
Wonders and Questions...

Younghee's P.O.V

So many questions have been wandering around my head. Is my real mother is still alive? What kind of world do vampires live in? Are they going to eat me? Are they going to torture me? Where are we going? What will happen tonight? So much that I want to know.

I couldn't see where we are going because the window seems to block the view of the outside. I was a seat between the two suit man. I feel scared they might hit me if I said something. So I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Here, have a drink" one of the men offer me a drink. I was being cautious because it was a drink from a vampire, you never know if they put something inside the water. I shake my head.

"Don't disobey me, human. if I say drink then drink" he grabs my chin harshly and put the cup near my lips, I keep my lips shut thigh. The other suit man pulls my hair and gasp leave out of my mouth. The water from the cup flows into my mouth. "That should keep you off until we arrive. Now sleep tight, human." I try to keep my eyes open but I couldn't.

Darkness took over.


Boys' parents' mansion

Seojun's P.O.V

"But mother, no matter how many times you made a vampire slave events. We'll be not interested in any slave there. It's been years, mother." I walk with my mother in the garden.

"Darling, you never know if someone actually catches your eyes and your brothers' eyes today. You and your brother have been feeding animal's blood ever since. We know that animal's blood never satisfied us. You know don't you, my son?"

My mother looks at me with her motherly smile and something tells me she knows something will happen tonight. I sigh "Yes, mother. This will be the last event, if there is no slave catching our attention then that's it, mother." My mother smiles and pats my back softly. "Good, be prepared before midnight. Tell your brothers, alright?" My mother kisses my cheek and goes into the house.

I sigh and mind link my other brothers about the news. "Why must mother made that event?" Sehun said in the mind link. "Because she cares about our satisfaction and needs. This will be the last event. Let's just agree to go and make her happy, alright?" I said in my mind link. The other agrees and I cut the link off.

As the oldest son, I have to be responsible for every situation that includes me and my brother. We as a brother need to agree on the same thing.

Even if we had different fathers, we are still together as one. We all have different powers, but apparently, we have the same attitude. We are never open to other vampires, we remind mysterious to them.

As I arrived at our mansion, the guard respectfully bows their head at me. We're are not a price or king but mostly vampires fear us because our three fathers are the most powerful vampire. Just like us, our father does not show their true attitude nor personality towards the outside, only towards our mother, me, and my brothers.

As I walk to the living room, I saw my brothers doing their own things. Some were playing games, some were on their laptop watching movies, some were reading books on the couch and some were dancing and there's jihoon sleeping on the carpet.

"Oh, Hyung you're back!" Soonyoung stops dancing and wave at me. "Are we seriously going to the event?" Jihoon rubs his eyes. "Yes, it's our mother's wish. We have to go". I give them a small smile and sit down beside jaewoong who is watching a movie on his laptop.

"Well, even though we wish not to go. Let's just make our mother happy." Jaewoong said as he looks away from his laptop to me."Mostly girls who attend the event just wanted to be close to us and then tried to seduce us. I rather not, having them as our slave." Hansol said as he fixes his hair.

"I know what you mean behind those words, Hansol. Just admit it you like them screaming your name and begging you to take them." Sangwoo said while the others laugh. "What? The last time I check, I was the one who's been able to senses the truth and the lies" Hansol playfully punches Dokyeom's shoulder.

"Well, alright. Let's just get ready before midnight." I said as I lay my head on Jaewoong's shoulder and close my eyes.


Younghee's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and moan when I feel a headache. I look around me and I was in a room, there was a big flat box place on the table across the room. That must be the clothes I need to wear for tonight.

I'm all alone now, no one is able to help me. I feel my tears are coming out, I feel scared and unsafe. What will happen to me? Please, someone, help me. I never believe that creatures like this actually do exist, they on exist in fantasy.

I wipe my tears and slowly get up from the bed. I start walking to the window,I slowly took a peek in the outside, It shows night time because of the darkness and the light from the moon. I walk towards where the box is placed, there's a noted place above the box.

Wear this for tonight, make yourself look pretty and fresh. Be prepare before midnight. Don't be late and don't try to escape, if not your so-called parents will die.

I start to panic and search for a clock in the room. I saw a clock near the bed and it shows 11:25. "Oh no, they said be ready before midnight. I need to get ready now or not.." images of my mother and father dying start to fill up my head. I shake the images off and ran towards the bathroom to get ready.

As I finish cleaning myself, I open the box and saw it was a black short knee dress. I quickly put the dress on and fix my hair, I need to make the man in the suit satisfied with my look if not they will torture my parents.

I look at the clock on the table next to the bed. It shows 11:45. As I sit on the bed, the bedroom door flew open. "Oh good, you're ready. I thought that I have to force you again." It was the man that force me to drink in the car. I start to feel fear and scared, I look down at my hand in my lap and try to stop my tears from coming out.

He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "Oh, pathetic human girl. Cry all you want, you're alone. No one can help you." He smirks as his other hand stroke my cheek. "Such beauty, if they aren't interested in you. I could keep you by myself" he leans in. "Keep dreaming, you deadly hideous creature!" I try to push his hand away. The man's eyes glow red, "What did you just call me? bitch!" He slaps my face hard.

"I'm going to torture you so badly if they don't take you as their slave. Now let's go!" He grad my hair harshly to make me stand up. Tears flow down my cheek, I feel scared.

What will happen to me after this?