
Falling Crazy In Love

Luna_yEstrella · Teen
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23 Chs



"Yah, Oppa! This is your chance! Palli!" Shelby excitedly said with her high pitched voice while dragging me out of the classroom.

I don't have any idea what she's talking about.

"Stella unnie is in front of the library right now. I asked her to hang out with me, but I actually did that for you." She said when we stopped in front of the door of our classroom.

I gave her a confused look which made her scratch her neck and click her tongue.

"You should take her before her boyfriend will ask her out." What she said made my eyes widen, and my mouth wide open. "I don't want her to date Jaydie oppa." She added.

That jerk.

I feel my blood is boiling just by hearing his name. After what she did to her last time, I would never let him get close to her.

"Who told you he's her boyfriend?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"He posted a picture of her 2 weeks ago right? No, it was last Monday, I guess" She scratched her head since she's not sure about what she's saying. "During his birthday party." What she added made it clear for me.

"They're not dating, idiot. You know she likes you," this girl can be stupid sometimes. How come she forgot that Stella likes her?

"I know, that's why I got confused about the post. But you made it clear right now," she continuously said and sigh in relief.

"Ok, so don't bother me again."

I haven't taken a step when she spoke again.

"But, I already texted her," she said and made puppy eyes.

Texted what?

I gave her a confused look which she responded with a chuckle.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"Take her somewhere. I know you want to date your 'Moon'," she said while giggling, emphasizing the last word.

If she wasn't a girl, I already smacked her.

"Come on, she's waiting for you." She even pushed me hard. "She's in the library!" She shouts as she took steps away. "Anyway," She paused and looked at my direction. "I'm going on a date with Jaeson," she added as she ran away while laughing.

That girl is crazy.

I could only scratch my not so itchy neck as I rushed my way to the library.

I'm still kinda embarrassed about what I did earlier. That pick-up line was epic. But I need to face the reality, or else I won't have her.

This is your chance, Tyron.

Not so far from the library, I saw a tiny figure of a girl who's busy on her business on her phone.

She's frustrated, as evident on her face. I could only chuckle at her cuteness.

I took steps towards her direction since I don't want her to wait for so long.

"Sorry for making you wait," I said, as I play with my own fingers because of nervousness.

She then looked at me, frowning. "Where's Shelby." She asked while looking around.

"Ahh... She said she has a date," I just stated the truth and I hope she won't get mad.

But she looked at me with a visible disappointment on her eyes, so I just gave her an awkward smile.

"So.. I think I should go." She calmly said as she placed her phone on her backpack's pocket.

"Wait!" I stopped her using my hands when she attempted to walk away.

And again, she gave me another confused look. "We're going on a date."

I interlocked our hands as I started dragging her. This is the first time that I held her hand, and it feels like I'm on Cloud 9...

I hold her tighter as soon as we reached the main gate. Shy Tyron no longer exists at this moment.

She followed me, but she kept on blabbering. She's being loud, but it's cute for me.

"You're not even asking me for a date." She said that made me stop and face her. "You're forcing me," she added with a btchy tone, which made me chuckle.

I guess she's right. But if I won't do this, I'm sure she'll run away.

"Then let me ask you." I confidently replied which made her roll her eyes.

"Then I'll say no," she tried to pull her hands from me but she failed.

Girl, I won't let you go for now.


"I want to eat. Let me eat first." I know she's just making an excuse so that she could run away. But sorry for her.

"I have choco pie here," I said as I hand her a box of choco pie from my bag. Someone gave it to me earlier.

She heaves a heavy sigh, but still accepted it. I could only chuckle at her cuteness.

"How can I eat this?" She asked innocently which made me look at her in disbelief.

Is she serious?

"I mean, let go of my hand, asshole." She said while glaring at me.

She won't be able to eat using one hand. She'll surely be uncomfortable.

But... If I let go of her, then she'll run away.

"I won't run," she assured as if she read what's on my mind.

That made me convinced so I finally let go of her hand and grab the box of choco pie to open it for her.

"God, Tyron is being a flirt," she murmured but it's enough for me to hear it.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "I'm not being flirt."

"Then what do you call it?" She asked while her mouth is full. She looks like a hamster.

The corner of her lips has chocolate on it. I wipe it away using my fingers, but she did not even flinch.

Is this girl a human? She doesn't even feel anything whereas my hands are already shaking before I could ever touch her lips.

I stayed at that position while staring at her eyes,... nose, and down to her lips.

I want to kiss them...

"What do you call it," she repeated her question that made me snap back to reality.

I could feel the heat on my ears.

"I-I'm just being extra nice." I reasoned out and immediately look away from her, and play my own fingers.

"Why?" She asked.

Is she being innocent or she's just teasing me.

"Because you're being extra attractive."

There, I said it.

Who wouldn't be nice in front of a cute hamster who can also be as beautiful as a doll?

Maybe I got attracted because of her looks, but there's something about her that made me want to protect and love her even more. I don't know what it is.

"Do you like me?" She asked. The tone of her voice suddenly became deeper and serious.

I can't look onto her eyes, so I just nod. At least, she'd be aware.

It took a few seconds before she responds.

"Stop liking me."

What she said made me look at her with my eyes widen, but she's just looking at me blankly.

She's serious, and I don't like it.

"You'll just get hurt."

That's the last thing she said as she hands me the box of choco pie, and started walking away, leaving me frozen.

Stella, you're already hurting me.

You're such a heart breaker.