
Chapter 23 Chapter 23

The police code was very clear on that because he is directly related to the victim, but knowing what a stubborn cop Jake is, he was certain that the rules will not be respected by him.

Not being able to contain his anger, he walked out on Mike heading to the restroom to wash his face, and Mike watched him as he walked through the corridor and slowly disappeared behind it.

Turning on her bed as she woke up, Jake was the first person that thronged her mind as she thought of him and how he was doing. Feeling a pressing urge to contact him, she felt reluctant as she did not wish for him to see her as being desperate.

"Come on Martha, don't be a fear bird because you have emotions for him", she said to herself and speculating about it appropriately, she dropped her phone on the table and stepped out of her bed as she gave rise to her way to the bathroom.