
How'd this happen (2)

Nu Mi So quickly got up and grabbed her things. She quietly looked around the room and was bombarded with memories.

The first time she came into this room was 2 years ago. Nam Jung had just got news that he would soon take over his families business. He was so excited that he had gotten Nu Mi So a gift. After all, she was the one who convinced him to fight for the position.

The gift he had gotten her was a pair of 3/4 carat diamond earrings. He had given them to her in the most beautiful way. He had lined the stairway with light pink rose petals and candles. He stood at the top of the stairway in a black tuxedo holding the box in which her earrings were in.

That night they had such a wonderful time and Nu Mi So felt like she was the only woman in the world. Even though she knew she wasn't the prettiest Nam Jung treated her like she was.

Nu Mi So lowered her eyes. It would be a lie if she said she didn't miss those sweet moments or Nam Jung for that matter. But no matter how much she missed him he betrayed her trust and went on a date with another woman.

She turned to Nam Jung who was watching her every move. She looked him up and down. She tried to hold her tongue and stay quiet, but she just needed to say a few things.

"Why didn't you have someone there to take you home if you were going to get that drunk? You should know better than to travel by yourself with your position."

Nam Jung looked down at the hand that was holding her hand tightly and balled it up. He sighed as he walked towards her, opened the door and looked at her.

"I don't like it." He had never once stopped thinking of her since their break up. He was upset with himself that he didn't explain anything to her and let their relationship shatter.

He didn't really want to go on the date with Pin Ji Su, his parents wanted him to. His parents never liked Nu Mi So. They thought she was ugly and poor. However, to them, Pin Ji Su was a goddess. She had money fame success and was beautiful.

Pin Ji Su had a diamond face shape and dark brown eyes. Her shoulder length hair was always glossy and her cheeks were always rosy. She had naturally plump lips and a downturned nose. Her skin was pale and healthy.

Her father, Pin Tae-Hyun was a top director and always made sure to put her at the top. Her mother, Pin Hee Jin, was a model who owned the runway. Naturally, because of her parents, everyone loved Pin Ji Su. Her parents used her popularity to their advantage and made her a child star.

She was featured in many popular and successful movies. As she got older her popularity only grew.

Nam Jung's parents always adored her and pictured them together on many occasions. Thus they forced Nam Jung to interact with her. Pin Ji Su's parents also loved the idea of them together and even slipped out to the public that Nam Jung and Pin Ji Su were very close.

The day Nu Mi So caught them together on a date was the day Nam Jung's parents threatened him to go on a date with Pin Ji Su. They told him if he didn't go they would give his position to Nam Jungs cousin, Kang Young Min.

Nam Jung went because he would feel guilty about losing the position Nu Mi So dearly wanted for him. He didn't think that Nu Mi So would be at that exact place and that he would have no way to explain himself.

Nu Mi So looked up at him with confusion. "You don't like what? Being a CEO...? I really don't understand you, Nam Jung..." Nu Mi So sighed as she walked out of the door. Just as she was about to reach the stairs Nam Jung spoke.

"There's no meaning anymore. " He followed behind her and stood next to her. He sighed as he prepared himself for what he was going to say next.

"What I mean is there's no meaning because... your not here...I know we just reconnected yesterday in the worst way possible but, I've seriously missed you." He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at her in all seriousness.

Nu Mi So stumbled back at his words but caught herself on the stairs railing. She looked at him wide-eyed before she let out an exaggerated laugh.

"You're not serious, are you?" Nu Mi So scoffed as she made her way down the stairs. When she reached the bottom she looked up at him.

"You couldn't have possibly missed me when you have Ji Su. She's the one everyone wants for you! You even cheated on me to be with her, so don't you dare say you missed me!" Nu Mi So's cheeks got red as she spat those word at him.

"You've got the whole situation wrong. I don't want Ji Su!" Nam Jung quickly made his way down the stairs to Nu Mi So.

"I would never betray you like that! The 4 years that we've been separated I've been so unhappy I couldn't sleep. Do you know how happy I am to be standing in front of you right now? Why do you think I stooped so low to get drunk at a bar? I planned it all!" Nam Jung looked straight into her eyes hoping she would believe him.

Nu Mi So shook her head. "I'm not doing this again, Nam Jung. I once fell for those sweet words of yours, but not again. You say you would never betray my trust but you did. I loved you so much. Don't you think I've thought of you? Thought of how things would have and could have been?"

Nu Mi So wanted to say more but she didn't see any reason to. She swiftly turned around and opened the front door. She made her way to her car and turned her head to see Nam Jung leaning on the wall looking at her. She got in her car and drove off. Driving out of the area she could finally breathe.


Nu Mi So made her way to her job. She worked at Healed Life Counseling and Therapy as a Musical Therapist.

She had always loved music as a child playing and mastering many instruments. Her favorite instrument to play was the piano. She was labeled as a child prodigy and had gotten offers to go to school to become a composer, but she wanted to use her music to help people more specifically her father.

Growing up her father was, of course, an alcoholic. Nu Mi So strongly believes this was because of his past with his parents. They used to abuse him daily. Her father would tell her stories when he was sober a long time ago.

She believes that if her father had therapy he wouldn't have been an alcoholic. She hopes to help her father let go of his trauma and live freely.


As she entered the doors she heard a ruckus. She turned down the hall and was shocked yet again to see Pin Ji Su sitting in the waiting room and many people talking to her.

Nu Mi So balled up her fists as she thought to herself 'What in the world is going on?! First I have to deal with Nam Jung now her?! I have no energy left.'

Pin Ji Su spotted Nu Mi So and stood up. She elegantly walked over. She looked like she always did, the only thing that changed is that she became even more of a snob if that's possible.

"Long time no see, Mi So." Pin Ji Su stood in front of Nu Mi So with a mocking smile.

Writing again is very therapeutic.

How do you feel about Nu Mi So and Nam Jung's encounter?

Mishilcreators' thoughts