


/"Was she a stripper ?/" I asked angry. I can't believe I was once married to a stripper. I'm not ashamed but how the fuck did she never think about telling me about her previous job before she become a waitress.

/"What?/" The doctor said and Damien quickly jumped in.

/"Can I see her?/" He asked ignoring everything else and the doctor just quickly nodded her head. She ignored me and as soon as Damien went in Sofia's room she went.

I stayed outside Sofia's room thinking about everything, especially Elijah. What will I tell my son that I only knew for a few months. How can I tell him his mother doesn't even know him. I just hope Damien explains everything to her because I won't lie to her about having a son. I don't care if she gets hurt but I'm definitely not going to hide Elijah because of her.