
Falling For The Flaws

You know what's it feel like to be captivated in a castle? Can't go anywhere? That's what is happening to Hallie. A forced arrange marriage with a complete stranger who was a prince (that's what everyone thinks). She has been kept in his castle but they didn't get married. The prince told them to do wedding arrangements but until then, she would be living with him. Hallie thinks that it was all a lie and her father sold her to be The Prince's slave....

N_webnovel · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Old Man's kindness

"I... I am sorry." Hallie distanced herself from that throne and stood on the side as the old man went towards the throne to sit.

' Isn't he too fat sit on that throne. I hope it doesn't break or something' Hallie thought and smiled to herself seeing how fat the Oldman is.

This was her first smile of today. She didn't knew that after crying so much, she would be able to even smile.

" Now tell me kid, who are you and where are your parents?" The old man asked Hallie with a hint of sweetness in his words.

Firstly, she hesitated a bit, but then, she told him, "I am Princess Hallie from your neighbour Kingdom."

Now she caught his attention, " Oh. And?"

He asked with curiousity.

" I am moving in here on the request of Prince Darius..He asked for my hand in marriage and I agreed" She lied. She didn't had any other choice. Did she?

" Oh welcome dear, welcome. So you are tha girl my son was talking about. You are indeed beautiful. I see, my son has a good taste." The old man laughed.

Hallie found the old man a bit funny. He was really a joyful human.

" Ummm. But.." The old man started.

" Huh? But what? Your highness" Hallie got scared.

" Oh. Nothing serious my dear. I was just saying that Darius has gone on a hunting trip. " He smiled and stood up from his throne.

" Oh okay." Seeing him coming towards her she lowered her eyes.

" No need to be afraid, Hallie. You can call me your father" he patted her head.

Then he clapped his hands, and instantly two maids came. " Show Princess Hallie her room. Make sure, she doesn't has any problem." He used a different tone while talking to the maids. He wasn't using the same sweet tone as before.

They both nodded and turned to Hallie, " This way, Princess."

Hallie looked at the Old man who nodded in agreement, so she just silently followed them.

As she pass through the halls, she couldn't help but admire the architect of this beautiful place. Each time she turn her face to look something, her jaw dropped in a awe. Everything about this is just a fairytale. At the end of the hallway, there was her room and infront of that there was a big window made of glass. through she can see a beautiful pond with swans swimming in there.

Hallie entered her room to see a king size bed with the softest matress ever. This room was twice as big as her old room back in her castle. Every little furniture in this room was finely furnished.

She looked around a little bit and then to take a bath. After getting fresh, she was a bit hungry but she didn't go outside and sat on the couch near the window from where she could see the beautiful garden, perfectly trimmed grasses and bushes.

She was in her thoughts when someone's voice started her from behind. She turned and found the old man standing at the door, smiling at her.

" Hello dear." He spoke.

" H..hello, Your highn.... sorry Father." she bowed.

The old man left out a loud laugh and then said, " You will get used to calling me father. Now tell me, Aren't you hungry dear? Much time has passed since you came."

" No Father, I am good. Thank you for asking." She kept her eyes on the ground.

" Ahh. That's not good. You should eat now. Look at you, so thin. Come with me and have dinner." The old man gestured her to come with him.

She didn't said anything but nodded and went with him to the dinner hall.

The dining table was full with mouth watering dishes. Both of them took a seat and started having their dinner. Suddenly the old man said something which made Hallie choke on her food.

" Now tell me dear, don't you want want to be a ruler?"

Hallie was surprised with his sudden question and firstly how does he know about this.

" Yes, I wanted to but why do you ask?" She replied with a very soft tone. She didn't ask why.

" Well, you are going to marry my son, so I should know about you. Shouldn't I ?" The old man chuckled.

" Yes, father. You are right."

After finishing their dinner, Hallie went to her room and tried to sleep. But no matter how much she try, she couldn't stop thinking about who wants to marry her and why did he wanted me to stay here.

She couldn't sleep and rolled on her bed all night.

"No matter how dark things seem right now, stay strong in your knowledge that there are better days ahead."

Thank you for reading!