
Who am I

"Patient is awake! " said one nurse. "Pulse is higher than usual, Dr Andrews. " said another nurse. "How fast?" Asked a male voice. "500 beats per minute doctor! " cried the second nurse. "That's five times faster than the usual." He said in a panicky tone. "Check his pupils! " ordered the doctor, and my eyes were pried open. "Try to take deep breaths " ordered the nurse who had a bright light scanning my eyes. Then it hit me, I was alive. I thought I was dreaming at first, but after I felt the pain on my back, it hit me; I was never to fly again.

The nurses kept giving me instructions and I followed. The whole time I couldn't stop wondering how I understood them. In the midst of my thoughts I felt a sharp pain in my head like something had just snapped in it. I saw the room spinning before a voice I hadn't heard before shouted "Watch out! " and an explosion erupted sending the people around me flying towards the walls of the room I was in.

I tried raising my head but it was strapped down. I was about to struggle when a pot like chamber fell on me and secreted fumes. In my panicked state, I tried taking deep breaths but choked on the fumes. I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I found a man sitting next to me. As soon as he saw that I was awake he put some kind of mask on my face. I tried holding my breath but someone else hit me in the gut and I exhaled. Not wanting to give up, I tried holding my breath again but I was out of air and with the gas I had already inhaled while trying to hold my breath, I passed out again wondering what I had done to deserve the treatment I was getting.

After that, I don't know what happened because I was not there anymore. I was watching the legions fly back home to Krodelia. I had my bow Archien in one hand and my special blade Arc in the other. I flew after them and when I got there it was like getting into a completely different atmosphere.

It was the most marvelous place anyone can dream of; Clear white skies, beautiful golden mountains that have cracks releasing pure golden water, also known as the Drink of the Gods, not that everyone here is a God. The water flows down to scenic valleys that have flowers of every kind and color and then up into the air where the buildings are. The air belongs to the people but the ground is for the plants. Only specialized farmers can reach the ground, not just anyone. In the center of all the buildings is a huge castle for Royalty. That is my home. From inside you can see the ground but not touch it. I could see everyone above but I could not get to them. I felt like a caged bird, unable to be free. Then I saw two winged creatures flying to me. They landed in front of me and started laughing. One of them said "Where is your pride now prince!" and they continued laughing at me. My heart broke, knowing that the people laughing at me were my brothers I screamed to consciousness. There were nurses surrounding me. As soon as they saw me open my eyes, they scattered and ran for the door. All accept one young nurse. She looked no older than 25 years. She put her hands up as a form of surrendering. I turned my head towards her. The other nurses were knocking on the glass doors shouting for her to get out, but she didn't listen. I could tell that she was scared, but was taking a leap of faith. She approached me slowly, "I come in peace" she said. She unbuckled my limbs and took a few steps back. I tried to stand on my own but my knees buckled and I fell but she caught me in midair. I looked into her eyes, her beautiful eyes, full of tranquility and got trapped in her serene stare. I couldn't look away. I wanted to but I couldn't. There was something about her, something intriguingly special, but I couldn't tell what. "You can't move on your own. The sedatives that they gave you blocks all the instructions from your brain reaching your limbs." The way she handled me, it was like something she had been doing since she was born. She put me back on the bed and I lied down again. I have to say, I felt quite embarrassed. Being handled by a lady like that. I was the one who used to handle people not them handling me, but then again, what would I have done to one as beautiful as her?

"Please, no more injections" I pleaded with her and she promised me that there wouldn't be any. I leaned back on the pillows of the bed and let my senses roam free. For the first time in a long time I was able to let my mental links attain people's emotions around me. It felt good for once to be free like that again. Just when I was about to let my links leave the building, I felt scared. I did not even know what I was afraid of but something held me back. In all that time, I had my eyes closed, but when I opened them, I found doctors around me with needles. The woman was not there. I screamed in fear and every glass around me cracked. I could feel my body warming up and preparing to shield its self. Just when I was about to wave, she came in running and chased everyone away. "I am so sorry; I did not even know they were in here" she said trying to meet my gaze. When she did, she moved away in fear. "You promised," I said trying to get up from the bed. I stood on my own, "You said there would be no needles!" and the glasses shattered but the pieces floated in the air. The doctors from the outside kept shouting and begging her to leave the room but she didn't. I felt her fear but what really got my attention was her urge to protect. She was willing to protect me even though I was about to hurt her. I was still hoping that her urge to protect would betray her and she would run out in fear, I mean I am a god after all so I was hoping that she would be a little scared but nope, she started getting closer to me. When she finally touched my hand, all the glass pieces fell on the ground and I collapsed, but she caught me before I reached the ground. She put me back on the bed again but this time I sat up watching the door. I was ready to annihilate anyone who walked through the door. "I'm Ashley, Ashley Peale." She said moving the long hair from my face. To get a better look at me. That was when I realized I had long hair for the first time. "What's yours?" she asked in a sweet voice. "Kyle O'Casey," I whispered. "You have a pretty name, Ashley" and she blushed and looked away from me. "So can you tell me more about yourself?" she asked solemnly. "When do I go home?" I asked her. "Well, if I knew where your family was I would take you there, but the thing is you don't have an identity? We looked through every system but you don't exist." she replied. "But," I said confused "I'm here aren't I?" I said raising my voice to her. "I know but we are still looking." "If I don't exist then how is it that I am in front of you right now, are you trying to tell me that I'm a ghost?" I asked frustrated. "I'm afraid I don't have an explanation for that" she replied. "Here's what I know though, you heal faster than normal humans, you fell from the sky, you have markings all over your body and your eyes glow in the dark. Wanna tell me about that?" "There's nothing to tell "I replied with a grumpy tone. "And where am I?" "You're on planet Earth " and when she said it I felt a pit open in my stomach. Just then I heard two people talking: "He's been in here for too long. The problem is if we allow him to leave this place who will monitor him? We cannot have an alien moving around the city without a chaperone." said a male voice. "Maybe he could stay with the nurse I told you about. She seems rather fond of him." Replied a female voice. "If it truly is time for him to leave this place as the council suggests then he will be more than safe with Mrs. Peale, but if anything goes wrong then he comes back here and stays under for as long as we can keep him" "There's no arguing with that idea" replied the male voice. "Hey! Are you okay?" asked a worried Ashley who was waving her hand in front of me "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about things" then someone opened the door and I turned towards it and got ready.