
Falling For The Possessive CEO

After a neverending breathless kiss, he let go of her lips. Looking at her with unusual passion in his usual cold eyes, he whispered. "I won't let anyone take you away. Not even death." Her lips were bitten into a swollen and red state. "You belong to me and only me." ... One year ago, in her drunken state, Xu Xinya made a mistake - a huge mistake of offending a tyrant - Lu Mingyu - the man whose name shuddered countless hearts. A year later, circumstances forced herself to agree to a compromise. As long as she was willing to be his mistress, her family would be spared of the huge debt. Things appeared so, he was their creditor and she was his debtor, nothing more; Xu Xinya was into this just for the sake of the family. But as their relationship grew she begins to doubt, were things really as they appeared to be? Did he allow her in just because of that debt...or was there some other terrifying truth that bound them together way before all of this started. "What was I to you?" She stared into his deep, cold eyes, for once not shying away from his intense gaze. Today, she must get this answer. "What were you to me?" He said absentmindedly. His deep abyss like eyes hazed for a second followed by a deep fascinating chuckled. "Do you dare to confront the truth?" There was clear warning in his tone. Like always, he tried his best to intimidate her and give up. Xu Xinya realized this and this only fueled her resolve. "Yes, I do!" She replied; her determination only becoming tougher at his warning. ... Warning: The genera is dark romance and the ML is portrayed somewhat a possessive freak. He mellows down later own. There will be sexual mature content and violence. So if it is not your cup of tea, steer away. ... Author Message. However, the ending would be happy, I assure you that. This author hates sad endings. Besides, there would be no Rape I assure you that. I despise rape and even though I would like to make my readers cry a bit, involving rape in the construct is taking it too far. In the end, do give this novel a try. You won't regret it.

Author_Shizu · Urban
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47 Chs

The truth unfolds

Silently closing the book in his hands, Lu Mingyu looked up. His expressions were cold as always. Wearing a mask of nonchalance over his handsome features, he looked overbearing.

"Speak." Just one word. Yet it carried in it an unaccountable amount of oppression and authority making the recipient of the word yield in fear.

However, the recipient of that word was none other than Xu Xinya.

The overwhelming oppression in his aura couldn't dominate her.

It was funny how a single word, when spoken by different people, can have such a profoundly different effect.

Xu Xinya strengthened the resolve in her heart as she recalled Lu Guang's words. The long conversation she had with Lu Guang prior to mustering enough courage in her heart replayed in her head.




After Xu Xinya had told him that she knew about the matter of Xu family's business fall and that Lu Mingyu was behind everything, Lu Guang had been utterly shocked.

"W-What?! What made you believe that it was caused by my brother?"

"Was it not?" Xu Xinya asked with a frown. "If you are trying to make me believe something—"

"Of course not! And I am not hiding anything!" Xu Guang bristled. "I know that my brother is a little overbearing. In fact, he is totally over-the-board overbearing but he doesn't go after someone for no reason! Only if a person strikes first with evil intent, he retaliates ruthlessly!"

"No reason? But I... slapped him. That's enough evil intent and reason." Xu Xinya replied with a poker face.

This Second Young Master Lu had some nuts lose, she was certain of that. 

"I know right, but..." Lu Guang sighed helplessly. "I know that but you need to understand! My brother didn't do it. Even I was taken aback when my brother didn't try to get back at you! Initially, I had also thought that your family business fall had something to do with my brother but it turned out totally different! In fact, that was something that was fishy. When my brother instead extended his helping hand instead to your family, I was so shocked that I couldn't sleep for days!"

Xu Xinya was unconvinced. "Even if it's so, it doesn't matter." She couldn't understand what this Lu Guang was trying to achieve by convincing her that his brother was not the villain here. "After your brother hit that woman in the club that night..." Xu Xinya trailed off.

The kind of man she hated the most was the one who would hit a woman. Nothing could change that.

Lu Guang stared at her.


"My brother never hit any woman." Xu Guang said it in a blank tone. His expressions were as if he couldn't believe that the person in front of him believed this. "You do know that my brother has a severe case of mysophobia, don't you? Everyone knows that! Even hitting a woman, he would never do that!"

A severe case of mysophobia? Then how came last night, he had easily pulled her into his embrace? Which hiding hole did his mysophobia fly to?

"But also that night I clearly remember..." Xu Xinya tried to recall her memories from that drunken night in the club.

But as she recalled the specifics, it all turned blurry.

He was right.

All she had heard was a slap resounding in the Hall and quickly assumed it was Lu Mingyu.

She had never once seen him hitting that woman.

When Lu Guang observed her perplexed expressions, he felt multiple headaches coming.

God, the intensity of the misunderstanding between those two was tremendous! Thank God he had timely appeared to save the two of them!

Otherwise, with his brother's temperament and this Xu Xinya fearlessness, great chaos would send the Lu family into a spiral!

"But..." Xu Xinya's eyes were filled with perplexity.

"If you are still unconvinced, I can even show you the CCTV video from that day." Lu Guang rubbed his temple in pain. "And even if he did, I would not have found an excuse with that. Do you even know? That woman was an assassin sent by our enemies."

Xu Xinya was dumbfounded. This was too much.