
Chapter 3

Day dreaming pleasantly at my bed as I rested peacefully, cuddling my soft fur pillow. There I heard a knock at my door.

"Excuse me your highness, I may invite myself in"... Hearing a voice similar to Adira's, I guessed as I knew it was her.

"Wake Up Your highness, His majesty wants to eat breakfast with you" Adira advised me as she turned on the lights & removed my blanket.

"A-ahhggmmh" I groaned as I gently rubbed my fingers through my eyes, slowly rising up, I seated at my bed, stretching my arms up high, straightening my back at the same time giving out a big yawn.

There I saw Adira standing beside me, facing me as she lie in wait.

"I'll prepare a hot bath for your highness" She bowed as she began walking towards my private restroom passing through my powder room & prepared my hot bath.

Finally felt awake, I stood up & stretched my whole body. Remembering what happened last night. 'Is it still okay to go back?' I thought as I peek outside my window seeing a glorious view. Knowing that it's dangerous for me to go back at my favourite place, I didn't hesitated to still stay. Although it might be dangerous for me, but I might give it a try & see how this goes.

Musing irrevocably Adira stood behind me giving a sign that she was done. I beamed at her & swim towards my restroom to take my hot bad.

At long last, I'm finally done. Not needing to fix my hair as it was already perfect, Following where Adira was heading me. We've finally reached the Royal dining room. Sitting at my place, with my sisters so as my father.

Greeting eachother with good mornings, Our meals were served right after that. The scent of mouthwatering victuals made my stomach rumble silently. As we eat our meals, the room was filled with silence, as we are not allowed to talk while eating specially in the dining room.

Not minding the awkwardness & silence, I gladly enjoyed my meal...

Stomach full. I excuse myself from the table, thanking for the meal & going towards my father to give him a morning hug.


Morning came. My maids wake me up as the others prepared my luke warm bath so as preparing my outfit for the day.

Groaning loudly as well stretching my body, I stood up & politely thank my maids as they bowed & hurriedly headed out as they were done.

I proceeded to my personal bathroom, reaching the destination, I quietly undress myself, leaving my silk nightwear at the tile floor heading towards my shower to wash my hair & after, heading towards my bathtub to relax my body.

"ahhhgg, just as I like it" I groan calmly feeing relaxed & at ease.

Flashbacks roam around my mind. Reminding me what happened last night. After calling her out, she just hid behind the rock she was sitting. She's at the middle of an ocean, is she a swimmer or something?..

Curiosity took over me, I kept thinking who she is? , what's her name? , where did she go after that?,did she drown?,was she able to survive?.

Shaking my head off as I removed my thoughts of her. 'I'll try seeing her again this night" I stated as I continue to relax in my bath.

Finally done, I grab a towel & dried myself with it, along with a hair towel to dry my hair too. Walking out of my personal bathroom, I ran towards my dressing room & gently wear the outfit that's been prepared.

"You may come in!" I shouted as I heard a knock at my bedroom door. As i was done putting my garments on, I amble myself out my dressing room & went back to my bedroom.

"I'm here to style your hair" She bowed as she was waiting for me to perch at my chair.

Sitting down, styling my hair, after a few moments, she eventually finished. As I stood up, she was still there, staring at me.

"You can go now" I command, expecting her to go out, she held my hand instead & rested her head at my shoulders.

Yes. Maids love me. Almost all of them, they like me In a romantic way. There was no use stopping them, As if I can end their feeling for me, I just let them be.

"Respect my personal space, will you?" I cleared my throat as I utter disillusionely at her.

She pushed herself away. Looking at her she looked desperate, disappointed & dissatisfied. Nonetheless, I couldn't care less.

Standing up straight, I plod myself out my room. Guards slowly opening the door for me, making my way as they supported me at my back walking each sides of me.

Arms clasped behind my body, head lifted with my chest out, walking briskly & making firm precise movements, I felt confident & hot...

Leading myself to my office, I put my glasses on & proceeded to do king like duties.


Looking at the time. It was already late at night [9:02].

I let out a sigh of relief as I ultimately finished my contract between the sovereign and the subjects. As well as increasing the wealth and trade of the kingdom, to take care of the poor redistributing the tribute paid as necessary, & lots of more.

Reminiscing the girl I saw last night. Making me desperate to see her, I dash out my office door as well as the castle door & took a 'stroll' as an excuse to go out.


♫︎♫︎Who been on you're mind?♫︎♫︎

♫︎♫︎Who got your time?♫︎♫︎

♫︎♫︎Who you been vibin' with♫︎♫︎

♫︎♫︎and why I can't make you mine?♫︎♫︎

♫︎♫︎You used to be texting me♫︎♫︎

♫︎♫︎checking me♫︎♫︎

♫︎♫︎ calling me your slime♫︎♫︎

♫︎♫︎And now you treat me like my worth less than a dime~♫︎♫︎

Singing in a nectarous satiny tone as I check myself at the mirror taking a look at every inch of my body.

Slowly leading myself out my room from my window, as expected Lilly was waiting for me outside.

We noded at eachother as if reading eachothers mind. We didn't had Any trouble this time, for as we secretly swim behind the castle crossing the top of the ocean.

Finally reached the same place, I take a glance behind me to search if the man was there. Gladly he wasn't, I took a seat at the big rock & sing the same song that I usually sing all the time.


Thoughts came to mind if she'd go to the shore. It was already illegal going top on the ocean specially almost seen by a human, stubborn as always like other princesses she did not care much about the rules. Without thinking she quickly ran off to the shore with her friend Lilly beside her.

Reaching the shore, another new experience, she touched sand, Dry sand, as said in the ocean there's sand, but its wet.

Raja was secretly hiding behind the walls, making sure he would not be notice by the lady, he leisurely amble towards her.

As he touch her shoulders, he felt softness.

Sereia was stunned, feeling frightened, she quickly tried to run away, but right as she began to move, Raja held her hand & shoulders gently as if giving her a sign to stay & be calm.

Sereia couldn't do anything, thus, she stayed still & try to avoid looking him into the eyes.

Just then Raja realised she was not human he quickly reacted in astonishment.

"w-wait, y-you're a mermaid?" Raja stutter as he kept staring at her tail. Eyes tracing throughout her body, as if studying her figures.

Sereia nodded as she could not bring herself to speak.

He didn't mind that she was a mermaid, moreover he thought her tail was lovely, With its golden silver color that shines brightly at night.

Hence, he did not plan on selling nor killing her. He wanted her to be his, but the thought of how came to mind....

.... I kept gazing at her, her beauty was mesmerising. My heart aches when I look into her eyes. 'How lovely it is' I ponder...

To be continued to the next chapter...