
Chapter nine: You have got no option

Alex walked up confidently to the woman and sat down without waiting to be invited.

"Sorry, I am late," his deep voice purred, his smile flirty and charming. The smile disappeared from his face with the speed of lightning, and he gawked at the woman across from him in shock.

She was someone familiar, and someone he had hoped never to deal with again in his life.

Luna Hatfield, the only child of Rutherford Hatfield, the second richest man in the city, and almost as powerful as their family, their family friends, and also his ex.

Nothing will please his mum better than him settling down with Luna. They tried it but Luna reminded him so much of his mother, that he it felt incestuous.

The shock look on Alex face like a speck dust was immediately swept away, his expression immediately turned stony hard. Things hadn't ended well between him and the gorgeous brunette

"What are you doing here?"

Alex's tone was so cold that the glass of wine in front of Luna almost frosted.

Last time he heard about her she had been abroad.

When did she come back and how come no one told him about it?

He could have avoided this encounter, not that he could have helped it, because he was supposed to meet his mother.

Alex growled at her conniving, manipulative mother. She knew if she had told him who he was meeting he would have bluntly refused.

While Alex's expression became rigid and distant, Luna's irritated expression turned into one of bright happiness.

"Alex!" She exclaimed in a child like enthusiastic tone, intentionally ignoring his sour tone, her beautiful face was immediately transformed by a wide smile that put all the lights in the room to shame.

Her mother had told her to meet her here but she hadn't expected to see Alexander Skyy here. Her ex, and the one she let get away and had regretted it ever since.

She had tried getting back with him, but the stunning man across from her froze her out never given her a chance.

Alex did not acknowledge Luna's greeting but waited with an impatient look on his face for her to tell him what is going on here. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else than where he is.

He was going to murder his mother for putting him in this position.

He knows how much he dislikes the woman sitting few distance from him. How could she think they can get back together after what she did.

"I think our mothers' set us up," Luna grimaced when she saw that Alex was really unhappy to be here. "Is it really that bad to have dinner with me?" Her expression turned coy as she reached out to stroke Alex hand from across the table.

"Yes!" Alex snatched his hand away as if he had been burned, his body trembling from the effect of her touch. It disgust him how he is still affected by her after so many years. Unable to stand it any longer he got to his feet with the intention of leaving.

"Come on Alex! How long are you going to hold what happened years ago against me!"

Luna's whinny tone, and innocent expression grated on Alex nerves. For as long as I want to, Alex snarled and stormed off.

The woman will never understand how much she hurt him in the past, and no matter his feelings for her he will never give her the room to hurt him again.

Luna ran to stop him from leaving. She held him back using the sleeve of his suit. "Alex please!"Luna pouted at Alex, batting her long lashes at him to sway him.

In the past Alex would have been moved by her puppy dog expressions, he would have bent his back backwards to give her whatever she wanted, but now all the look does is fill him with disgust.

He levelled her with the steeliest gaze, before reaching out to gently extract his suit frame her clinging hold.

"Let me make myself clear Luna, we, " he pointed at the both of them, "are never getting back together," he growled and then stormed off.

Brian flew off from his place at the bar seat and ran after his boss.

"Never say never!" Luna screamed after them, a calculative glint in her eyes, like someone with something up her sleeve.

Alex was so pissed with his mother that he was tempted to kick his back tire.

He snapped his suit close with anger before entering the car through the door Brian held open.

Brian quickly ran to the other side and entered the car, knowing his boss is on a short fuse and anything can lit him up to explosion.

Alex stormed into the house with the intention of drinking his anger away but before he was even ten feet into the house he was met by his grandfather's aide telling him that his grandfather wants to speak to him in his Study.

His grandfather study is one of the sacred places in the house and you never enter it without being invited and it is always for something very serious.

Alex felt a little bit of dread creep up his spine as he made his way through the well lit corridors to his grandfather's study, situated on the extreme end of the multifarious mansion.

