
Falling Crazy In Love

Luna_yEstrella · Teen
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23 Chs



Nothing shines the most today, except for this star who's singing on the stage right now. She sounded mellifluous, and no word can describe how great she is.

I really missed her voice, but this is the very first time that I heard her sing. I want to hear more of it, 'cause it's seriously filling my day.

We all clap in unison and give them cheering screams as they finished the song. Both of them did great, but something makes me feel sad.

Or jealous, should I say?

William is so lucky.

It seems like I wanted to perform with her as well, but I just let my thoughts slip away.

She did not even hear me shouting for her name and saying, "You did great!" She just sat next to her friends, where Shelby is also sitting beside her. A smile of ineffable happiness is written on her face, as she hugs William while patting his back, and I hate that sight.

Of course, they're friends. That's just normal, Tyron.

"They look great together, right?" Liam suddenly whispered on my ears, making me jump from my seat. He has this very annoying smirk on his face.

"Shut up!" I said as I lean my back on the chair.

"Hey guys, look who's jealous?" This guy won't really stop. I regret being drunk on that day when I couldn't contact her.


"This guy is pathetic. I never knew you're a drunkard."

I couldn't help but drink more glass of Soju.

I miss her so damn much.

"What made you like that?" Sean asked while taking the glass from my hands.


"Ster.., what?" The yellow-haired guy asked. What's his name again?

"Stella... I.. Miss youu," I whined as the alcohol totally made me drunk.

"Stella? Who's Stella?" I can not even identify who's speaking right now.

"Stella? Stella Moon?"

Why am I hearing her beautiful name?

"Ah! The pretty girl from the dance department!"

"You always see girls as pretty."

"I know her. She's my long time crush, dude!"

Whose that fckng bastard who's trying to steal my Stella?

"Y-yah! Shut your fckng mouth," I even cursed him.

"Oh! She's here! Hey Stella!"

S-she's here?

I tried opening my eyes but I can't see properly. It seems like the world is spinning.

I saw someone who's wearing a cap, leaning towards me. I can't see her face, but I'm certain that it's Stella.

This is it, I should tell her what I feel and I don't care what she'll think of me. I want her to know my heart.

I put my palms on her cheeks and let out a smile.

"Sterla! I-I like you Stella" I even said it out loud, and pout my lips afterward. I want to feel her lips on mine right now.

"I like you too, dude," That's the last thing I heard before everything went black.


I could only mentally curse and slap myself from remembering that. Liam and the other three monkeys made fun of me that night, making me believe that Stella actually came.

"Don't you think they're sweet?" Aaron asked, who's sitting on the left seat.

I glanced at Stella who's laughing with William.

Is there something funny right now?

I shift my focus to the performers. I don't want to see those love birds flirting behind me.

"Jealous Tyron." I heard Liam murmured but I did not bother to look at him.

These guys won't really stop pestering me.


Finally, we are now going to perform.

I am a bit nervous since it would be my first performance here.

"Are you ready, Gentlemen's Club?" Ms. Jung asked with her excited tone. We could only respond with a nod as the other 4 guys start playing their instruments.

I heave a heavy sigh before started singing.


🎵 My complex mind

There's no way of informing

Am I lacking in expression?

I can't think of a word 🎻

I started singing the first verse, as memories fashes back.

From the day when I saw you fall from the stairs, that was something I could call as love at first sight. I can remember how you glare at me, how you clenched your fists as if you're going to smack your enemy.

From that very first day, isn't it obvious that I'm head over heels to you?

🎵 A white drunken night

The moonlight that didn't know me

I don't know if you're sorry for my dagger

You light me up brightly 🎻

For me, you resemble the moon. You made me go crazy like a drunk person. Why can't I even forget you? Where in fact I obviously don't have any chance.

You've been very nice to me, even when I lied to you. You act as if you're strong enough to endure the pain in your heart.

And I feel thankful that you did not ask me to stay away from you. Stella Moon, you never know what I feel whenever you're around.


I never know that Tyron's voice could be this beautiful. And I kinda like the song he's singing right now. It makes my mind in peace.

It's not actually a familiar song, which made me wonder who originally sang that.

"Looks like Oppa has an inspiration on writing that song," Shelby murmurs but it's enough for me to hear it since she's just sitting next to me. I turned my gaze to her, but her eyes are fixed to her cousin. "Unnie, look at how he stares at you." She said, making me do what she asked me.

She's right, he's looking directly onto my direction which made me confuse.

"Unnie," Shelby called me with her honey-sweet voice. This girl really makes my heart skip a beat, but I managed to keep my cool. "How's oppa's voice?" She asked.

"It's nice," I answered her with a smile, which she just responded with a nod. That's my honest opinion.

"How 'bout his looks?" Why is she asking me randomly?

"It's fine." I plainly answered which made her look at me with her eyes widen.

"Just... Just fine?" She asked with an obvious disappointment in her voice.

Did I say something wrong?

"Yup," I really wonder why she's acting a bit strange at this moment. But I just let my thoughts slip away, since I'm enjoying the song, and she looks cute while pouting.

I was about to ask something when I suddenly remember that I need to change my outfit.

"Oh, excuse me, for a while." I excused myself to them, not even bothering to look back when they call me.


I haven't got far from my seat when I heard my name being called using a mic.

All eyes are looking at me when he called my name. Or, is it really me?

"Are you the moon?" He asked and I gave him a confused look.

I can now say that he's referring to me since his eyes are looking directly to my direction.

"Because my thoughts revolve around you."