
Stuck In A Traffic Jam

"Well then..." Jungkook places his arm on your shoulders and looks at you. "You..." You feel slightly nervous. 'Does he hate it.... Should I just didn't have said it....' You think to yourself.

To your surprise....

Jungkook laughs. "You said a dad joke... haha..." You laugh with him. He then looks outside. "Let's play a game." "Is the game 'Who can stare outside the longest?'" Taehyung asks sarcastically. "Ha ha ha. No it isn't, hyung. It's a game that.... uhm... okay maybe..."

Rebecca giggles. "V hyung was right! V hyung was right!" You look at Rebecca. "Jungkook hyung said maybe!" "You're just on his side 'cause he's your bias~" "Shut up Rebecca!" Taehyung and Jungkook laugh at you both arguing over who's right.

"Both of us are correct and wrong. Ok?" Jungkook says. You and Rebecca both nod. "Okay so the first person to see someone wearing a BTS Merch wins!" Jungkook says, smiling. "Arasso!" You three agree. "Hey can I join...?" Suga asks. "Of course, Suga hyung!" Taehyung replies.

The game starts. "I bet I can find one first." Suga said, smirking. "You're there at the back, so of course I'll find someone with a merch first." Boasted Taehyung. "Nah you both got it wrong. It's me who will find it first. I'm the golden maknae." Boasted Jungkook. "You sure about that, hyungs? I have a pretty keen sight." Challenged Rebecca.

Suddenly... you spot 4 girls. One wearing a BTS Hoodie, one with a BTS Love Yourself bag, and the other two both wearing BTS Caps. "You 4 can argue all you want. I just saw 4 girls wearing BTS Merch already." You say. "What?!?" The four are in shock. "Where are they Jen?" Asked Rebecca. "You should be able to see them. They're right there next to us and... one of them..."

"One of them just opened their window..." "IT IS THEM, GIRLS!" One of the girls scream. "Uh oh. It seems that we have company, guys." Rebecca says. "I hope they won't go crazy like the other ARMY-" The car filled with BTS fangirls hit the van. "Well Jin hyung, they are." Namjoon says. "Are we close though, Jin hyung?" You and Jimin ask. "Not really." Jin replies.

Just as you all thought they were bad enough, the traffic light went red.

"Of course, this had to happen. Right? Why today of all days???" Whined Jimin. "Jimin-ssi, it's okay. We're here with you. Don't worry~" Says Hoseok, trying to calm down Jimin. "Okay, Hobi hyung." Jimin slowly calms down. "There we go!"

"OPPA SUGA! OPPA SUGA! OPPA SUGA PLEASE NOTICE ME AGAIN!!!" "Strange... The voice of the fangirl sounded just like that other ARMY earlier..." Says Suga. "Suga hyung that ARMY IS that fangirl! I remember her face! She's the fangirl who kissed you!" Jimin says. "Ah... yes. That is her. I really wish she didn't." Suga sighs.

"Hey BTS... should I lower the window to tell them to shut up?" Rebecca asks. "NO." The hyung line replies without hesistation. "Nononono." Jimin and V answer. "No.. I guess. It's better if we pretend that we aren't BTS." Jungkook says. "Or... we lower the window but all of you hide. That way, they'll only see me and Rebecca and stop bothering us." You say.

"That's actually... a good idea Jen." Namjoon says. "Yeah. You're pretty clever, Jen." Jungkook says, smiling at you. 'Oh no here we go again... Don't blush idiot....' You smile and say "Thanks, hyung." "Okay! Let's do it!" Hoseok says.

The 7 boys crouch. "Okay I wish I wasn't so tall." Namjoon slightly complains. "Be quick, Jen-ah~" Jungkook requests. "Arasso, hyung~" Rebecca lowers the window. "What do you girls want?" She asks in an annoyed tone. "We know BTS is in there!" Says the saesang who kissed Suga. "If they are, then how come it's just me and my friend here? Hm?" You question them.

They whisper to eachother. "Fine, you two are there. But WE know for sure that BTS is there!" Said the fangirl with the BTS bag. "Prove it." You and Rebecca say. "AHA! Only people who are lying say that." Says the saesang. "We aren't lying. Now leave us alone." You say. "NO!" They answer in sync.

"They sure are stubborn." Jin says. "AHA! I heard my Oppa Jin!" Says the fangirl wearing a BTS cap. "Seriously hyung.." Taehyung whines. "I HEARD MY LOVELY TAEHYUNG INSIDE TOO!" Says the fangirl with the BTS bag. "Guys, be quiet." Suga commands.

'Oh no. Now they've done it. Only a matter of time before--' "MY OPPA SUGA! HE'S THERE! GIRLS THAT'S BTS VAN!" Says the saesang. "Welp our plan failed guys- JIN HYUNG DRIVE!" Rebecca shouts while rising the window. "But the light is... GREEN! OKAY!" Jin sits down and drives.

The others sit down too and sigh. "Are they behind us, Rebecca?" Asks Namjoon. "Let me check- YES." One of the fangirls throw a rock. "Okay. I'm okay with being kissed but SERIOUSLY A ROCK?!?!" Says Suga. "Jin drive faster." "Ok, Suga." Jin slightly drives faster.

"KIM NAMJOON, KIM SEOKJIN, MIN YOONGI, JUNG HOSEOK, PARK JIMIN, KIM TAEHYUNG, JEON JUNGKOOK, BTS. WE'RE ONTO YOU 9!" Shouts the fangirl wearing the BTS hoodie. "I pray to God they didn't get tickets to the fanmeet. Please no..." Jimin cries. "Please no, no, no..."

"Aw come on, Jimin-ssi.... I'll sit next to you. Don't worry. It'll be ok..." Hoseok comforts Jimin again. "Okay..." Jimin stops. "Jin hyung are we there?" You ask. "Well, almost. Just need to take a few more turns and- OW!" The saesangs/fangirls hit them with 3 more rocks.

'I've had enough of this.' You move to Rebecca's left and lower the shattered window. "HEY YOU CRAZY PEOPLE STOP THROWING ROCKS OR ELSE I'M THROWING THEM BACK AT YOU 4!!!" You shout.

They throw 1 more, almost hitting your face. 'That's it.' You look at the members and look for a rock. "Let's see how they'll like being thrown rocks at." You throw the rock right at the driver's window. "HEY WHY'D YOU THROW A ROCK AT THE DRIVER?!? ARE YOU INSANE?!?!" Shouted the other fangirl with a BTS cap.

"You all did that too! I'm just giving it back!" You reply in a mad tone. "Jen, please don't throw the rocks back." Namjoon and Jungkook say. "Why not?" You ask. "Don't be like them, Jen. You're better than this." Rebecca says. You nod. "Okay..."

Once again... the van reaches a green traffic light. "Quick hyung! We can make it!" Taehyung cheers. The traffic light goes to yellow. "Noooooooo!" Everyone sighs. The traffic light becomes red.

"We're doomed." Suga says in a sad tone. The saesangs/fangirls are still next to the van. "Hello again, BTS." One of them say, holding a rock. "What now...?" Jimin asks.