He knocked on the door softly and waited to be let in.

"Come in!"

Alex turned the handle of the door and walked in at the flat prompt from his grandfather.

His grandfather's study has this traditional look, the floor is covered with a very expensive Parisian rug, the walls painted with dark colours, large shelves containing lots of books occupying one-third of the room, his desk made of dark well polished mahogany wood, and then antiques collected by his grandfather over many years in his business travels are all over the place in display.

The study alone is very much intimidating, and then with his grandfather inside you are almost quivering in young boots.

Alex grandfather is a very powerful man that no one dares to cross, and he runs the Skyy household.

Alex stood in front of his grandfather waiting to be acknowledged but he only did so after he was done with what he was doing. Reading something on the paper in front of him.

"Sit down, Alexander."

His serious tone made Alex a little weary.

There was nothing on his grandfather's face to tell him why he has been summoned, but Alex did as he was instructed and sat down across from his grandfather rim rod straight. His expression matching that of his grandfather.

"There is something I want to talk to you about,"his grandfather began, his voice flat and unrevealing.

Alex's heart did a flip flop, but he maintained his deadpan expression.

His grandfather took a pause before continuing.

"Is about a heir, the next generation to carry on my legacy."

Alex heart slammed heavily against his chest. He could already decipher where the conversation is going.

"Your brother is so irresponsible that I can't expect anything from him and that leaves you."

"What about Elizabeth?"

His grandfather scowled at the mention of his married younger sister. "I am not leaving everything I have built to the spawn of another person's blood line," His grandfather glared at him like he committed a sacrilege for even mentioning his sister's name.

Alex sighed inside. He was too tired to be having this conversation, not that he will ever dare to voice his concerns out.

"I am not ready…"

His grandfather raised his hand up to cut him off.

"No one is ever ready for this kind of thing son, and just like I did with your father I found someone for you."

Dread immediately gripped Alex inside as he wondered who his grandfather had picked. It will obviously be someone from their social circle, but which one?

None of the young women in their circle has Alex attention.


His voice was low and soft, as if scared of the words that will come out from his grandfather's mouth.

"Luna Hatfield."

Alex went still, his body feeling like it has just been drenched with cold water.

Was this some sort of plan between his mother and grandfather. First a date and now a marriage proposal, what next Luna pregnant with his kid.

Alex shuddered with revulsion at that ever happening.

Of all the females his grandfather could have chosen he went for the one woman who broke his heart years ago. A woman that nearly wrecked him.

When he was a lot younger he had loved Luna with all his heart did everything to make her happy, but it wasn't enough.


His voice was strained full of the pain he buried years ago, and thought forgotten.

His grandfather didn't look bothered by the sadness and pain in his voice.

Because she is the right woman for you, he stated coldly.

"You mean the right woman for you," Alex snarled unable to hold back his emotions any longer. His grandfather knows how much Luna hurt him and yet he still wants him to marry her, a woman that cheated on him with his twin brother.

"Watch your tone, young man! And this is not up for discussion. You are going to marry her and that is final."

"And if I refused?" Alex tone was daring, his look challenging, meeting his grandfather's chilly gaze head on.

"I don't think you have a choice boy, unless you want everything you have worked for to go to Lawrence," his grandfather smirked smugly when he saw him flinch knowing he just struck him at a very sore spot.

Alex got to his feet, his face schooled into a blank mask, all the anger he was feeling inside hidden at the bottom of his mind. "May I please be excused."

His voice was flat and cold, the look in his eyes icy, and hard.

His grandfather waved him off.

Alex was almost at the door when his grandfather spoke again.

"I am doing it for your own good, son."

"I doubt it," Alex mumbled painfully to himself and exited the study.

Lying underneath his King size bed, Alex found it hard to sleep. But it wasn't just his grandfather's words keeping him up but a certain blonde haired beauty with a bite.

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