
falling deep

"whats your problem, stop annoying me" alex asked, "my problem is you and i would stop annoying you on 30th of feb". Alex stopped and glared at lisa . lisa continued unaffected "why did you threaten Adam, never to bother me ever again or else you will break his bone .But on other hand u always will be irritating and embarrassing me". Alex tensed, "who told you?". "I have my resources , now tell me" Lisa replied eager for his answer. Alex replied "cause i like to you as you look cute when you get angry" Alex realized what he just told and immediately added "I mean I like to annoy you and you make a weird face when you are angry that I find extremely funny and enjoyable" Alex tried to cover up and left from there giving an excuse that he had to be somewhere. Lisa calls him out but he hurries away. Alex is one of the popular people in the college, rich and very known for attractive looks on which every girl swoon over and for his bad boy reputation. Lisa is a beautiful sweet cute fun loving girl who is a new admission to the college. Her unique character had caught Alex's eye and now one of his most favorite hobby is to annoy and irritate her {not kind of a serious one but more like a friendly one} Stay tuned to find out the love story between a bad boy who falls deep for a sweet girl with a unexpected twist at end that you will like for sure {winking face} . If you are looking for hilarious light hearted college romance novel this is the one without any intense emotional roller coaster .This story is filled with lot of cute silly fights, embarrassments, comedy, possessiveness ,romance , cuteness ,jealousy ,emotions, amazing cool friend gang and more. Lets see how opposite poles turn into friends and then into close friends and into lovers

secretone · Urban
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Chapter 2

I turned around to see who it was. It was a girl who was around my age and seemed to be my class mate. When i paid attention to her physical features i realized she was a pretty girl but it seemed she had applied lot of makeup. She had worn tight crop t-shirt which seemed as if the buttons could rip open any second, highlighting her chest . She had worn a mini shirt with high heels with a sunglass sitting on her head. All her dress seemed to be of reputed brands. She stood and chewed the gum in a all too familiar way. All her appearances matched the characteristics of the typical mean girl that i read in books. I scolded myself for forming an opinion , urgg these binge sessions of reading teen fiction novels are affecting my thinking skills. The girl standing behind me was accompanied with two more girls spoke, "my name is Charlet you seemed be a new admission who joined this month right " she spoke with a smile. See i was right these books are making me out of touch with reality, Charlet seems to be a sweet person i shouldn't have concluded her to be a mean person just because her looks matched with the looks of the mean villain in those fiction books or... not my thought were interrupted . OK I had to go back with my first opinion itself as she continued saying "By your outfit i can totally guess u must be here by scholarship or else there no way you could afford a seat in this college." What the hell, why was she she being a bitch and now i realized it was not a smile but a smirk. Welllll i might have gotten the seat by scholarship, but that's because i am capable to attain a scholarship and use the opportunity, like who doesnt want to save money not me for sure. She just can't say those rude things that i cant afford and stuff. Before i could give a firm reply she continued, "this is my bench, i and my friends have our food here always so pick up your junk and move." she said pointing to my bag. I was extremely agitated now, how can someone be rude for no reason. "Why are being so rude and offended for such a small matter u could have just asked me shift a little, there's plenty of space for all of us." I replied calmly cause i wanted to sort out things without making a fuss. But no the girl standing infront of me was adamant on putting up a useless fight, she continued "excuse me what do you mean, how can you even think that i will be sitting next to a freak like you when i say move it means get the fuck out of this bench." Ok this girl right here doesnt know to talk like a normal civilization so i think i need to turn on my savage mode on. I don't usually lose my cool, scream or shout when i get into fight i would either ignore and walk from there or use my sharp tongue to put them in there place. I replied making a innocent face, "oh i am sorry for sitting here i didn't know its a mad dog's kennel, if i knew i would have kept a 500 meter distance but thank you for informing, enjoy your kennel i mean your bench, its all yours." I got from there and picked up my bag to get out of there. Charlet was taken aback she took a few moment to come in terms with the reality, my words hit like a slap as i guess no one had dared to talk to her like this. In all my fights my opponents always get extremely frustrated and i remain calm and composed and seeing me like this they get further frustrated but i seeing them like that make a small victory dance within myself. She was really pissed and seeing me simply walk away made her even more angry, see my logic always works out. She was expecting me cry or be scared of her and ask forgiveness falling to her feet but i have no plans of doing anything of the above nor do i have any interest in making a scene. I had walked a bit further when she yelled from my back ,"who the fuck do u think you are, how the hell did you speak to me like this you bitch , do you know who i am." I without turning back replied " well answering your questions firstly i am a sane girl which you arent , secondly i spoke to you with my mouth like this and lastly you are not a queen of England for you to expect people to know your name, if you expect people to know who you are , you better put a tag around your neck reading, ' hi i am that mean spoiled girl from wattpad fiction books' and walk around." After saying that i just walked out from there and sat on one of those sitting bench on the pathway. Woah i had expected the first day to be a little bit less dramatic. Really Lisa first day of the college and you already made an enemy my conscience spoke. Well it was not my fault, so no regrets. I was lost in my self conversation when i felt someone sitting next to me. I groaned internally assuming it to be charlet but when i heard the sweet voice i was relieved. I turned my head and saw a blonde girl with a genuine smile. I replied back with a hi. She continued ,"i witnessed the fight back there between you and charlet and i should say you made her jaw touch the floor, that bitch deserved it. she has been a pain in a ass for me and many others , it was pretty cool and brave of you." We both giggled together. "Oh i forgot to introduce myself, my name is julia and you are?" Julia was really a beautiful girl, with blonde hair and green eyes but didnt even have a bite of arrogance. I introduced myself and we continued to chat. We both really gelled in well. I think we both can be good friends.

Hi guys i hope you are loving the story do you also have a person like charlet in your schools or college, do comment down below i am very curious to know XD XD. Also don't forget to comment you views about the characters of the story or how the story is going

