's the truth! After graduation, I became a mess and I was caught in several scandals and that made my dad to teach me a lesson my making me a secretary to my brother."

Monica: Awwn! That's so sad! (Hugs Gwen)

Lilian: It's so painful...(Sobs)

Monica: Calm down, Okay? I'm here for you."

Lilian: Thanks, Bella! (Parts hug and smiles at her before exiting the elevator alongside Bella.)

(Act 2 Scene 2)


The prosecutor is seen asking the defendant questions and he was putting the defendant in a tight corner.

Monica: Objection! The Prosecutor is asking the defendant irrelevant questions that are not related to this case."

Sophia as Judge: Overruled! Prosecutor please continue."

Prosecutor: Thank you, My Lord! (Turns to defendant) Defendant, Were you not the last person to be seen with the victim??."

Defendant: I...I was."

Prosecutor: Your statement to the victim were "I don't love you anymore!! I love someone else!! You have to walk away from the aisle or I'll kill you." True or false??."

Defendant: True!

Prosecutor: And when the victim said "If you want me to walk away from the aisle then it's better you kill me now," You said "I'll gladly do it to get rid of you because you irritate me." True or false??."

Defendant: True!

Prosecutor: With such statement that means you killed her."

Defendant: That isn't true.

Prosecutor: But you wanted her dead!

Defendant: Yes but....

Prosecutor: My Lord! That will be all.

Sophia: Attorney...

Monica: The Prosecutor doesn't look like someone who studied!!

(Crowd burst into laughter for a short time and stopped.)

Monica: The defendant told the victim those things but he walked out angrily...He did threaten the victim but he didn't carry out any of those threats and according to the autopsy result of the victim...She died of strangulation! Now the question is "How can the defendant who has killed his bride wait for her at the aisle?? Why will the defendant collapse from shock If he really had killed the victim?? Why will the defendant feel concerned about the death of the victim instead of relief or fear?? With these questions asked I can say that the defendant Is innocent and besides the prosecutor has no evidence that the defendant really killed the victim...He is placing his judgement based on assumptions and that breaks the ethics as a legal practitioner so I hereby plead non-guilty."

Sophia: Wow! I'm impressed, Attorney Bella! This case is dismissed from this honourable court and the defendant is discharged and acquitted due to lack of evidence....(Hits the gravel)

(Act 2 Scene 3)

(Somewhere In The Court Hallway)

Gwen and her brother, Jeff were discussing when they saw Bella.

Without wasting time, Gwen dragged Jeff and brought him to where Bella was standing answering a phone call.

Lilian: Jeff, This is the Attorney who helped win your case."

Jeff: Oh! Wow! Nice to meet you, Attorney Bella! My sister has said a lot about you and I can't thank you enough for proving my innocence."

Monica: (Hangs up and smiles at Jeff) You can thank me by stop saying such lewid words that can put you into trouble and convince your kid sis to go back to school."

Jeff: I will do that!

Monica: Good! I'll see you guys around...I would have love to chat more with you guys and maybe go out for drinks but I have to meet a client...So bye." (Exits the court hallway)

Jeff: Bye! (Waves at the exiting Bella with a smile on his face before turning to Gwen and glaring at her Intently) You heard her! If you studied when she was studying then you would have been the one to defend me today."

Lilian: Are you kidding me right now?? How dare you say that to me??."

Jeff: Shut the hell up! You are just a pretty girl with no brains! You have to go back to school and acquire some knowledge so that you can also be useful to the society like your friend....(Walks out on Gwen without turning back)

Lilian: I guess he's right! I shouldn't be mad! I should have studied when I was with Bella...(Sobs)

(Curtain Closes)

The entire citizens of Tennessee alongside Moira Anderson, Professor Vikram, Mr. Austin White, Claudine, Jed, the cabinet members, and the Secret Service Officers cheered and clapped for the drama club students. They couldn't help but to stand up and clap for them.

"The female lead did a fantastic job and she looks just like my daughter." President James Anderson said to the citizens of Tennessee as soon as they stopped clapping while smiling at Monica without realizing that he was smiling at his daughter.

"You are right! The female lead is Indeed a smart girl and a good actress...I felt like I was watching a real movie." Professor Vikram said to President James Anderson warmly while smiling at Monica.

"I felt I was also watching a movie too!!" President James Anderson and Moira Anderson said to Professor Vikram In unison.

"Wow! I didn't believe the girl they used to replace the female lead due to her negligence would be so good to even impress you, Mr. President." Professor Vikram said to President James Anderson warmly while smiling at him.

"She's good! She has talent for acting!!" President James Anderson replied Professor Vikram excitedly.

"Young lady, What's your name??." Professor Vikram asked Monica anxiously while looking down at her from the high table.

Monica who was scared that something like this might happen took courage to step out from the backs of the drama club students of Tennessee University.

Taking a deep breath, She smiled at Professor Vikram and her father and said "My Name Is Monica Anderson."

"Wow, Miss Monica you've impressed Mr. President....

"Who has just collapsed." Sophia yelled loudly In a panicked tone.

"Yes, Who has just collapsed...Wait! What?!" Professor Vikram repeated what Sophia said without realizing but exclaimed in shock when realization dawned on him.

"Mr. President! Mr. President! Wake up, Mr. President!!" Professor Vikram called the unconscious President James Anderson In a panicked tone as medical staffs rushed to him.

Hell broke lose In the hall as everybody was scared.

Moira Anderson was seen calling her husbands' name as they placed him on a stretcher and rolled him out of the hall.

In a matter of minutes, the news of the President collapsing spread all over social media.

The citizens of Tennessee were In a dilemma because they weren't sure If President James Anderson would be able to commission their newly built university again because of his busy schedules.

"I have to step in for dad or these students will have to study in this old university." Monica said to herself before walking to the Presidential podium.

(Authors' Thoughts)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far as I have enjoyed writing It?

Once again, I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I sincerely appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love y'all so much!

Creation Is hard so If you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and giving your thoughts about the novel In the comment section of the novel.

Your ratings and reviews mean a lot to me because It encourages me to write more so please rate and drop a review If you find this novel Interesting.

You can follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," Or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "FALLING FOR THE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER."

Thank you very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky.