
Falling for bad

Leah Reed, abandoned by her mother. Left alone with her younger brother and an abusive father. She is left to tend for everyone and her scars until she bumped into the schools bad boy, Axel Black. Axel Black, the jock, the schools bad boy. What happens when he bumps into a scarred Leah? Will he be nice enough to help her or will he be her worst nightmare?

ifeoma_medo · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Leah's pov

Two weeks later.

"No Zen, you've had enough. I promise to get you more tomorrow." I found it hard to reject his demands but it had to be done.

"Please Leah." He pouted.

"Tomorrow,Zen." I sighed.

He pouted all the way home.

The light was switched on. Dad was home. I held my breathe and prayed that he was either passed out or locked in his room.

We walked into the house holding hands.

"Why is there no food?" Was the first thing I heard the moment we stepped into the house.

I took a deep breathe. "I don't have any money." I whispered

"And what does that have to do with me. I work my ass out and I come home to meet nothing to eat." he yelled.

"No you don't!" I didn't know when I yelled that.

He gaped at me, surprised that I had the audacity to yell at him. " Seems like I've been lacking in keeping you in a leash. You have the right to talk to me like that." With every word he said, he made his way towards Zen and I. "Maybe hitting you isn't enough to tame you." He grabbed Zen.

Zen screamed. Pleading with dad.

"No, I'm sorry. Do anything you want to me. just leave him alone." I pleaded. Tears dropped my eyes.

He thought about it for a while before letting go of Zen.

"Go to your room." I told him.

Zen was hesitant, but with a little nudge from me he ran to his room. I sighed in relief when I heard his door click signifying the that it is locked.

I turned back to see my dad looking at me with a sinister smile.

"Take off your clothes." he said.

I was taken aback. "What?" I asked confused.

"Take your clothes off, slut." he repeated.

I shook my head in refusal. He wanted... all I was thinking now was how to get out of the house with Zen. I stood up to run away.

He pulled my back hitting me across the face making me fall back to the ground. "Learn to obey me." he grunted. He was very drunk and still somehow very strong or was I just the weak one.

"Please, don't do this." I pleaded.

"Why shouldn't I Lauren. You brought this on yourself." He called me Lauren..... Lauren is my mothers name.

"Dad, it's Leah." I tried to remind him.

"What difference does it make? Leah, Lauren. You're both the same." He approached me ready for whatever dirty thing he had in mind for me.

I crawled towards the stairs. I wanted to bolt upstairs and get Zen.

Using the hood of my sweater, dad dragged me down he stairs. "Get back here." He kicked my guts over and over trying to get me from struggling with him.

There is nothing more scary than running from your father because he has the dirty mind to try to do such a vulgar thing you.

I kicked him back making him fall back. The moment I saw the opportunity I ran for the stairs, but he held my foot and pulled me back making me fall on the stairs. I hit my jaw so hard I think I heard it crack. Blood dripping from the cut on my lips. I kicked at the hand holding me. He tore at my hoodie, trying to get it off me. I panicked and I took the first thing and feltband hit him with it. Now I'm scared that I killed him because the first thing I felt happened to be the ceramic flower vase. and I hit him on the head. There was blood everywhere.

There he laid, on the floor, in a pool of his own blood and unconscious. I ran to check his pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt that he was still breathing. I quickly ran upstairs to get Zen. I met him sitting on the bed looking expectedly at the door.

"Hurry Zen, let's go." I rushed him.

"What about dad, Le?" he asked scared.

"He'll be asleep for a while. Let's go before he wakes up." I tell him as we rush down the stairs.

We quickly ran out the house together. I didn't know where we were headed, all I knew was that we were never going to return here ever again.

We ran and ran till we got to the highway. I stopped just as a car shiwed up out of nowhere. It came to a screeching stop just as i held Zen tight so he wouldn't come to any harm.

"Isn't that Leah?" I heard a familiar voice. it sounded like one of Axel's friends.

I didnt waste anymore time. I ran off again. Finally coming to a stop at an alley. I his behind the trash can with Zen safely tucked in my arms. I heard the footsteps come to a halt. Axel's friends ran after me.

"Where did she give?" one of them asked.

"Don't know." Another replied

"Let's go tell Axel." The third one suggested.

It was bad enough that his friends, now Axel would be involved. I don't want him anything about what was happening to me. I'll just have to hide out here till I can find something to do or at least somewhere to stay. Tomorrow I'll have to in search of a job, at least a part time job and that will take a minor.

I sighed in relief when I saw Zen sleeping soundly in my arms. ii is his own way of coping in difficult situations.

Me on the other hand, I couldn't bring myself to shut my eyes. Especially after what happened tonight. He hits me yes, but never has he tried to take advantage of me before. I didn't know what to think, what to do. I was so scared, I still am. How could he try something like that.

Axel's pov

The last two weeks, I've spent it getting to know Leah. Or at least the little things she'd let me know about herself which is nothing. Doesn't mean I like her company any less. I was just about to watch a match when the door shot open. Luca, Jayden and Jace walked hurriedly

"Wouldn't kill you guys to knock you know.... like normal people do when they want to enter someone else's house." I commented at their actions.

"We'll talk about that later, guess who we just saw?" Luca asked.

"How am I supposed to know? Look I'm about to watch a match right now, so either join me or get out." I showed them the door.

"We saw Leah Reed " Jace blurted.

I sat up in shock " what? Where?" I asked sitting straight.

"She was running with a kid. She looked pretty scared, we almost hit her with the car, she ran into the streets and then before we could get to her again, she had run off." Jayden explained.

I sat there in shock, what could she have been running away from? Was it the thing or person causing her scars? I had so many questions only Leah could answer.

"You're not going to say anything dude?" Luca asked me.

"I'll try to find out what happened in school tomorrow.",was all I could reply. I tried to act indifferent about it when inside it was killing me. I was holding on to the last thread of sanity I had or I'd have been on the road trying desperately to find her.

"Who was the kid anyway?" Jayden asked

"It's her brother." I replied.

They all looked at me. Wondering how I know. " He is friends with Lisa." I said.

"Speaking of the angel, where is she?" Lace asked.

"She had to go to bed early.Mum wouldn't let her stay up past 8 for some reason only she knows." I shrugged.

"Poor princess." Jace tutted.

"So you guys wanna join or are you leaving?" I asked.

"We'll stay. Get us some beer and popcorn." Luca demanded.

" I guess you know where the kitchen is. Help yourselves." I scoffed at him.

"Can't you be nice for once in you life?" Luca asked.

"Nope." I smiled cheekily.

" How is the bet coming along?" Jayden asked wiggling his brows at me.

"Fine, I guess. Leah's a tough nut to crack." I gulped. "Is it bad that I'm not interested in the bet anymore?" I asked.

They all turned to me.

"What are you implying, Axe?"Jayden asked.

"What if I'm starting to have feeling for Leah?" I asked.

They sat in silence.

"That's cool bro. Shit happens." Jace encouraged

This is why I like my friends. They don't judge me or make fun of me. They know the history with my dad. And first me to say I like someone they know I mean it and I'm serious.

"What are you going to do about that?" Luca asked.

"I don't know yet. Leah, she's so closed off. It will take a hell of a time trying to convince her. But I'll do whatever it takes to make her realize that I have feelings for her." I admit.

"Okay,,,,,eww, that was too cheesy. Never do that again. I'm happy that you like that but don't turn into a damn Shakespeare because of it." Luca squeezes his face in disgust.

The rest laughs.

I only had one thing to do now and that was time find Lwah tomorrow and talk to her.